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Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  Awaked of Storm October 25th, 2014 at 12:26pm

Doctor how is going with the new robot Its going preety well Airman Taht sound great i can wait to met him when he awakes Yeah me to i can wait to punk him in a battle Guys can you let the doctor concetrate he will finish him soon Ahh thank you Bass i just need a quit place to finish its last parts … Read More
Awaked of Storm
Posted by AlphaShurikenGSXR on October 25th, 2014 at 12:26pm
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Posted on November 22nd, 2014 at 3:56am #16
@TheDoc : True Doc they can post evrything in a one coment not more times
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 22nd, 2014 at 4:02am #17 ( Edited : 2014/11/22 at 5:44am )
ring-manWell i should head to the city and look For Storm and Gyroman
gyro-manWell Storm i see you have quite strong robot ability so i want to call you in a battle
bassYou sure Gyroman if you want i accept the chalange
ring-manI should whatch Storm fight for awhile since he ben trained by Quickman and Shadowman
gyro-manBring it on MegaStorm attack with Gyro attack
bassShoots Fire chaser take taht
magnet-manWell Ringman i see you enyoing to what thes two how they fighting
ring-manIst Magnet man what you doing in this place
magnet-manI just hear the batteling sound noises and comed to chek out
ring-manYeah taht is true hope they dont awake heat man wich sleeps over ther
heat-manJumps who is ther who did distrubed mine sleep and peace
bassUhhh her comes more trouble then i thought and why did Heat man sleep her
gyro-manStorm whatch out Heat man has new core put in him his Atomic fire does more damage than before
bassgyro-man punk heat-man
heat-manPunk!!! what are you doing her in taht critical shape
bassHis core is in bad shape i he dosent get fix soon he will be disabled
gyro-manDid in hear got hoter or is mine core overloading
heat-manDang it i forgot about the facility tempature i will fix it hang on guys
heat-manWell i retuned the teamputer to normal we should repair Punk for now and find out whats going on
bassYeah we should find out whats is going around her telports out
gyro-manWell heat men lets get out The facility and look for a robot who lives in Junk jard
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 22nd, 2014 at 6:15am #18 ( Edited : 2014/11/22 at 6:19am )
@MegaBoyX7 : And you can post one come if u did not know

bassHello Megaboy so you came to fight me or just do an a talk
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3,969,566 BP
13 TP | 203 PP
Posted on November 22nd, 2014 at 7:22am #19 ( Edited : 2014/11/22 at 7:24am )
@MegaTaosenaiStorm :
mega-man : yes i have come to challange you ]{flame}
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 22nd, 2014 at 8:24am #20 ( Edited : 2014/11/22 at 8:24am )
bassWery welll shoots needle missels
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on November 22nd, 2014 at 12:50pm #21
@MegaTaosenaiStorm : Same rules apply for everyone, including the topic creator. Before MegaBoy's comment just now, you tripleposted when you could've edited you first post. Please do not post consecutively within 24 hours (or around that time).
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 23rd, 2014 at 5:24am #22 ( Edited : 2014/11/23 at 5:45am )
heat-manWell i looked at Punk core is in bad shape i manged to find a cutter core to put in him and i guess is working perfectly
gyro-manI see Wily really made an a smart robot form you so you been living in this Facitilty
dust-manHey who are you guys and what are you doing in the facitily
heat-manIs he freind of yours Gyro Man
gyro-manI think he is not but i know him hes been living on Rusty scraphead why is he her?
dust-manStart colecting derbis and makes an Junk blocks shoots it at Gyro Man and Heat man
heat-manWe are scrwed if taht hit us
shadow-manThrows the Shadow Blade breaks the junk block are you alright ther
dust-manArgh mine plan will fail i need to retreat to the Base and report to the Boss telports out
gyro-manShadow Man. what are you doing her?
mega-manSo those are quite pwerful robots hmmm but wer did go the shady one i want him to chalnge to a battle mhuhauhaha
heat-manWhat is this evil laughing around her lets go out on surfance we are near the enterance
bassThe sandstorm is to strong i can see anything
Time arrow hits Storm and makes him shut down
bright-manWell well we got an quite nice build robot in her
time-manYeah he is quite built lets take its parts and upraged our selfs
bright-manYeah lets do taht you have an a great idea Time Man
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 23rd, 2014 at 11:44am #23 ( Edited : 2014/11/23 at 12:10pm )
time-manBright Man. lets take form this robot parts and makes us more powerfull
[robot}{bright-man}Yeah we should do taht btw way we no needing shadow cores so i have anthore idea for this robot
time-manwhat do you mean Bright Man are you going to upraged him did you program crashed again
heat-manI picking an impact core signals 10 miles form us Gyro Man.
gyro-manI picked the signal to while we wer in Stell Mill
punkUghhh wer i am who are you two i should distable bot of you i fell weak
gyro-manSo you are awake Punk tell me who did attacked you
punkI rember it was an impact core robot i thinked it was Hard Man but it was not it had quite more power then any other robots
heat-manHmmm i swore Storm should be calling us he told us he will wait for us in this location is werid
In BrightMan secret base
time-manBright Man how is going with the upraged of this robot and i know we found taht disabled Shadow Man parts for what you need them excatly
bright-manI going use those parts and make this robot armor look like Shadow man do you undersatnd now Time Man
time-manYes i understand
Dust man breaks in bit damaged
dust-manBoss bad word i spoted Heat Man and Gyro Man in Stell Mill they ben saved by the Shadow Man wich at Junk jard
bright-manI know taht alerdy Dust Man i alerdy got the report form mine new robot wich haves Impact Core
mega-manWell you should mentoint me wait is Taht the robot what i saw form erilair why do you uprgade him bright Man shoots Hard Knuckle
shadow-manArghh mine head hurts huh wait an hard knuckle Jumps form the table and covers behaind an wall (whats going on her and what happend to me)
time-manBright Man the robot is waked up and its gone
bright-manWHAT HE IS GONE SEEND THE SECURITY ROBOt to look for him
napalm-manWhats mine mission to find the missing robot okay sir im on mine way
shadow-manI should find Heat man and others in old mine
heat-manWer is storm i cant wait him anymore we got repaired some old robots and he is late arghhh
shadow-manTeleport behaind form Heat man did i was late sorry guys
punkWhen did you get you uprgade
shadow-manWell i escaped form Bright man he is battelign and impact robot and he seend an robot after me
gyro-manI see he used Shadow man parts and adding an space core intresting
napalm-manFinaly found you escaped Robot
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 24th, 2014 at 7:10am #24 ( Edited : 2014/11/24 at 7:21am )
bass-copyYou cant do anything right Dust man good thing i found quint repair quint and the try to locate the robot wich uses Shadow man body and shadow core defat him and get him her
dust-manOkay sir i will frist fix Quint the go look for storm telports out with quint in the Lab
bass-copyNow i have to locate some disabled robots and make them mine mebers
shadow-manWell Napalm man you fight good is time for me to finish this Skull Destroyer
napalm-manIt cant be arghhh *faints*
shadow-manGyro Man take Napalm Man repair him and he will be good use for use now evrbody go to the base *teleports out*
dust-manDarn it Quint wer did you get so bad damaged this gona take a while to repair lets get to the work
mega-manSo he will take its move i going to find good robots and fight to *telports out*
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 24th, 2014 at 10:19am #25 ( Edited : 2014/11/24 at 11:43am )
bass-copyWell while dust man is busy i can give you small Duty Disco
discoWhat do you need Boss
bass-copyYou can you bring me more robots to the base we need more mebers
discoTaht will not be hard since i have someting to do frist then i bring more mebers
bass-copyI know what you planing frist you can do taht and ask dust man to give you an vacum in your buster it will be helpfull to you
shadow-manWell we need to get more robots to our team
punkYeah tahts true i help you Storm
shadow-manThanks punk meet me at Rocky Plateu
punkOkay i will wait u ther
dust-manFinaly finished you Quint
quintHow much did a been disabled Dust Man
dust-manWell we found you in bad shape so i toked me so long to fix you
quintAhh so taht been happend well wer are other robots or taht layz pest Wily
dust-manThe creator of us the vanished we can even locate them anymore we are all on our own
discoDust man can you instal the vacum in mine busster
dust-manOh yeah i rember now instaling Vacumm in Disco complet
discoThanks see you later you two
Roll was walking the Park
discoSo i finaly found you Roll smirks
rollWhat do you want Disco contes again wich of us is most beutiful i know you are going to lose again right Rhytm
rhythmYeah Disco don try again to lose so leave us alone
discoWell we will see who will lose or win (disco turns her buster in vacum)try this you both (starts sucking all)
rollIs taht Dust Man vacum
rhythmThis cannt be true Roll be carefull hold thigt for someting
Disco vacums start sucking more then Can Roll and Rhythm figure out what Disco whants or it will be to late
rollI cant hold anymore(she could not anymore she wennt right in disco trap)this is bad
Disco caghuts roll with her vacum and Disco suck up inside with the vacum Roll Disco could barly breath
discoDarn how dustman can hold taht junk in him you are next Rhytm
rhythmRoll i need to help her i dont want to end like her
shadow-manWell Punk lets try to get Hard man to our team
punkYeah lets punk him up
bomb-manThis going been a kaboom fun
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 24th, 2014 at 3:33pm #26 ( Edited : 2014/11/24 at 3:58pm )
discoUghh whiy did i ask to get the vacum now i can barly move while is roll in mine vacum bag i only know to suck things in no mather i make vacum go higher speed and give it more power to suck
rhythmThis bad i cant hold anymore(is this end of me she cros her hands and gets in disco vaucm)i failed just like you Roll...
discoUffff the vacum is full only thing is telport to mine hideout
shadow-manWhatc out punk her comes anthore flying fist
punkShoot screw crusher take taht hard shell
hard-manArghh i cant last much longer i give up
shadow-manNice job Punk lets move out her
discoUghh im to full to move i can even belive i did this the dustman vacum is bit damaged but what i will do whit those two iniside mine stomach wih has the vacum bag
heat-manCome out wher ever you are Snake man
snake-manYyyyyouuu pisss me off with ur fire i rip you part by part
heat-manI cant let you find storm atomic blaze
shadow-manHeat man what are you doing dont do this don disabled your self donnntt
Proto Man grabs Storm was strugling to help heat man but he could do anything
proto-manHe did this for you Storm now lets head back to Wily castle and we need to get Bass Copy wich planig to destroy evbody who you know
Its beeen while nobody saw Disco for weaks one day she shows up with new body of her
discoWhat you all looking pervets
quintWhen did u get so fricking beutiful
discoI have mine secrets how much new mebers do we have
quintWegot enoug to curhs anbody on our way
discoGood job quint
mega-manHold on Storm can we be an a group Bass copy has powerfull robots
shadow-manYeah sure evrbody lets meat at the base
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2014 at 8:54am #27 ( Edited : 2014/11/26 at 2:42pm )
discoWell i like mine new beutiful body Quint cant stop looking at me giggles
quintDisco we should go and look for the new robots
shadow-manDarn it why did heat man had to do taht
snake-manI know how you felling Storm can i help in anything
drill-manWell we securet the Impact core robot
mega-manArghh let me go i dont have anything to do in this place
fire-manYou 100% sure you dont be her we brought u by our own resons
mega-manCallm down Fire Man we can do this without fight
gemini-manYeah Mega man is in right we need to calam our self or and focus on our strategy
crash-manYea we need a good plan and a Name for our team
balladeWhat about the name of team ShadowHunterZX
punkI like the name what Ballade said and we need one more robot to our group and i know wich one
mega-manWhat robot you meant Punk
enkerI supose you guys need me
shadow-manYou still alive Enker i am suprised
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2014 at 3:26pm #28 ( Edited : 2014/11/26 at 3:50pm )
enkerOK we made good plan and strategy we should head to Wily Castle
shadow-manYeah lets do this evrbody
balladeYeah lets go all and defeat Bass copy
bass-copyBe preaperd all ShadowHuntersZX are making they move to Castle defend with all force
mega-manYou got all the plan we should stop the main defense so the ohters can go in
quick-manOkay i got it Shade and other lets do this
top-manYea i am ready to crush someting
needle-manOk im will do mine part of misson follow me Hard Man and Time man
punkLets put the dukes in and do our best Screw Crusher
discoArghh they breaking in
quintPoints its busster on Disco *sigh* give up Disco they are breaking besuce they trust each other just like Roll and Rhythm you absorbed they cores to get this beuty isnt
discoHow do you know taht Quint and what happend to Dust man
dust-manWell Quint told me the truth about MultiVirusBug wish copy Bass programed in himeself
quintYeah the multibug is hard to remove if is onece instaled so you better come with us and release Roll and Rhythm
discoThen i will never be beutifull like this
shadow-manWer did go Copy Bass i will follow him
bass-copyWhy the bug dosent work why are they not disabled
mega-manWell besuce Bass you useded to much Shadow cores and yoou ended like this you can barly control your self
balladeEnker you go inside and find the other robots and disabled them
shadow-manTrue Bass you can control so much shadow energy
bass-copyYou see i will control it arghhuggghhhh
mega-manYou see you cant controli it is time to destroyed the shadow energy inside you Bass
stone-manCrush them like frogs donr let them close to the doors
proto-manShoots Proto-Strike are you letting us in or i willl crush you Stone head
stone-manPlease dont do taht i letting you in
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 27th, 2014 at 4:58pm #29 ( Edited : 2014/11/27 at 5:05pm )
quintWhat you wating for disco let out Roll and Rhythm cores or i will force you to do it
discoOkay i will let them out i hate you Wuint release roll and rhythm
rollThank you quint for saving us now we need to find shade and others
top-manLets do this i going get Flame man he is mine
shadow-manYou see bass you cant control so much power by your self
bass-copyArghh yea i know taht now destroy me Mega
mega-manI cant do taht Bass i cant disable you
bass-copyJust do it i will be fine
mega-manOkay shots form its busster and blast and destroys Bass
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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 29th, 2014 at 5:39pm #30
Since i did not post any story i was looking for soem ideas to add in it and i continuge sthe story Awakeing of Storm
shadow-manMega we should look for others and Bass will be okay
mega-manOkay Storm lets go we need to finish the robots wich are still active i going look for Ring man
ring-manWer is Mega man i want to destroy him to crush him
pharaoh-manRing man is geting out of control he should use so much space cores
gravity-manTrue Pharaoh man we we need to get out of her Megaman is going take care of Ring man
quintWell i need look for Skull man he is been using to much evil energy
ring-manAh you came Mega now let me rip you part by part
mega-manNot this time Ring man shoots Mega Blast
ring-manUrghhh got damaged how i should be invicble
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