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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  "Create" a Mega Man Game! November 3rd, 2014 at 10:33pm

Did you ever wonder what would it be like if Bass was the main character? Or if past robot masters teamed up with each other? Well, this is a place where you can have fun making up stories/fan games. Unfortunately, you obviously can't MAKE one here, but if you have experience in making them and are … Read More
"Create" a Mega Man Game!
Posted by Beta Man on November 3rd, 2014 at 10:33pm
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Posted on October 9th, 2015 at 9:16pm #121 ( Edited : 2015/11/26 at 1:11pm )
The Fighting Genre just hit this Thread, so here's the newest entry, Mega Kick based on Drop Kick

Mega Kick uses only two Buttons for Gameplay, there's no ability to move, so the two inputs are divided in two categories
Dive- The user launches him/herself into the air, this input usually is only used to avoid enemy attacks,
Kick- The user's attack, the input usually can only be used in the air

mega-man Mega Man
Dive: Jet [Flies in a Mainly Vertical Angle]
Kick: Power Knuckle [Launches in a Diagnally Downward angle]

proto-man Proto Man
Dive: Tengu Blade [Flies in an Upward angle]
Kick: Proto Strike [Short Range Attack, attack makes user launch at a horizontal angle]

bass Bass
Dive: Treble Adaptor [Flies at a 45 Degree Angle]
Kick: Bass Buster [Shoots 3 shots at random angles, mid-long ranged]

roll Roll
Dive: Item-2 [Create a floating platform]
Kick: Flower Bomb [Falls at the angle of Hyper Bomb in MM1]

cut-man Cut Man
Dive: Cut Roller [Summersaults at a Horizontal angle]
Kick: Scissor Slasher [short-ranged attack]

guts-man Guts Man
Dive: Guts Smash [Slams fist on the ground to propel at a 30 degree angle]
Kick: Super Arm [Throws Guts Block at a downward angle]

bomb-man Bomb Man
Dive: Bomb Blaster [Blasts a Bomb to propel at a 50 degree angle]
Kick: Dynamo Bomb [Explosion covers a small area around user]

fire-man Fire Man
Dive: Chimney Chaser [Jumps in an 85 degree angle in a cloud of Smoke]
Kick: Flame Chaser [Shoots a Flame at a downward angle]

ice-man Ice Man
Dive: Freezing Whirlwind [Flies at an upwards diagnol angle in a Burst of ice]
Kick: Ice Slash [Shoots a Cluster of Ice at a 45 degree angle]

elec-man Elec Man
Dive: Elec Surge [Launches at a 45 degree angle]
Kick: Elec Knuckle [Short-ranged attack]

Story Mode: Travel through shortened versions of the MM1 Robot Master's Stages with the New controls

Stage 1: Random RM
Stage 2: Random RM
Stage 3: mega-man Copy Bot
Dive: Copy Jet
Kick: (Random RM Kick input)

Stage 4: dr-wily dr-light Dr. Wily (Mega Man, Proto Man, Roll) Dr. Light (Bass, Robot Masters)
Dive: Wily/Light Booster (Flies in an upwards angle)
Kick: Wily/Light Buster (Shoots a Spread Shot in a downward angle)

Ending: the Player Flies off with a Burning Castle in the background and returns back home, the screen slowly blacks out, but with the faint hum of an aircraft.

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215,856,038 BP
4 TP | 44 PP
Posted on November 21st, 2015 at 9:20pm #122
Sense I am bored and I dunno what to do, I'll do some


Wait! Before I get in-depth, the goal is football. Either [rush the football with friendly AI or friends OR online peeps] or (if you can) kick that football to the goal thingy!] You can Kick, Run (left stick), Dash (O) and SHAKE SHAKE ShAKE! With Triangle. Shake to get the tacklers off (You can press R1 and L1 to Tackle BTW) Run to move and you know why you can kick! There is 2 specials for each character, including their personal moves (Like Mega Buster) and well, special moves. :3
mega-man MEGA MAN: Personal Move: MEGA BUSTER, shoot the ball with R2 or shoot other to make them less durable and easier to tackle. MEGA BALL, confuse enemies by throwing a Mega Ball in front of you, but it acts like a mine to slow enemies down ultimately! Takes 15 seconds for Cool Down.

I'll do more later.
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on December 1st, 2015 at 6:15pm #123 ( Edited : 2015/12/01 at 7:27pm )
Name: Beta Man 3: Evil Man Strikes Back

Players: Beta Man (New Weapon List: Beta Buster, Beta Blast (A ball made of shadows that explodes), and Shadow Rapier mega-man MegaBoy (Beat the game) mega-man Zero (Beat Hard Mode) bass
Description: Beta Man, previously known as Bt Man, has recently had an upgrade so he could be prepared for more villains. And not a moment too soon, because Evil Man and his evil clones of the 3rd-gen robots have arrived, and they are more powerful than ever! Once again, Beta Man calls upon MegaBoy for help, not knowing that Zero, too, is after Evil Man.

Robot Master 1: Evil Needle Man (Weapon: Needle Blitz- Shoots multiple needles in multiple directions rapidly.) needle-man
Robot Master 2: Evil Magnet Man (Weapon: Magnet Blast- Similar to his magnetic field, but when the magnet connects, it explodes.) magnet-man
Robot Master 3: Evil Gemini Man (Weapon: Gemini Clone- When alone, Gemini Man summons a clone that takes only one hit. The clone fires Gemini Lasers.) gemini-man
Robot Master 4: Evil Hard Man (Weapon: Hard Punch- Shoots out two Hard Knuckles, then shoots out a bigger one that is similar to the Mega Fist.) hard-man
Robot Master 5: Evil Top Man (Weapon: Explosive Top- While spinning on his path, he summons three tops that stands still and then explodes.) top-man
Robot Master 6: Evil Snake Man (Weapon: Exploding Snake- The third Search Snake is slightly bigger and, when it hits Beta Man/MegaBoy/Zero, it explodes/) snake-man
Robot Master 7: Evil Spark Man (Weapon: Giga Spark- Launches a bigger version of the Spark Shock after shooting the originals. Does much more damage than the regular Spark Shock.) spark-man
Robot Master 8: Evil Shadow Man (Weapon: Shadow Katana- A very big hop in which, when he comes down, he lands in the middle, stabbing a katana in the ground, causing two waves to spread out for a wider attack.) shadow-man/Super Shadow Man (Secret Boss on Hard Mode) (Based off of the Shadow Man boss from Rockman 4: Minus Infinity) shadow-man

Weaknesses: Evil Needle Man- Gemini Clone Evil Magnet Man- Needle Blitz, Giga Spark, Shadow Katana, Shadow Rapier, Z-Saber, Shadow Blade* Evil Gemini Man- Exploding Snake Evil Hard Man- Magnet Blast, Hard Fist Evil Top Man- Hard Fist, Beta Blast Evil Snake Man- Giga Spark, Magnet Blast, Needle Blitz, Shadow Katana, Shadow Rapier, Z-Saber, Shadow Blade Evil Spark Man- Shadow Katana, Beta Blast, Shadow Rapier, Shadow Blade Evil Shadow Man- Explosive Top Super Shadow Man- None

*The weapon you get from beating Super Shadow Man.

Evil Man's Lair 1: Evil Copy Robot mega-man mega-man bass-copy
Evil Man's Lair 2: Evil Man Form 1 bass
Evil Man's Lair 3: Evil Man Form 2 proto-man
Evil Man's Lair 4: Robot Master Rematches Retro-type proto-man (A once-malfunctioning prototype of Retro Pikachu)
Final Boss: [Evil Man Final Form mega-man-copy]{shadow_empty}

Congratulations! You have unlocked Hard Mode! Most of the bosses' weapons are insta-kill, and the mechas take longer to defeat! You also unlocked MegaBoy!

Secret Final Boss: Slur slur (Slur AGAIN!? You know the deal.)
^ Top
35,367,094,410 BP
5 TP | 116 PP
Posted on December 5th, 2015 at 2:05pm #124 ( Edited : 2015/12/05 at 8:48pm )
I have yet another, strange entry to the thread
Dr. Wily's invasion

dr-light Dr. Light sniper-joe Mecha

In order to upgrade his robots, Dr. Wily steals all of Dr. Light's parts from the lab one night. All of Dr. Light's robots are gone, even Mega Man. Now it's Dr. Light's turn in the limelight!

I believe the best way to decsribe this would be a Metroidvania styled game in which Dr. Light has to travel around the Robot Masters' territory to collect different kinds of materials to create robots to protect him and take down the Robots Wily stole from him.

In order to construct a Robot, it requires an Engine, a Memory chip, and a Core, the available Robots include:
mettal =Basic Engine, 1MB Chip, Basic core. 1 LE, Buster-Based
tackle-fire =Renegade Engine, 1MB Chip, Flame Core. 2 LE, Bash/Flame-Based
flea =Basic Engine, 2MB Chip, Basic Core. 2 LE, Bash-Based
sniper-joe =Sniper Engine, 4MB Chip, Shield Core, Mettaur. 4 LE, Buster-Based
hot-head =Renegade Engine, 6MB Chip, Flame Core, 3 Tackle Fires. 6 LE Flame-Based
picket-man =Sniper Engine, 6MB Chip, Shield Core, Sniper Joe. 8 LE Buster-Based
fan-fiend =Windy Engine, 8MB Chip, Wind Core. 8 LE Wind-Based
snapper =Aqua Engine, 10MB Chip, Water Core. 10 LE Water-Based
fire-man =Fire Engine, 24MB Chip, Flame Core, 6 Tackle Fires, 2 Hotheads, Mettaur. 14 LE Flame-Based
air-man =Windy Engine, 32MB Chip, Wind Core, 3 Fan Fiends, Sniper Joe. 16 LE Wind-Based
bubble-man =Aqua Engine, 32MB Chip, Water Core, 8 Snappers, 3 Mettaurs. 16 LE Water-Based
roll =Support Engine, 64MB Chip, Support Core, 4 Sniper Joes, 6 Mettaurs. 20 LE, Support-Based

Area 0: Higsby's Shop [Buy robots here for Zenny after unlocking them]
Mettaur: 100Z
Tackle Fire: 300Z
Flea: 650Z
Sniper Joe: 1000Z
Picket Man: 1350Z
Hothead: 1400Z
Fan Fiend: 1800Z
Snapper: 2500Z
Fire Man: 5000Z
Bubble Man: 6000Z
Air Man: 7000Z

Area 1: Clock Tower
time-man Time Man Weak to Flame-Based Attacks. 8 LE
[elec-man Elec Man]{time-electric} Weak to Bash-Based Attacks. 8 LE

Area 2: Quarry
guts-man Guts Man Weak to Water-Based Attacks. 12 LE
bomb-man Bomb Man Weak to Flame-Based Attacks. 10 LE

Area 3: Warehouse
cut-man Cut Man Weak to Bash-Based attacks. 8 LE
oil-man Oil Man Weak to flame based attacks. 12 LE

Area 4: Wily Citadel
fire-man Fire Man Weak to Water-Based attacks. 12 LE
ice-man Ice Man Weak to Support-Based attacks. 14 LE
bass Bass Weak to Wind-Based attacks. 14 LE

Area 5: Plaza
mega-man Mega Man Weak to Water-Based Attacks. 16 LE
proto-man Proto Man Weak to Flame-Based attacks. 16 LE

Area 6: Wily Laboratories
dr-wily Dr. Wily Wily Machine 1
Form 1 Weak to Flame-Based Attacks. 20 LE
Form 2 Weak to Wind-Based Attacks. 10 LE

After defeating Wily, your current mecha and Dr. Light run home and meet up at home with Mega Man and Roll a la Mega Man 1. When the reunite, the screen slowly fades to black.

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3,969,566 BP
13 TP | 203 PP
Posted on December 6th, 2015 at 6:38pm #125
@MusicalReindeer : Nobody knows who I am anymore
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35,367,094,410 BP
5 TP | 116 PP
Posted on December 13th, 2015 at 12:37pm #126 ( Edited : 2015/12/13 at 10:07pm )
Sorry for (kind of) double posting, but...
Dr. Wily's Invasion Act II

Player(s): dr-light Dr. Light dr-cossack Dr. Cossack

Story: In order to power up his own robots, Dr. Wily decides it would be best to steal the parts from Dr. Light and Dr. Cossack, leaving them with nothing. The two Doctors decide to team up to get back what was stolen from them!

This "game" would play similarly to the first entry, However, the robots' stats will differ depending on who controls them (similar to MMRPG). For example, robots controlled by Dr. Light are more sturdy, while robots controlled by Dr. Cossack are faster

Similar to the first entry, building a robot requires an engine, a Chip, and a core, the available robots are:
mettaur Mettaur Basic Engine, 1MB Chip, Basic Core. 1 LE, Buster-Based
flea Flea Basic Engine, 2MB Chip, Basic Core. 2 LE, Bash-Based
sniper-joe Sniper Joe Sniper Engine, 4MB Chip, Buster Core. 4 LE, BusterShield-Based
picket-man Picket Man Guts Engine, 4MB Chip, Guts Core. 6 LE, Buster-Based
fan-fiend Fan Fiend Windy Engine, 8MB Chip, Wind Core. 8 LE, Wind-Based.
spin-fiend Spin Fiend Spin Engine, 8MB Chip, Swift Core. 8 LE, Spin-Based
needle-ned Needle Ned Needle Engine, 12MB Chip, Cutter Core. 10 LE, Needle-Based
batton Batton Nature Engine, 16MB Chip, Nature Core. 12 LE, DrainNature-Based.
guts-man Guts Man Guts Engine, 12MB Chip, Guts Core, Mettaur, 2 Picket Men. 10 LE, Bash-Based
air-man Air Man Windy Engine, 16MB Chip, Wind Core, 3 Fan Fiends. 12 LE, Wind-Based.
top-man Top Man Spin Engine, 20 MB Chip, Swift Core, 3 Spin Fiends. 13 LE, Spin-Based
needle-man Needle Man Needle Engine, 24MB Chip, Cutter Core, 4 Needle Neds. 16 LE, Needle-Based.
wood-man Wood Man Nature Engine, 32MB Chip, Nature Core, 4 Battons. 18 LE, Nature-Based
roll Roll Support Engine, 64MB Chip, Support Core, 5 Mettaurs. 20 LE, Support Based

Area 0: Prototype Training Grounds (Test out different kinds of robots here)
mega-man Copy Bot Indefinite LE.

Area 1: Clock Tower
metal-man Metal Man 10 LE. Weak to Needle-Based attacks
flash-man Flash Man 11 LE. Weak to Spin-Based attacks
bright-man Bright Man 12 LE. Weak to Impact-Based attacks

Area 2: Quarry
crash-man Crash Man 14 LE. Weak to Bash-Based Attacks
drill-man Drill Man 15 LE. Weak to Nature-Based Attacks

Area 3: Egyptian Tombs
pharoah-man Pharoah Man 18 LE. Weak to Wind-Based attacks
heat-man Heat Man 20 LE. Weak to Wind-Based attacks
skull-man Skull Man 21 LE. Weak to Impact-Based attacks

Area 4: Super Evil Laboratory
quick-man Quick Man 24 LE. Weak to Spin-Based attacks
bass Bass 28 LE. Weak to Support-Based attacks
shadow-man Shadow Man 26 LE. Weak to Spin-Based attacks
air-man Air Man 28 LE, weak to Nature-Based attacks

Area 5: Environment Preservation Facility
wood-man Wood Man 27 LE. Weak to Wind-Based attacks
bubble-man Bubble Man 30 LE. Weak to No Attacks
top-man Top Man 30 LE. Weak to Needle-Based Attacks

Area 6: Space Station
ring-man Ring Man 32 LE. Weak to Needle-Based Attacks
star-man Star Man 34 LE. Weak to Impact-Based Attacks
galaxy-man Galaxy Man 36 LE. Weak to Impact-Based attacks.

Area 7: Plaza
mega-man Mega Man 28 LE. Weak to Buster-Based attacks
proto-man Proto Man 28 LE. Weak to Buster-Based attacks
bass Bass 28 LE. Weak to Support-Based attacks
rhythm Rhythm 36 LE. Weak to Support-Based Attacks
disco Disco 36 LE. Weak to Support-Based Attacks

Area 8: Wily Castle
dr-wily Dr. Wily (Piloting Wily Machine 1 Form 1: 30 LE, Weak to Nature-Based Attacks
Form 2: 15 LE, Weak to Drain-Based attacks
dr-wily Dr. Wily (Piloting Cossack Machine Form 1: 35 LE, Weak to Spin-Based attacks
Form 2: 23 LE, Weak to Support-Based attacks
Form 3: 11 LE, Weak to Wind-Based Attacks

The "game" ends like MM7. Dr. Light or Dr. Cossack (accompanied with their current Robot) walk away from a burning castle, the screen darkens, and the credits roll.
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on December 16th, 2015 at 7:11pm #127
Name: Mega Man 9 1/2

Players: Mega Man mega-man Proto Man proto-man Doc Robot (Has access to attacks from MM9 Robot Masters that are replaced in the game.)
Description: Dr. Light created new robots to help out in the world. However, a new law is passed to give robots expiration dates in which at that time they must be scrapped, and a few of the robots, as well as, like in ALL games in the 1/2 series, robots who once helped out King in his conquest (and others, to follow along with the 1/2 game series' storyline) were scheduled to be scrapped. However, they rebelled and isolated themselves in locations all around Monstropolis, and Dr. Light is blamed! It's up to Mega Man and Proto Man to work together and stop them.

Although I respect the fact that Tengu Man and Astro Man are from Mega Man & Bass as well, and the two robots could replace Tornado Man and Galaxy Man respectively, they originated from MM8, thus aren't OFFICIALLY qualified to replace them. Or however you'd like to say it.

Robot Master 1: Ground Man
Robot Master 2: Tornado Man
Robot Master 3: Splash Woman
Robot Master 4: Dynamo Man
Robot Master 5: Jewel Man jewel-man
Robot Master 6: Hornet Man hornet-man
Robot Master 7: Burner Man
Robot Master 8: Galaxy Man galaxy-man

There are also 3 bonus bosses, compared to the 1 in the original. Two of these bosses are based on the early designs of Splash Woman and Hornet Man, which I'm sure you are aware of the tale. The two bosses have different variations of the

Bonus Boss 1: Fake Man (Weapon: Revolver Buster- A rapid-fire buster that, on Mega Man/Proto Man/Doc Robot, works like Bass' buster, except it can't be aimed and has limited energy, like other weapons.)
Bonus Boss 2: Ocean Man (Weapon: Harpoon Missile- Exploding version of Laser Trident, which locks on the opponent.)
Bonus Boss 3: Blossom Woman (Weapon: Bee Swarm- A shield made of bees that, if it hits the player or a boss, swarms around the player/boss, stinging it three times. It gets weaker the more bees that are disabled, which can be taken down with a single attack until it makes contact with the player/boss/mecha.)

Weaknesses: Ground Man- Jewel Satellite Tornado Man- Lightning Bolt, Plug Ball Splash Woman- Hornet Chaser, Revolver Buster, Bee Swarm Dynamo Man- Black Hole Bomb Jewel Man- Black Hole Bomb Hornet Man- Wave Burner, Tornado Blow, Magma Bazooka Burner Man- Laser Trident, Harpoon Missile Galaxy Man- Spread Drill, Concrete Shot Fake Man- Jewel Satellite Ocean Man- Hornet Chaser, Lightning Bolt, Bee Swarm, Plug Ball Blossom Woman- Wave Burner, Magma Bazooka

And, of course, it's Wily's fault and all that.

Wily Stage 1: Spike Pushers
Wily Stage 2: Mega Mech Shark
Wily Stage 3: Green Devil
Wily Stage 4: [Robot Master Rematches]{shield_defense}
Final Boss: Wily Machine 9 and Wily Capsule dr-wily
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215,856,038 BP
4 TP | 44 PP
Posted on December 28th, 2015 at 7:17pm #128
The Return of Things

Story: Puzzles. That's it.

Mega Man, cause why not.


"Puzzle" {type-puzzle] Attacks: Puzzle [/type-puzzle]


Wily 1: Puzzle Bot:
Attacks Mega Puzzle

Ending:: The Puzzle Solved itself......

(Basically, I was just really bored and did this for fun...)
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Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)