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Adrian Marceau | Mega Man RPG World Leaderboard

( 2307 Players )
Adrian Marceau

Adrian Marceau is a contributor and a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG World with a current battle point total of 50,544,133 and a zenny total of 32,100. Adrian Marceau created his account on or before January 1st, 2012 and has since completed 103 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 36 robot fighters, 96 special abilities, and 60 field stars. Adrian Marceau's most-used playable character is Dr. Light, and his top 5 favourite robots appear to be Rhythm, Roll, Bass, Proto Man and Mega Man.

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 3rd, 2015 at 10:51am in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #1 ( Edited : 2015/08/03 at 11:06am )
Hello everyone, and thanks for your continued patience.

I've come with news of a small update to the Dev Build of the game and a new screenshot to boot.

I've restructured the starforce panel in the main menu to appear and function more like an excel sheet, as was suggested by the community many months ago to great reception. It is now very easy to see which stars you have already and which ones you need simply by scrolling through the robot master mugshots on each side.

New Starforce Submenu

Be sure to try it out yourself on the dev build and let us know what you think. Any feedback on the other updates Boss posted about above would also be greatly appreciated. The new hold items are really changing the meta game in (what I believe to be) a good way and the more feedback and testing the better.

Dev build item database, including new hold items

With everyone's help I have confidence that we'll be able stabilizable the dev build and then we can finally apply it to the main website.

Thank you!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 4th, 2015 at 10:38pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #2
Hey guys! A new batch of updates have been completed on the developer's preview build of the prototype. See below for the highlights or check the GitHub page for the full list.

- Added new ability subclass field for further categorizing items into consumable, holdable, collectible, etc. Also added sorting patterns for new attack/defense/speed programs.

- Created placeholder files for the new energy/weapon/attack/defense/speed programs - the first exclusively holdable items.

- Increased accuracy of the break moves to match their boost counterparts.

- Updated the MM5 robot masters with their new alts.

- Added subclass of consumable to the score balls.

- Added subclass of treasure for the two screws. They will have no other purpose than to sell.

- Added the consumable subclass to all the pellets, capsules, and tanks, yashichi and extra life. They will not be holdable.

- Added the holdable subclass to all the cores so they would appear properly in select menus.

- Added the collectible class to all the shards as they have no other purpose than to collect (until they fuse into holdable cores, of course).

- Added code for selecting and equipping (or un-equipping) held items to/from a robot master. Right now only cores can be held, but the code here should support all kinds as long as they are subclass "holdable".

- Equipping cores to any non-Copy Core robot will expand their ability compatibility until removed. Copy Cores will only change colour if equipped with a core item.

- Added support for deferred damage/recovery (for abilities like Crash Bomber), and better flags for weakness/resistance/etc. modifiers (for abilities like Drill Blitz).

- Updated Crash Bomber to do normal damage (rather than a percent) based on the user's attack at the time the bomb is created. Made it so triggering too early decreases damage proportionately. Buffed the total damage to a high amount as a tradeoff.

- Updated Search Snake to ignore position modifiers and attack for normal damage regardless of the range so the ability has more utility.

- Updated Drill Blitz so that it specifically ignores resistances and immunities using the new damage option flags. Also buffed the ability slightly.

- Updated the various in-battle target displays (scan, switch, etc.) to be aware of held-items. Held items will now show in the hover popup and the robot's button will be coloured appropriately if that item is a core.

Thanks for playing, and please let me know what you think! :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 20th, 2015 at 7:39pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #3 ( Edited : 2015/06/20 at 7:41pm )
The alternate colours for all MM5 robots masters are now complete - this include the two starforce alts AND the darkness alt that all the MM1 - MM4 robots already have. I'll try to get the MM6+ robots done in the next few weeks as well, and then I can focus on some of the other graphic-related work (like abilities). :)

gravity-man   Gravity Man Σ   gravity-man      
wave-man   Wave Man Σ   wave-man      
stone-man   Stone Man Σ   stone-man      
gyro-man   Gyro Man Σ   gyro-man      
star-man   Star Man Σ   star-man      
charge-man   Charge Man Σ   charge-man      
napalm-man   Napalm Man Σ   napalm-man      
crystal-man   Crystal Man Σ   crystal-man      

[[robot]{gravity-man_alt9} [tab]Gravity Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{gravity-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{wave-man_alt9} [tab]Wave Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{wave-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{stone-man_alt9} [tab]Stone Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{stone-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{gyro-man_alt9} [tab]Gyro Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{gyro-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{star-man_alt9} [tab]Star Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{star-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{charge-man_alt9} [tab]Charge Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{charge-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{napalm-man_alt9} [tab]Napalm Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{napalm-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{crystal-man_alt9} [tab]Crystal Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{crystal-man_alt9}]{empty}
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 6th, 2015 at 3:47pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #4
The darkness alts for the MM4 robots are also complete. Here are their formatting codes:
bright-man   Bright Man Σ   bright-man
toad-man   Toad Man Σ   toad-man
drill-man   Drill Man Σ   drill-man
pharaoh-man   Pharaoh Man Σ   pharaoh-man
ring-man   Ring Man Σ   ring-man
dust-man   Dust Man Σ   dust-man
dive-man   Dive Man Σ   dive-man
skull-man   Skull Man Σ   skull-man

[[robot]{bright-man_alt9} [tab]Bright Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{bright-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{toad-man_alt9} [tab]Toad Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{toad-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{drill-man_alt9} [tab]Drill Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{drill-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{pharaoh-man_alt9} [tab]Pharaoh Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{pharaoh-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{ring-man_alt9} [tab]Ring Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{ring-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{dust-man_alt9} [tab]Dust Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{dust-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{dive-man_alt9} [tab]Dive Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{dive-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{skull-man_alt9} [tab]Skull Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{skull-man_alt9}]{empty}
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 6th, 2015 at 2:42pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #5
@Bt Man : I only have two days a week to work on the game and make progress on the update. Finishing these alts is high on the priority list right now because they're part of the story and parts of the game "break" without them. Once the MM4 darkness alts are done I can spread the work around more to other areas of development.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 6th, 2015 at 2:25pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #6 ( Edited : 2015/06/06 at 2:41pm )
needle-man   Needle Man Σ   needle-man
magnet-man   Magnet Man Σ   magnet-man
gemini-man   Gemini Man Σ   gemini-man
hard-man   Hard Man Σ   hard-man
top-man   Top Man Σ   top-man
snake-man   Snake Man Σ   snake-man
spark-man   Spark Man Σ   spark-man
shadow-man   Shadow Man Σ   shadow-man

[[robot]{needle-man_alt9} [tab]Needle Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{needle-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{magnet-man_alt9} [tab]Magnet Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{magnet-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{gemini-man_alt9} [tab]Gemini Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{gemini-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{hard-man_alt9} [tab]Hard Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{hard-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{top-man_alt9} [tab]Top Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{top-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{snake-man_alt9} [tab]Snake Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{snake-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{spark-man_alt9} [tab]Spark Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{spark-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{shadow-man_alt9} [tab]Shadow Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{shadow-man_alt9}]{empty}

* Looks like I made these ones too dark compared to the others. Expect revisions in the next few days and the MM4 ones to finish up the unlockable batch. Revisions complete, they all use the same darkness levels now. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 5th, 2015 at 10:37pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #7
metal-man   Metal Man Σ   metal-man
air-man   Air Man Σ   air-man
bubble-man   Bubble Man Σ   bubble-man
quick-man   Quick Man Σ   quick-man
crash-man   Crash Man Σ   crash-man
flash-man   Flash Man Σ   flash-man
heat-man   Heat Man Σ   heat-man
wood-man   Wood Man Σ   wood-man

[[robot]{metal-man_alt9} [tab]Metal Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{metal-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{air-man_alt9} [tab]Air Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{air-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{bubble-man_alt9} [tab]Bubble Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{bubble-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{quick-man_alt9} [tab]Quick Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{quick-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{crash-man_alt9} [tab]Crash Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{crash-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{flash-man_alt9} [tab]Flash Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{flash-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{heat-man_alt9} [tab]Heat Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{heat-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{wood-man_alt9} [tab]Wood Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{wood-man_alt9}]{empty}
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 19th, 2015 at 10:08pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #8
@Bt Man :

Sorry, I was trying to get the formatting correct and test to make sure they actually worked first. Thank you, though - I'm glad they turned out! Some might need tweaking, but overall I think they're pretty cool. :)

All these "dark" alts are saved in the 9th slot of unlockable RMs and can now be used with the following code in the community:

cut-man [robot:left:throw]{cut-man_alt9}

So far, only the MM1 robot masters have dark alts created, but eventually I will create sprite for all unlockable RMs. These are NOT the same as Greyscale or Gameboy sprites (which may or may not come later) but are distinctly "dark" versions of the master that tie into the other dark elements in the update's story. When more RMs have dark alts available I'll post here to let you guys know (or get MBM to).

@Tobyjoey :

Thanks Toby - I'm glad you like 'em. And hopefully the damage to the community's RP section isn't too bad. :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 19th, 2015 at 9:48pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #9 ( Edited : 2015/05/20 at 12:34pm )
cut-man   Cut Man Σ   cut-man
guts-man   Guts Man Σ   guts-man
ice-man   Ice Man Σ   ice-man
bomb-man   Bomb Man Σ   bomb-man
fire-man   Fire Man Σ   fire-man
elec-man   Elec Man Σ   elec-man
time-man   Time Man Σ   time-man
oil-man   Oil Man Σ   oil-man

[[robot]{cut-man_alt9} [tab]Cut Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{cut-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{guts-man_alt9} [tab]Guts Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{guts-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{ice-man_alt9} [tab]Ice Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{ice-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{bomb-man_alt9} [tab]Bomb Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{bomb-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{fire-man_alt9} [tab]Fire Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{fire-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{elec-man_alt9} [tab]Elec Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{elec-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{time-man_alt9} [tab]Time Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{time-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{oil-man_alt9} [tab]Oil Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{oil-man_alt9}]{empty}
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 12th, 2015 at 7:07pm in "Official Typos and Misprints Thread" #10
@MegaBossMan : Thanks Boss, the issue has been fixed and Astro Man's field is now hidden instead of just plain wrong. :p

@Meta : Thanks, this has been fixed removed from the page (legacy no longer exists).

@TheDoc : I updated Hard Man's quotes and fixed the typo, though I'll have to look into the other issue a bit more closely. The pattern-matching for the formatting options might be a bit too greedy so I'll have to adjust the rules a bit. Thanks for the heads-up.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 30th, 2015 at 7:46pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #11
@TheDoc : There may be a few versions of the mission list floating around, but I've upload the most recent one and a bunch of other updated documents to a new dedicated preview folder on the website. Please take a look when you have a chance, but know that there are obviously going to be spoilers.

Regarding the mission progression document, the position and pairing of robots/bosses is pretty much set-in-stone at this point BUT I'm very much open to suggestions about mechanics and strategies and field names/types, etc. I like a lot of what has been presented so far, especially the King stuff. I didn't even realize he used Lasers, which is AWESOME given that it means he can posses the two rarest types in the game. :P

But yeah, just thought I throw these updated documents in the ring for you guys to peruse at your convenience. Maybe it'll help spark more ideas - I like where this is going.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2015 at 10:33am in "Official Community Rules and Guidelines" #12 ( Edited : 2015/04/29 at 10:44am )
This is awesome! Thanks Boss, Doc, and Retro. :D

Regarding the locked threads and community sections... I have two ideas.

Locked Threads

For the locked threads... why are they locked anyway? To prevent people from posting? I'm not sure that's necessary. I think it might be a better idea to edit and update the relevant threads with recent changes (just in case the update isn't complete for another 6 months) and then re-open them so users can ask questions and comment. When this update is eventually released and everything changes, THEN we'll lock these ones and create new threads. Until then it just feels weird to have everything locked.

Either update them or put a notice at the bottom saying "information in this thread may be out of date and requires updating, if you have questions please see [insert link here]". Does that sound reasonable? You, TheDoc, Rhythm or any other mod can edit my posts, and we should only lock the truly irrelevant threads. I know lots of those mechanics are still completely valid in-game. If you guys have any questions or need clarification, just let me know.

Community Categories

I'm both open and anxious to create new categories in the community so we can filter things better. Please, please let me know if you or anyone else has ideas for new sections I can create that would apply to several or many existing threads so we can move them. I feel the General category has become an anything-goes section with way too many threads so I'd like to organize it a bit better.

My first idea for a new section would be titled "Help" and appear right at the end after bugs. This would be completely different from the Strategies section, of course, and relate more to community guidelines, rules, events, and that kind of stuff. We could move this thread and all others like it to that category, un-sticky the ones that do not need it, and clean out the other categories a bit. I also considered calling this new section "Rules" but that felt too restrictive... Do you guys have any other ideas for a name? Or maybe a different section all-together? Let us know.

I'm also open to more rooms in the chat, by the way, so let us know if that's a thing you guys want to see added. :)

EDIT: Oh! What about a community section for fanart and fanfic and that kind of stuff? We could move the sprite showcases and stuff to the new section. Maybe call it "Media"? No, that sounds too official... "Creations"? Any ideas for a better name? This would be different from Roleplay, of course, with individual users to showing off their creations in their own threads, rather than collaborators making play-by-post stories. It might be fun.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 12th, 2015 at 10:58am in "I need to have a CHAT with all of you. x)" #13
Alright everyone, a NEW CHAT has been installed into the MMRPG (thanks to BossMan and Mikey for the link)!

If anyone is still using or in the Xat, please refresh the community page or update your bookmarks!

The chat can still be accessed at but you can also bookmark the following other link if you want to view the chat in fullsize

Some of the rules and the opening post may need to be revised, but overall I think it should be a straight forward transition. Enjoy!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 9th, 2015 at 10:36pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #14
@rotomslashblast : I... can't really explain that one. Every other stardroid has a pretty straight-forward dual typing except for Mercury. What is he? Liquid metal? Poison? How do we express that with the available elements? I admit I got really, really creative with this one (maybe just crazy?) but my line of thinking probably revolved around melting, shining, cold metal, or... something. :S Anyone have a better idea?
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 9th, 2015 at 9:13pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #15 ( Edited : 2015/04/09 at 10:35pm )
@Tobyjoey : I have changed Commando Man's second weakness to Electric, as suggested. Your reasoning makes sense and until a better option comes around I think this fits rather well. For a moment I thought you were going to suggest Shield, but then I understood where you were going with the antenna thing. :P

@TheDoc : It sounds like you're disagreeing with me but I think you may have just misread my post. We're actually on the same page. ;) I do think Strike Man should have a resistance to Electric type in addition to Impact and have updated his database entry as such. And obviously I agree about the creativity thing - this game offers a unique opportunity for us to view robot masters from a different perspective and I think we should take advantage like that. Sure these robots may act a certain way when confronted one-on-one in an action setting, but what kind of strengths and strategies would they use in an open field and - more importantly - on a team? I'm sure you agree.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 9th, 2015 at 7:36pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #16
Turbo Man has been changed to a Swift Core and Slash Man has been changed to Nature Core after much consideration and creative planning based on the feedback from everyone here. I think these were wise decisions.

Snake Man's resistance has been changed to Shadow after reading the arguments for and against. I agree that Snake Man as a character is already fairly shady, and with him being a snake he's already quite familiar with darkness and shadows. Also - as BossMan said - it ties well into his T2 ability the Venom Snake.

For Strike Man I have decided to give him weaknesses to Cutter and Crystal. This may seem unusual, but the only real way to destroy a baseball is to cut through it and the only other type that's even remotely sharp is... Crystal. I feel like this is the only available element that makes sense, so rather than have a single-weakness as TheDoc suggested I erred on the side of weakness variety. Don't hate me. As for his resistances, I have changed them to Electric and Impact. The first is obvious and the second is because I agree that baseballs are designed to be hit - very hard - with metal or wooden bats. Has anyone held a real baseball? They are firm and almost indestructible - it takes a lot of effort to destroy one short of manually cutting into it.

Lastly, Commando Man's weakness to Cutter has been changed to Swift. As for his weakness to Explode... I'm gonna let that discussion develop some more before I make any changes. :)

The decisions we make for this game may not always be canon, but I believe they are in the best interest of the prototype's future. I am personally prioritizing fun and variety of robots and abilities over the authenticity of each individual special weapon. Purists have plenty of other Mega Man fangames to choose from, and I'm more than okay with this one doing things a little different. As long as Slash Man looks the same and uses his claws in some way, who cares? Is he fun to play as? Against? Does it still feel like Slash Man? I believe that's all that matters.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 3:55pm in "Important Announcement : Welcome New Community Moderators" #17 ( Edited : 2015/04/06 at 4:09pm )
Aaaaaand we have another! Welcome TheDoc as our second new addition to the team - he is now a Community Moderator and can offer his assistance with the day to day maintenance and upkeep of the prototype community. Thank you for accepting as well and I look forward to working with you more going forward! :D
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 1:17pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #18 ( Edited : 2015/04/06 at 1:27pm )
@TailsMK4 : Which brings me to the next early change...

3. Effective immediately, Rain Flush now damages all other robots on the field just like it's description has suggested the entire time. The only robots that will not be affected by the Rain Flush damage are the user and any benched robots that have affinities or immunities to the Water type. Now the ability is much closer to the double-edged sword that is "Surf" from the Pokémon series (which is what I had imagined for the ability in the first place). Rain Flush can still be exploited by bringing in a specific team, but much less so than before. Enjoy (or not)!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 12:33pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #19
I just wanted to publicly announce that I've made two early changed to the prototype well before the update is complete because I felt they were necessary and - more importantly - they were very easy to implement. The changes take effect immediately and you to not have to wait for the update to benefit from them.

1. Roll, Disco, and Rhythm now have a base WE of 15 instead of the usual 10. They are and will be the only unlockable robot masters to have this distinction and I believe it will further solidify their role as support robots in the game. Boost, break, and swap away my friends!

2. Target robots in Player Battles are now hidden until the fight starts and appear as dark, generic robots instead. No longer will you be able to select your opponent's weaknesses and gain the advantage before the battle has even begun, instead needing to rely on other strategies. Will you select your strongest? Your most versatile? Your most defensive or speedy? It's a long way from making Player Battles as balanced as they'll be in the update, but it's a start - right?

Let me know your thoughts if you have 'em, otherwise enjoy! :D
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 11:36am in "Rhythm's Random Perler Bead Showcase" #20
These are fantastic! OMG Disco!!!

Thank you for sharing these, sooo much! I have no more words. :')
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 11:35am in "TailsMK4's Idea Brainstorming (last updated 6/27)" #21 ( Edited : 2015/04/06 at 12:17pm )
Field Change on Hard: Higher chance of Dark Elements appearing in battle.

Totally agree with this. Doing it will make it much harder to abuse starforce in the later missions for the first few turns in a given battle, which is the whole point of the Dark Elements so I approve of this change.

AI Changes: Hard:
The changes that shouldn't require much new code: [...]
Changes that may be a bit more difficult to implement: [...]
The change that definitely will require some careful thought: [...]

I agree with every single one of these and may use a few of the more obvious ones for normal mode as well. Normal mode AI is pretty dumb right now so I few common-sense tweaks would be okay. Special attention to...

-In later battles, give AI more Starforce on their side to work with (could even go so far as to include Laser and Shield Starforce for AI).

I like this, but we'll need to think about how to represent it visually. It wouldn't make sense for a field star to give the enemy +100 (for example) if you only get +10 when you collect it... so do we give the enemies more stars? Do we give them something else that has the same overall effect on starforce levels but cannot be collected by the player? Maybe some kind of tower or spire on their side of the field? Just brainstorming here, but if it doesn't make sense in context it might be better to power them up in some other way.

-Prevent Dark Towers from appearing.
-Disable bench modifiers for the enemy team.

I agree with all these but the last two, for different reasons.

Regarding the Dark Towers... they may actually end up being story-related and tied to the early parts of the game so that might not work. "Why would Dark Towers appear before Starforce?" you might ask, but it's possible for these to serve other purposes in the early game and it's not until much later that the player realizes the full scope of their power.

I think I might use the Dark Towers as MacGuffins in the early game. In Chapter Two there may be a Dark Fortress or other form of blockade that prevents you from progressing to Chapter Three and can only be removed by destroying the Dark Towers in the other eight RM missions. The player would technically be doing the same thing as they're doing now - going into each of the eight missions and disabling all the enemies - but the "goal" would be less ambiguous than downloading their data (whatever that means) and wouldn't be tied to unlocking the RMs for use in battle.

Imagine going through the story mode in the first pass, destroying Dark Towers along the way as a means to remove Dark Fortresses blockades at the end of each chapter and progress to the next. Dark Towers will be destroyed and removed once a mission has been completed and will appear in all single and double RM missions all the way to the conclusion of phase 1 when you meet Slur and get introduced to starforce. On your second run through the game in phase 2 those original single/double missions now have field/fusion stars to collect instead of towers to destroy. Collecting all those stars unlocks the last few chapters of the game where Dark Towers are present once again in triple missions (stardroids) but have a new meaning to the player given how much starforce they would have been collected by that point.

Maybe I went a bit too much into that idea though... expect it to be tweaked and played around with before launch. :P

The problem I have with the bench modifiers should be simpler to understand - there may be future abilities that use this as their gimmick (ignoring bench modifiers) so I feel that putting as a core mechanic of Easy Mode might make those abilities redundant... I'll have to think about it.

Otherwise, WOW. These are fantastic ideas and most of them will surely be implemented into the game before the update. Thank you!!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 11:03am in "Important Announcement : Welcome New Community Moderators" #22 ( Edited : 2015/04/06 at 4:10pm )
Yay! Now that ThatGuyNamedMikey has acknowledged and accepted the offer I can publicly talk about it and say thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining the team! ^_^

I know we don't always seem to get along, but I also know it's only because we both love this game so much and want what we feel is the best for it going forward. Thanks for keeping me on my feet and thanks for always bringing new ideas to the table - I look forward to your unique brand of no-nonsense in the community and will very much appreciate the extra hand in keeping order around here. :)

I've updated Reisrat's opening post with your name so people know your new role, FYI.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2015 at 5:56pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #23
I've updated the preview link again to fix a few spelling mistakes (thanks TheDoc) and rename a few other abilities. Please see this link for the most updated version (and yes, the first post has been revised with the new link as well):
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 4th, 2015 at 10:20pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #24
I just added a link to the bottom of the first post with a preview of the entire database page. This is the version of the database I am working with at this moment on my home computer and I will update the link occasionally to show you my progress on the update. Please check the link below and hover over any of the icons for more info. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 4th, 2015 at 8:02pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #25
@TailsMK4 : Regarding the AI, we just talked about this briefly in chat but I'd love to hear more ideas on the subject here so we can discuss. You suggested having the enemy switch out when WE is low, which I totally agree with, so I'm interested to see what other ideas you have. I have my own, naturally, but I'd love to hear yours and everyone else's so I can review and see which are possible.

@Reisrat : Fantastic idea. That way you the same mechanic is present but it doesn't waste a turn activating it AND you can pre-meditate their abilities better when you're equipping stuff. Unless there are any objections, I think this is a great alternative and will probably use it in the update. Thanks.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 4th, 2015 at 5:52pm in "595 Base Stats?" #26
Wow! This is... something else.

Alright, so BossMan let me know about this thread through email and I came to check it out as soon as I got home this morning. After looking through the database I could see that, yes, everything had been reset. After some snooping around the code and testing things, I found the problem.

Last night after fixing a typo in Hard Man's quotes, I logged into the game's admin panel and ran the update_robots() function. Everything went fine and there were no visible errors so I refreshed Hard Man's database page, saw that the quote had been changed, and logged out. It was then that all the stats were reset.

After some digging around I realized that Google had changed the public address of our stats spreadsheet and my update script was being returned an empty file. Unfortunately my script wasn't smart enough to halt operations when an external file was empty so it just defaulted to the 100/100/100/100 spread for each robot.

I just finished updating the script and fixing the issue, and after reloading the database everyone's stats seem to be fine again. I'm really sorry for this oversight and I hope it haven't done any permanent damage... I was just trying to update a quote! :'(

I feel bad for users who played the game for the first time last night or this morning - progressing through Chapter Two must have been a nightmare. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2015 at 2:44pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #27 ( Edited : 2015/04/03 at 3:23pm )
@MetaKirbSter : There are four opponents in that screenshot because I adjusted how many show up on the Bonus Field II mission. It might change back before launch but there's a related idea I'm still debating with myself. I'll let you know when/if this changes.

@Bt Man : Yes, Tomahawk Man will eventually be in the game when the update is released. He wont be unlockable but you will be able to challenge him on the bonus fields and any Earth type starforce missions like the other preview bots.

@ThatOneEnderMan : Yes, when the new update is released the mechanics of starforce will change. Rather than boosting all abilities of a certain element by 10%, starforce will instead grant +10 Attack toward and/or +10 Defense against all damage of that type.

@Retro Pikachu : Thanks for responding. I'll take your words into consideration for possible mechanics in the update. I am a huge fan of super forms too - it's the reason I put that mechanic into the game in the first place - but after player with the system I felt it added little to the game. Maybe I was mistaken. I'll let you guys know if anything changes.
I also have some additional information to reveal. Mostly revisions to existing mechanics, but also a bit of clarification on some new ones.

Hold Item Mechanics
The hold mechanics for items have been revised again after discussing them in the last few SNC sessions. I am fairly confident that these options provide the most balance while still allowing for some creative strategy. Please see the following document for the new draft of the mechanics:

Battle Points Mechanics
The battle point mechanics have remained relatively unchanged with one important addition. Much like it is right now, missions have a base reward value and a target amount of turns that are used together to determine you final points - the new mechanic here is that missions will also have a target amount of robots in your party. You can easily select more of less of those robots (min 1 and max 8 like always) but your choices will affect your final reward in the same way the turn counter does. Please see the following document for more details:

Difficulty Mode Mechanics
After the announcement of the difficulty modes many users started to panic about the effect on their games and the logic and math involved, but I'm here to assure you it's not that bad and come a long way since it's initial conception. The basic calculations for battle points will not change between difficulties and will instead only impact the final reward by +/-10% of the base. The target amount of turns and the party size limits will also remain consistent between mode and have no modifiers. Instead, there will be changes to the enemy intelligence level and the consistency and type of item drops. Please see the below document for more details:
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 27th, 2015 at 9:52pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #28
@ZeroDXZ : I like the idea, and I think it would be cool, but then Slash Man would have two dual-type abilities which isn't very balanced... I know that I'm the one who created them, but sometimes these restrictions are very hard to work with. >_>

@Tobyjoey : I think you bring up some very solid points, Toby, and I'm inclined to agree.

I'll keep Slash Man as a Nature core robot with primarily Nature type moves. Too much Cutter / Swift is redundant and boring, which we want to avoid. We need to make sure his first ability is pure Nature type though, and have either Slash or Claw in its name... this is gonna be hard. I'd like to use his dash attack or that glue-like projectile he uses in the games, but I'm not sure how to make it work with the name format.

Maybe we could replace one of the two words with something else? "Slash" and "Claw" are both cutter-like words so they're a little redundant - maybe "beast" is a good substitute? We could have ___ Beast (which is way more flexible) as a first tier Nature type, and then Slash Beast as his second tier Nature / Cutter type. I'm open to other suggestions though...

I know that focusing on small details like these might seem silly or unnecessary, but naming things has turned out to be a very important and delicate task that must be handled with care. It's very hard to "fix" save files that have references to old file or character names, so changing things in the future might be too late. It was quite a pain fixing spelling errors in the past (like Lightning Facility vs Lighting Facility) and I'm not eager to do that again.

In fact, I may kick myself later, but I'd like to have all the abilities planned out by the time the update is released. Not finished, of course, but named and organized so I don't have to reorganize the database again and we can have a clearer road map of the prototype's eventual "complete" version. I know it's an impossible goal but I want to try anyway.

Anyway, back to Turbo Man, maybe you're right about the Flame Core. He's super fast but being able to produce a wheel of fire definitely suggests Flame core potential but leaving him as Swift would make it very difficult to give Nitro Man a unique spin. I think I'll change him back, as your reasoning is solid and I tend of agree. TheDoc, you have any additional thoughts on this?

Lastly, Turbo Man's abilities (sorry I have to go there). If he's a Flame core his first ability should be Flame and his second should be Flame / Something. We have Scorch Wheel as his official ability, so the other one has to use either "scorch" or "wheel". I think wheel would have made more sense visually, but as a Flame core maybe scorch would be the better option. Scorch Drive? Maybe Scorch Wheel is the single-type tier one and Scorch Drive is the dual-type tier two (flame / swift)? Maybe he only uses pure Flame type abilities?

No rush to reply, and I'm not asking YOU specifically, I'm just putting it out there for you guys to think about while I continue coding away. :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 27th, 2015 at 8:49pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #29
(sorry for double-post, even I'm subject to the character limit on this forum...)

Slash Man

Slash Man being a Cutter core was admittedly a bit of a cop-out on my part, but you're right in suggesting that Nature suits him much more. If this game didn't have the core-match mechanic for abilities it might not matter, but because do we're confronted with the question "should Slash Man be able to learn all Nature abilities or all Cutter abilities?" and I was... pretty torn.

He has sharp claws, so of course he can learn all the abilities that cut things! Right? As you've illustrated, it's not that simple. I can more easily imagine Slash Man raising a Leaf Shield or summoning a Search Snake than throwing a Rolling Cutter or a Metal Blade at the enemy, so making him Cutter core wouldn't work. And so, Nature type it is.

'robot_token' => 'slash-man',
'robot_core' => 'nature',
'robot_weaknesses' => array('freeze', 'flame'),
'robot_immunities' => array('swift'),

What about his own abilities though? Slash Claw is currently Cutter and Swift type, neither of which match his new Nature core. I suppose we could make Slash Claw the only Nature and Cutter type ability but I'm not sure if that makes sense? Of course, whatever we do the ability has to be upgraded to second tier because it's dual-type and that leaves us with an unknown first tier ability. Do we create it as a pure Nature ability to match his core (maybe that purple poison he throws?) or do we give it some other type?

I can see this going a few ways but here are my ideas:
Scenario A:

Slash Man is a Nature core robot who unusually leans Cutter type abilities on his own - Slash _____ and Slash Claw. This would give him the unique position of being able to equip two distinct elements without any external assistance - the two Cutter type abilities he learns by level-up and then any Nature types are available to the player.

This would be pretty cool, but I'm not comfortable with only one robot in the whole game having this ability (unless it's a special or bonus character). We would need to find another robot - preferably from the same game - to give this same mechanic to (learning abilities that don't match one's core). Spring Man perhaps?

Scenario B:

Slash Man is a Nature core who learns Nature abilities like everyone else. - ____ Claw and Slash Claw. This would make him easier to work with for sure but I'm not sure if it would match his character or make sense. If we need to change the naming scheme of his abilities to something other than "Slash" or "Claw" I'm open to it (we've done it before) but we still need to stick with the theme of both abilities sharing a common word.
I'm not sure which is better, but I think it's important to figure this out before we make these characters unlockable. We don't want another Top Man situation where everyone equips Explode type abilities and then his core changes in the next update. :|

Anyway, thanks for discussing this guys and helping to sort out all the details parallel to me working on the update - makes it much easier to skim the community for recommended changes and apply them all at once. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 27th, 2015 at 7:27pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #30 ( Edited : 2015/03/27 at 8:55pm )
Spring Man

Regarding Spring Man, if electricity healed him in his original game then I agree that Electric should be his affinity. I have updated his data to reflect this, let me know if this looks good.

'robot_token' => 'spring-man',
'robot_core' => 'impact',
'robot_weaknesses' => array('cutter', 'flame'),
'robot_resistances' => array('impact'),
'robot_affinities' => array('electric'),

Turbo Man

I think Turbo Man on the other hand should have an immunity to Electric type damage, mainly due to his rubber wheels (at least I assume they're rubber). I also think you're right about his typing, so I changed him to a Swift core. This of course means his first tier ability will have to be a pure Swift type and Scorch Wheel will have to be upgraded to a second tier ability. Let me know if you have any ideas.

'robot_token' => 'turbo-man',
'robot_core' => 'swift',
'robot_weaknesses' => array('shadow', 'earth'),
'robot_resistances' => array('swift'),
'robot_immunities' => array('electric'),

Cloud Man

Now, I would have normally given Cloud Man an affinity Electric (given his design and appearance) but as you said we don't want two robots from the same game with the same affinity so... maybe just let him have it as a resistance? Or would giving two robots with an Electric affinity not be that big of a deal and I should just do it?

'robot_token' => 'cloud-man',
'robot_core' => 'electric',
'robot_weaknesses' => array('explode', 'wind'),
'robot_affinities' => array('electric'),
'robot_immunities' => array('earth'),

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2015 at 8:18pm in "Celebration Thread" #31 ( Edited : 2015/03/26 at 8:20pm )
@MetaKirbSter : Meta, you need to stop being rude to other members. And please stop it with the COPPA thing. You're underage, you lied about your age on the login form, and now you need to have a parent or guardian send in permission or I'll have to close and delete your account. It's unfortunate but true and necessary. Spend less time worrying about getting banned for being underage and more time worrying about me banning you for poor behavior. No celebration for you until you get your stuff together.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2015 at 8:08pm in "I need to have a CHAT with all of you. x)" #32
@MetaKirbSter : @Everyone Else : If you're going to use this thread to "announce" when you're in chat (which I do not personally like but understand the reasoning behind), this will be the ONLY thread you're allowed to announce your chat presence in. Formal warning here - if I see any more of your or anyone else's "IN CHAT!!!" or similar posts in other topics, I will go through and delete them or ask MegaBossMan or one of the other moderators to. I enjoy seeing the "New Post!" icons every day but when I check and there's nothing but spam all the time it gets pretty frustrating. Please stop.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 25th, 2015 at 7:15pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #33 ( Edited : 2015/03/25 at 7:22pm )
Just wanted to post a few new update screenshots. Tomahawk Man - sprite editing by The Zion and assembly by myself - has finally been added to the update and will appear in post-game battles just like the rest of the preview bots. You can catch a gimps of him on the bench in these two Bonus Field screens:

Bonus Field vs Impact and Earth Cores

Rhythm defends against an Oil Slide from Concrete Man

Note that in these screenshots, my game only has 4 Impact Stars and 0 Earth Stars - this is why Rhythm's defense against the Oil Slider is only boosted by 40 points as opposed to the 2,520 points that our "1024 club" would benefit from post-update. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 23rd, 2015 at 9:29pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #34 ( Edited : 2015/03/23 at 9:30pm )
@AlphaOmegaZX : Thanks AlphaOmegaZX - welcome to the community and I'm glad you enjoy the game! :D

@Jdude330 : I believe the new mechanics proposed earlier in the thread should solve all those balancing problems in regards to player battles (single-player campaign effects are another beast) but thank you for your input.

@Bt Man : Yes, that is correct. Because Guts Man does not get WE reduction bonuses from abilities equipped this way, the Fire Chaser would still cost 8 WE to use (out of 10) which is quite a lot. I think there will still be a lot of strategy involved.

@Jdude330 : I don't think equipping Guts Man with a Flame ability is totally useless. Under the right circumstances he would do a lot of damage. If you have him hold a Flame Core he could theoretically equip Fire Chaser and another move like Flame Buster in a second slot. Charging the Flame Buster boosts Flame type abilities by 50% as long as you have the glow, so if you use Fire Chaser right after that Guts Man could easily do lots of damage and function as a dual type robot if you wanted him to (just as any one else could). It's just one of many options though - maybe you value added WE/LE instead of more moves - it's completely up to you.

@Retro Pikachu : I'd be curious to know what you liked about the mechanic. Whenever I was playtesting I found it kind of boring and of little use - the WE and damage bonuses didn't seem worth blocking off the rest of your move pool. Please let me know how you used it effectively or why you liked it and I'll see if I can leave it in some way. Maybe if a Copy Core holds onto a core it also changes their colour? Let me know what you think.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 23rd, 2015 at 9:12pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #35 ( Edited : 2015/03/23 at 9:28pm )
I've updated the post regarding the secondary effects of hold items and changed the description for holding robot cores. In light of last night's discussion and the confusion about my proposed mechanics for the cores, I have decided to streamline the feature slightly. Here is the revised description:

Robot Cores
When held by a robot master, a robot core allows the user to equip any ability of the same type - even if it does not match their internal core type. Secondary cores do not grant any reduction in WE nor boost damage/recovery like primary cores, however, so plan accordingly.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 23rd, 2015 at 9:06pm in "Prototype Devroom : Sunday Night Chatroom" #36
@TheDoc : I agree! I wonder what happened to it? Kind of which I hadn't closed my chat window so soon and kept a copy for myself. :S Maybe it was accidentally listed with an expiry date? In light of this, I'm willing to re-answer any questions in the update threads if you guys have 'em. I do hope this gets sorted out though...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 23rd, 2015 at 8:00pm in "I'm REALLY SORRY" #37
Meta, please don't post topics like this. If the form is a little late I'm willing to be lenient about the issue - I'm not going to delete your data or anything I just need to make sure my butt is covered legally as the law says you cannot technically be here. I'll extend your time limit by another week but I'm going to close this thread in the mean time. Please do not spam the forum with personal threads. Thank you.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 11:10pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #38 ( Edited : 2015/03/21 at 11:30pm )
@MegaBossMan :

Robots holding Items :

I understand your concerns but yes, you'll have to wait and see how it feels. Try to compare the effect of holding a core to that of a Pokémon holding a Mega Stone. Incredibly powerful items that often grant brand new type coverage and abilities, but at the cost of not equipping any of the other and possibly more useful items.

There are many different variables at play and in reality you'll still be pretty restricted in what you do - go ahead and equip Roll with that Electric Core and give her all Electric abilities, but when you run out of WE on the first turn and can't do anything else we'll see how overpowered you feel. And you have to remember that a robot is only holding one core at any given time - once you switch to a different item any abilities that are not otherwise compatible are unequipped so it's not like robots will suddenly have every ability type available to them at once.

Maybe my Roll is great at Electric abilities but you have decided to make yours a master of Shield type abilities, but reasonably you'll still have to include non-elemental attacks in your 8 ability slots else you run the risk of running out of WE too soon. And to answer your question about Elec Man holding a second Electric Core, the ability to equip Electric type moves would obviously be redundant in this case but the boosted damage/recovery would stack on top of Elec Man's internal core. Instead of doing +50% more damage with Electric type attacks, he would instead do +75% more damage. Of course by equipping him with the same core type you're opting for more powerful native abilities versus a great variety of borrowed ones.

Bosses and Versus Mode :

I think it's been mentioned in the chat before, but at some point I would like to add some kind of mission creator/editor that lets you make your own missions and post them for other people to "download" and try. Maybe when that becomes a thing, I can let you unlock bosses for use in that mode as targets instead of in the main story. The mission creator would let you choose the field(s), multipliers, targets (robot, mecha, or boss), and maybe even some custom dialogue or something. That's not planned for this update, but it's something I'm thinking about all the same.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 9:24pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #39 ( Edited : 2015/03/21 at 9:54pm )
@TailsMK4 @MegaBossMan @MetaKirbSter :

Thank you for your posts, I'm glad you're excited! :D I look forward to uploading these changes some day and once again dramatically shifting the direction of the game - it will be a fun day indeed. ^_^

@TheDoc :

1. It's not done yet, but I plan to remove that restriction going forward. Unlocked abilities will be shared with all doctors once you reach a certain point in the game and I will update Reggae's shop top remove the Light/Wily/Cossack buttons and employ a single "Buy" button instead. Purchasing an ability via Reggae's shop will add it to the global pool and allow all doctors to equip it to their robots without transferring back and forth. Much easier than before.

2. I'm going to ask that you trust me on this one until the update is out and you're able to test the mechanic for yourself. After it's in the wild and people have some hands-on experience I'll be open to revising it again. Allowing a robot to equip other elemental abilities may seem crazy, but it's really not that bad. Robots only have 10 WE to work with, as you know, and a 25% reduction in cost is not that much in the end. Thunder Beam, for example, is an 8 WE ability that deals a respectable amount of damage. When equipped to someone like Elec Man, the cost for Thunder Beam is reduced to only 2 WE, allowing him to use it again and again. A robot like Roll on the other hand - using an Electric Core to grant access to the ability - would still require 6 WE to use. That only let's her use it once before needing to wait for a recharge or using something else. Couple that with the fact that they only get a +25% damage boost instead of +50% damage boost and the effects are further balanced. Besides, opting to give your robot a core means not giving them some other item - something that has it's own pros and cons.

3. I've amended the post to include this information, but in the Dark Frags and Spires also differ in their abilities and stats. Frags are much weaker in stats and use the Dark Boost ability to raise their own stats, while the Spires are more powerful in stats and use the Dark Break ability as well to lower the target's stats. I know this isn't a major difference, but they're not supposed to be incredibly deep characters. They're not even sentient, really - just automated objects that seek out elemental energy. I can understand your concerns though.

Thanks for your post, it helps me pin down what people are most worried about and quell any fears before we move forward. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:39pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #40 ( Edited : 2015/03/21 at 7:45pm )
And that's it for today. I'm going to be reviewing the posts I just made for spelling and grammar and other typos, but that's the state of things as they are right now. Please feel free to read over them at your own pace and consider discussing them in tomorrow's development chat. I may or may not make it there myself, but as always I will be reviewing your feedback there and here on the community and taking it into account as development progresses on the update. Thank you!!!!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:38pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #41
About the Boss Database? Will any of the robots in it be unlockable?

No, they will not. Most if not all of these targets will reward you with their special weapons, but I do not believe any of them will be unlockable. The killers were a very tough decision me, but in the end I decided to lean in the direction of making them more interesting and challenging rather than more balanced and compatible with the other characters. Maybe in the year 20XX I'll add some special code to allow unlocking bosses but with some kind of limit, but not for this update and not anytime in the near future. Sorry everyone.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:37pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #42
What about the other robot master fields? I see ones for Crystal Man and Jewel Man, but what about the others?

Eventually all unlockable robot masters should have fields, but there are no plans for any more in this update. The two crystal fields were only created as placeholders now because I wanted to carefully plan out my use of crystalline nouns and adjectives. The other types are important too, but Crystal is so rare I wanted to give it special attention. Mega Man 5+ fields will be a thing, but I think it would be best to save the straight-forward content updates like those until I have a better development pipeline worked out with more people. Thank you for your patience.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:37pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #43
Are experience points or the leveling system being changed in any way?

First and foremost, overkill bonuses will be capped. The maximum overkill possible on any robot/mecha/boss will be equal to the max LE and no more. A Mega Man with 100 LE, for example, would have a max overkill value of 100 damage, meaning you'd have to deal 200+ damage to him in order to get the full reward. This will prevent most instances of 9999 experience points simply for hitting a level 1 Met with a level 100 Buster Shot.

Additionally, the experience required for the next level will no longer be equally 1000 indefinitely. At level 1 you'll need exactly 1000 experience to get to level 2, but from level 2 to 3 it will require exponentially more until you get to level 99 where the required amount to reach the level 100 will be insanely high. This will definitely prevent players from easily reaching level 100 in just a few battles, but I believe it will also allow users to build up more bonus stats before the next reward cycle and make the process feel more impactful.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:37pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #44
And what about Field Support? Will that change?

Field Support will likely change as well, though the details have not been decided on yet. It will likely be split into three separate moves like Mecha Support with each being slightly more powerful than the other. This will also coincide with a big change to the default Field Multipliers for all robot master stages.

No longer will fields start out with x2.0 multipliers for the stage boss and unfairly low multipliers for others - instead the values will be much more conservative in their boosts/breaks and work within an range of x0.8 to x1.2 for any given element. This will allow for more reasonable battles in the earlier parts of the game, but it will also allow the above Field Support abilities to exist without being overly broken.

You will still be able to get field multipliers to insanely low levels like x9.9 and x0.1 like before, it just might take a bit more effort than last time.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:37pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #45
Will the Mecha Support ability be any less useless?

This mechanic is not programmed yet and still open to changes, but I plan to split the Mecha Support ability into three separate ones - Mecha Support, Mecha Support II, and Mecha Support III.

The first tier Mecha Support ability will require 4 WE and summon the robot master's first generation support mecha. The summoned mecha will be 1/3 the level of its owner and also benefit from 1/3 of its owner's bonus stats. The mecha will also have one randomly generated support ability in addition to their signature move. Abilities available to first generation mechas include Energy Boost, Attack Boost, Defense Boost, and Speed Boost.

The second tier Mecha Support II ability will require 6 WE and summon the robot master's second generation support mecha (where applicable). The summoned mecha will be 2/3 the level of its owner and also benefit from 1/3 of its owner's bonus stats. The mecha will also have two randomly generated support abilities in addition to their signature move. Abilities available to the second generation include all those mentioned above, but with the addition of Energy Break, Attack Break, Defense Break, and Speed Break.

The third and final tier Mecha Support III ability will require 8 WE and summon the robot master's third generation mecha (where applicable). The summoned mecha will be the same level as its owner and benefit from all of its owner's bonus stats. The mecha will also have three randomly generated support abilities in addition to their signature move. Abilities available to the third generation include all those mentioned above, but with the addition of Energy Swap, Attack Swap, Defense Swap, and Speed Swap.

I know these abilities and the mecha support changes will be controversial as several people have spent time grinding to level up their characters, but I believe this is the best way forward and I'm sorry to anyone who feels cheated by the new update. Please understand where I'm coming from with this.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:37pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #46 ( Edited : 2015/03/21 at 9:59pm )
And what about those Dark Elements? Are they still a thing?

Yes, they are, though there have naturally been a lot of changes.

Dark Towers, Dark Spires, and Dark Frags

Dark Frags, Dark Spires, and Dark Towers are three new enemy types that will appear in the game. The first two can actually be targeted and attacked in battle, while the latter appears as a background object that cannot be destroyed. Regardless of how they appear, the presence of any Dark Elements on the field completely suppress the effects of starforce on both sides. As long as at least one Dark Element remains on the field, neither player will have boosted elemental abilities.

A group of Dark Frags appear with Dust Man Alpha on the Rusty Scrapheap field

It should also be noted that Dark Elements are classified as "empty" types and absorb all elemental energy, with Dark Frags having an immunity to every elemental type while Dark Spires have an affinity to every elemental type. In addition to absorbing elements differently, the Dark Frags and Spires also use different abilities in battle. Dark Frags are weaker and will continuously raise their own stats with the Dark Boost ability, while Dark Spires are more powerful and use the Dark Break ability to lower the target's stats. These two enemies can only be damaged with Neutral type attacks, throwing a pretty big wrench into most sweeping strategies. Once all Dark Elements have been destroyed, however, starforce comes back into effect and the sweeping can begin again. Because Dark Towers appear in the background and cannot be targeted, their suppressing effects unfortunately last for the entire mission.

Bass uses an elemental ability, but the player's starforce is being suppressed by the Dark Frag in the background
Bass targets the benched Dark Frag on the bench and attacks it with the Bass Baroque ability
The benched Dark Frag is destroyed and with no more Dark Energy on the field the power of starforce returns
Bass used his elemental abilities again, and the player's starforce is no longer suppressed by Dark Energy
Even Bass' defenses are boosted by the power of starforce, making him a force to be reckoned with

Dark Elements appear in various places throughout the story, often near alien targets or in areas where elemental energy is high. Trill and Slur, for example, are able to summon Dark Elements to the field and prevent players from using non-Neutral abilities, while other instances of the Dark Frags and Dark Spires appear more organically on the robot master fields of Chapters Two and Four. Their appearance rates are much higher when a field or fusion star is in the mission, but they may still show up in cleared missions to feast on remnant energy signatures.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:37pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #47
Yes! Star Force is broken! What are you doing to fix it?!

I know a lot of other ideas and tweaks and mechanics were proposed to "fix" starforce but most of them were (in my opinion) bad and I think the new system will be much less convoluted and broken. When we start changing other mechanics to balance the flaws of another we need to really think if it's worth it and in these cases it was not.

Icons for all the fields stars in the game
Descriptions for a few types of field stars

In the new update, starforce will continue to boost elemental abilities but in a different way. Previously, starforce boosted the damage output of all abilities by a set percentage. A single star granted +10% power to all abilities of the same type, and because they could be stacked players were eventually able to boost certain types by almost 2000% damage. While the added power was incredibly fun, battles quickly became too easy and unfair opponents had no defense against the effects of starforce. This was especially painful in player battles where your characters were completely unable to defend themselves against OHKO attacks. This entire system needed to be changes. Some suggested that I remove it all together, but I believed there was a better way.

The new update will have starforce boosting Attack and Defense values by hard-coded amounts instead of percentages, and because it applies to both sides of the field its use in player battles will be much balanced. Collecting a single field star grants the user +10 Attack towards and +10 Defense against all abilities of the same type.

This means that a player who has collected all 1024 stars, for example, would benefit from +1890 Attack toward and +1890 Defense against all Flame type damage (rather than +1890%) and if they were facing another member of the 1024 club the effects on both sides would automatically balance each other (based on how Attack/Defense are used to calculate damage). Your Flame type ability would benefit from +1890 Attack (making it do more damage) but your opponent would also be benefiting from +1890 Defense (making it do less damage) so the boosts/breaks would cancel each other out. Starfoce in player battles is no longer a one-sided thing.

Target robots in player battles are cloaked in mystery until the battle starts

It should also be noted that your robots on your opponent's team in a player battle are now hidden until the battle actually starts, preventing challengers from simply picking the robots that are super effective against the targets. This adds a lot more strategy to team selection and prevents player battles from feeling too unfair for the target.

Target robots in player battles are cloaked in mystery until the battle starts

It may be hard to wrap your head around this idea, but the in-battle HUD makes it a little easier to visualize. When you target an opponent with an ability, your current Attack stat and the target's current Defense stat appear side-by-side in a vs. display so you can compare them yourself. These values are naturally affected by starforce boosts, and if you pause or slow down the action you can review see that starforce boosted values have a little star next to their digits. This makes it easy to see what you're up against in player battles and other situations where the target benefits from starforce too.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:36pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #48
Aren't some of these new mechanics a little overpowered?

Two robots face off in a player battle, each boosted by the power of starforce

I do not think so. Players on both sides have access to the new mechanics and it's up to the members of the community to decide which items and strategies they find the most useful and equip to their robots accordingly. I think these changes makes the starforce feature self-balancing and the new core mechanics allow for much more flexibility in team strategies and ability sets. Because each robot can only hold one item at a time, it forces the player to choose between boosted stats versus a greatly expanded move pool.

Flame Buster ability, one of the many new ones available

Are you going to give your Roll a Flame Core and grant her access to Flame type elemental abilities like the Flame Buster, or are you going to give her a Yashichi to double her life and weapon energy stats? Maybe you want your robot to start off with much stronger Attack/Defense/Speed stats instead and opt to go for the Super Capsule. It's really a matter of which strategy you want for that particular robot, and it allows two players with the exact same team to still have completely different strategies.

yashichi yashichi met yashichi yashichi

It should be noted that consumable items function differently in player battles. Their effects are still the same, but the items are not actually consumed at the end of battle. Because of the asynchronous nature of player battles it would be unfair if one side permanently lost items while the other did not, so consumable items are only "used up" in the single-player campaign. With this in mind, it should be clear that the larger, more expensive items like the Yashichi are obviously the best choice for player battles but might be overkill and wasteful for many of the single-player missions. Equip with care.

You know what is a little overpowered? Starforce.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:36pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #49 ( Edited : 2015/03/23 at 10:50pm )
So what are the effects then? What will items do when held?

-- Consumable Items --
These item are consumed after one use, and new ones will have to be equipped before the next battle.

Energy Pellet energy-pellet
When held by a robot master, the Energy Pellet grants +20% max LE at the start of battle.

Energy Capsule energy-capsule
Acts just like the Energy Pellet, but grants +50% max LE at the start of battle.

Energy Tank energy-tank
Acts just like the Energy Pellet and Capsule, but grants +100% max LE at the start of battle.

Weapon Pellet/Capsule/Tank weapon-pelletweapon-capsuleweapon-tank
These items function just like the Energy items but with WE instead of LE.

Attack/Defense/Speed/Super Pellet/Capsule
Same as above but with Attack/Defense/Speed or all three for the super items.

(I considered having these items function like Berries instead, acting like they normally do but being automatically consumed when necessary... but that felt a little too boring and predictable when you can already use an item during your turn without repercussions).

Extra Life extra-life
When held by a robot master, an Extra Life will automatically revive the user with 50% of their max LE and WE if defeated in battle (similar to the Auto Phoenix / Phoenix Down in Final Fantasy games). Obviously one of the most useful of the consumable items.

Yashichi yashichi
When held by a robot master, the Yashichi grants +100% max LE +100% max WE at the start of battle. Obviously another very useful consumable item.

-- Persistent Items --
These items are not consumed after one use and instead stay with your robot until removed by the player or by the effects of an attack in battle (such as switching or dropping items).

Robot Cores
When held by a robot master, a robot core allows the user to equip any ability of the same type - even if it does not match their internal core type. Secondary cores do not grant any reduction in WE nor boost damage/recovery like primary cores, however, so plan accordingly. Additionally, just like internal cores, held ones increase the power and decrease the weapon energy requirements of like-typed abilities - just by 25% instead of 50%.

-- No Effect --

Mecha Shards
Unlike their eventual forms, mecha shards have no effect when held by a robot in battle.

Small and Large Screw screw-smallscrew-large
These items unfortunately also have no effect when held by a robot in battle.

Score Balls score-ball-redscore-ball-bluescore-ball-greenscore-ball-purple
These items also have no effect when held by a robot in battle. Don't bother.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:36pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #50
Wait, what? Robots can hold items now? Like in Pokémon?

Rhythm holding a Flame Core, allowing her to equip Flame type abilities

Yes, finally. As expected, robot masters will only be able to hold onto one item at a time and they will each have varying degrees of usefulness. Pellets, capsules, tanks, shards, cores, extra lives, yashichis, and even small and large screws can be held, though it should be noted that only a few have effects worth exploring. Stars cannot be held even though they appear in the item database. Their power is too strong and the are too precious to risk loosing in battle so the doctors refuse to do it.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:36pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #51
Okay, and what about those Mecha Shards I heard about? How do they play into this?

Icons for all the mecha shards in the game
Descriptions for a few types of mecha shards

Support mechas drop elemental items now too. Mecha shards are dropped when you defeat support mechas with super effective abilities, just like cores from robot masters. The difference here is that while mecha shards are initially useless, collecting four will trigger a fusion effect and a new robot core will be born (much like Pieces of Heart / Heart Containers in the Zelda series). In this way, it will be possible to collect robot cores of otherwise unobtainable types.

Descriptions for a few types of mecha shards

Laser type, for example, currently has no robot masters to collect cores from but the Beak support mecha can easily be farmed for Laser Shards. The shards will eventually fuse into a new core, and boom - new Laser Core. Same with Shield type being dropped by the new Sniper Joe mecha - all robot core types will be obtainable.

"So that's it? Robot cores just deal damage now?" you might ask and the answer is yes, robot cores only deal damage now when used in battle, but as mentioned before they're also pretty valuable when traded in at Reggae's shop and there's one more mechanic that lets the robot cores shine in a brand new way - the ability for a robot master to hold an item.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:36pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #52
No Core Guard, huh? Will there be any changes to the Robot Cores?

Icons for all the robot cores in the game
Descriptions for a few types of robot cores

Robot cores will continue to be dropped by robot masters when defeated with a super effective weapons, but they will have different effects when used in battle. Cores used to raise the field multiplier and potentially shift Copy Core robots into other types, but that mechanic turned out to be relatively boring and has been replaced with a new one. When used in battle, robot cores will now be thrown at the target to inflict elemental damage . The amount will be respectable, likely percent-based, but will have no other effect. Clean, simple, and useful - especially given the rarity of certain types in the game. Speaking of which...
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:35pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #53
About those robot cores... Didn't you say something about "Core Guard"?

Core guard turned out to be a bad idea and has been removed

I did and I take it back. I was trying to give the cores a more meaningful place in the game while simultaneously balancing out the overpowered starforce mechanic. That was a mistake and the idea was killed off as soon as I came to my senses. Coreguard would have given the player boosted elemental defenses based on the number of cores collected, but a fair and sensible formula for that boost could not be agreed upon and the concept fell out of favour. Instead, cores will have other uses unrelated to the starforce mechanic. Starforce can balance itself out (we'll get to that later).
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:35pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #54
Okay, so Auto is getting new items. What about Reggae?

A fully fleshed out inventory in Auto's Shop

When Reggae starts off, he'll have a small collection of Neutral type abilities for purchase. These are your Energy Boost, Attack Support, Defense Break, Experience Booster, and other similar support abilities. While these abilities are helpful, they are not Reggae's speciality.

New abilities such as the Freeze Shot, Freeze Buster, and Freeze Overdrive will be available in Reggae's Shop

As his dialogue implies, Reggae loves collecting robot cores and will trade the player a respectable amount of zenny for them... but why? Well, it turns out Reggae uses the elemental power of those cores to create new abilities. Collect and sell enough cores of a certain type and Reggae will begin stocking abilities of a matching element. Give enough Flame Cores to Reggae and his shop will begin to carry abilities like Flame Buster, Flame Overdive, Attack Burn and Defense Blaze in the rotation. The same goes for almost every other core type - sell them to Reggae some sweet Zenny and then come back later to see what new moves he has on offer. The only cores that has no additional effect when sold are Neutral Cores (because those abilities are already available). Even the elusive Copy Core might unlock some new abilities in the shop...

Descriptions of the Electric Shot, Buster, and Overdrive abilities

Many of the elemental Shot, Buster, and Overdrive abilities as well as the elemental Boost and Break ones can only be obtained in Reggae's shop using the above method, so it's well worth the effort to collect and trade them in. It should be noted that Reggae's exchange rate for any given core will still be heavily influenced by the player's starforce, though the exact strength of that influence may be tweaked.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:35pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #55
What about the shop then? Will anything be new there?

A fully fleshed out inventory in Auto's Shop

Yes, there are several new items being added to Auto's Shop. Most are pretty straight-forward, but I believe they'll add a bit more strategy and flexibility to battles.

Icons for the new Attack, Defense, Speed, and Super Pellets and Capsules

Descriptions for the new Pellet and Capsule items

The first set of new items are the pellets and capsules for the other stats. Just like Life Energy and Weapon Energy, there will now be items to restore/boost Attack, Defense, and Speed. There are even Super Pellets and Capsules that boosts all three at once! The Attack Capsule, Defense Pellet, Super Capsule, and the other stat pellets aren't available initially, but appear soon after progressing a bit in the story.

Icons for the new Red, Blue, Green and Purple Score Balls

Descriptions for the new Score Ball items

The next set of new items are the score balls. These items grant additional bonus points at the end of a battle, either as a flat amount or as a percentage of the base reward value. A score ball is used mid-battle like any other item but it's effects are not seen until the very end, and even then it's only if you win. Score balls can only be purchased after completing the main game and acquiring the "prototype complete" marker on your save file.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:35pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #56
We're still getting alternate outfits... right?

Alternate outfits appear even in player battles

Yes, absolutely. The alts for all unlockable robot masters are already complete, coded into the game, and the mechanics for unlocking them are already in place. Alternate colours/costumes for your robots masters will be unlocked based on how many times you have summoned them into battle, and this unlocking is retroactive. Most users will already have most of the alts unlocked when the update comes out, because any summons you used before the update still count toward the unlock requirements.

Roll's robot editor screen, with new summon counter and alt costumes

It was suggested that I put them in a shop instead (which lead to the concept of a robot named Tron who would run said shop) but in the end I decided against it. Alts will be unlocked automatically based on summon count. Maybe passwords in the future. But no shop. Sorry. Too much extra work for a purely aesthetic feature, and the alts people will want most are likely already the robots they use the most frequently in battle so it's not as bad as a few have suggested. If you like a given robot master and have used them in battle, you likely already have one of their alts. Maybe all of them.

Disco's robot database screen, with all alternate costumes viewable

It should be noted that alts have no effect in battle but can be used in story battles, player battles, and even on the leaderboard for a bit of extra flare. Alternately colours robot masters will also appear in-game as enemies for robot masters that have already been unlocked by the player, with the normal-coloured versions being replaced by alpha/beta versions of them in applicable missions. These colours are only there to represent the upgraded power of the robot and the alts themselves have no special properties. Just making that clear.

Target robots are replaced with alternately coloured alpha and beta versions of themselves once defeated

Standard robot masters each have two new alts (currently) and unlock them after 100 and 200 summons respectively. The support robots each have five new alts (currently) and unlock them after 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 summons respectively. Copy core robots do not have alts simply because they already change colour frequently in battle. Maybe someday we'll make an exception, but not for this update.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:35pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #57
Is the stat thing still happening? "No more 9999"?

Mega Man's Stat Adjustments
Roll's Stats Adjustments

Yes, stats are still getting capped as per previous screenshots suggested. The max amount will be 10x their otherwise unboosted max values. Mega Man has an unboosted max life energy of 595, for example, so his max life energy including stat bonuses would be 5950. Any overflow from robots who have already gained more stats then will be technically allowed will automatically be converted into Zenny. That Zenny can be used to buy anything you want in the shop so I think this is fair.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 6:34pm in "2015 Update Preview : Stats, Alts, and Elemental Forces" #58
When will the update be ready/done/complete?

Winter Update Lies

I have no idea. I'm hoping sometime before the end of the year but I'm making no promises. I initially thought it would be done by the end of Winter but that never happened so we all have to adjust our expectations. Know that I have not stopped working on it and I'll let you guys know when it's close to being ready. Otherwise, please stop asking. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on February 9th, 2015 at 8:31am in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #59
In lieu of a cancelled chat, here are a few preview screenshots to mull over until next week:

Updated Ability List

Ice Man vs Flame Man

Elec Man vs Dark Frag

Elec Man vs Bubble Man

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2015 at 5:44pm in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #60
I come with news of more changes in the next update, as well as the introduction of a new(ish) character! Say hello to "Tron", a servebot created by Kalinka to help with lab duties and routine maintenance. Though she's unable to offer any real assistance to our heroes in the world of the prototype, she has found a way to make your robots "more beautiful" by tweaking their colour and appearance variables.

Kalinka's New Servebot : Tron!

Tron will be a new support character that owns the fourth shop, unlocked after you finish the single-player campaign for each doctor. With Tron's inclusion comes a few other changes to the game, listed below. Please note that even these ideas are in-progress and could change before the final release date.

Auto's Shop
- Complete Dr. Light's first chapter to unlock Auto's Shop
- Auto sells battle items and score balls to the player for zenny at full price
- Auto buys battle items and metal screws from the player for zenny at half price
- Inventory of items starts off small but grows as you collect more battle points until all are unlocked
- Immediately useful to the player, mechanics do not change as the game progresses

Reggae's Shop
- Complete Dr. Wily's first chapter to unlock Reggae's Shop
- Reggae sells support abilities to the player for zenny at prices inflated by high starforce values
- Reggae buys robot cores from the player for zenny at prices inflated by high starforce values
- Inventory of abilities starts with only Neutral abilities, but grows to include other elements based on the cores you sell him
- Moderately useful to the player as inventory is randomize and changes only once hourly in real time

Kalinka's Shop
- Complete Dr. Cossack's first chapter to unlock Kalinka's Shop
- Kalinka sells new battle fields to the player for zenny at prices inflated by high coreguard values
- Kalinka buys field/fusion stars from the player for zenny at prices inflated by high coreguard values
- Inventory of fields is constant but each is locked until you can find and scan the associated robot master in battle
- Wishlist of field and fusion stars she is willing to buy changes only once daily in real time
- Not useful to the player until much later in the story when they find their first field or fusion star
- Essential to the player if they want to unlock more robots and collect new types of elemental cores and field/fusion stars

Tron's Shop
- Complete the final chapter in each Dr.'s campaign to unlock Tron's Shop
- Tron sells new alternate outfits to the player for zenny at prices reduced by higher summons counts
- Tron does not buy anything from the player, you'll have to get your zenny elsewhere
- Inventory is randomized each time you reload the shop and expands as you unlock more robots
- Optional to the player with no in-battle effects other than aesthetic changes, purely cosmetic
- Alternate outfits unlocked in this way can also be used as your leaderboard avatar
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2015 at 11:05am in "Prototype Devroom : Sunday Night Chatroom" #61
@Daroach : You've brought it up yourself several times now. Please stop harping on it. You were kicked because you were interrupting a strictly development talk among senior members who are trying to plan future updates for the game. You are always welcome to sign in and listen, but if you're going to talk during a legacy chat you must stay on topic. No posting youtube videos or links to anything else that isn't on-topic as it wastes time and prevents real work from getting done. Please understand and keep your youtube videos and casual chat in the Xat room, otherwise you may be kicked again... and again. Thank you.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2015 at 10:06am in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #62 ( Edited : 2015/01/24 at 10:50am )
It's been a few weeks now, so I think it's okay to share these screenshots with the community at large. That way members who don't frequent the dev chats can still see what's in the works. I wont go into too much detail about them as they may change, but at the very least they'll be fun to analyze and speculate on.

For starters, here are a few updated database page previews:

Player Database
Robot Database
Mecha Database
Boss Database
Ability Database
Item Database

And here are some screenshots I took today to illustrate the (updated) starforce and coreguard mechanics a bit more:

Flame Shard
Flame Core
Flame Star

These changes allow for a slightly more balanced relationship between the two and also allow Neutral-type robots to benefit from the boosts as well. As previously stated, elemental attacks will still be ineffective against the Empty Type Dark Frags, Dark Spires, and Dark Towers but outside of those specific circumstances there's still a lot to be gained from collecting the elemental shards/cores/stars throughout the game.

And just for those wondering what this means for stats, I'll break it down quickly. One of the most common types right now is the Flame Type, and as a result there are currently 183 Flame type stars (6 of which are fusion stars). This translates to a potential maximum +1890 Attack boost whenever you deal Flame type damage. Compare this with the x282 (x99 + x183) limit for Flame Cores, and you have a potential maximum +1410 Defense boost whenever you receive Flame type damage. Not exactly equal, but pretty close and as more updates are released in the future the theoretical maximums will keep each other in check.

That's all for today, and sorry for the gigantic delay but I promise it'll be worth it with all the new content and fixes and mechanics that'll come into play. Thank you for your patience!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 22nd, 2014 at 5:05pm in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #63 ( Edited : 2014/12/22 at 5:51pm )
@MerryBossMan :

Thanks again for helping me get these previews out. The development process is often long and confusing, but being able to share the highlights and fun parts with the community via whatever means is always nice. :)

@TheGrinch :

I completely agree with what you and Mike are saying about it being too easy to level up and there needing to be changed, but I feel like I should clear something up about how levels work.

The required EXP per level is always equal to 1,000 - as you're all aware - but the actual amount of EXP awarded by each knock-out does change as you level-up your robots. The base EXP for a given enemy regardless of level is equal to the sum of its base Energy, Attack, Defense, and Speed stats. Once calculated, a percentage of that base EXP is awarded based on the target's level compared to your own. If you defeat a robot of a much higher level and therefore stronger than you, you'll receive more EXP. If you defeat a robot that is of a lower level and therefore weaker than you, you'll receive less EXP.

Even though I like this mechanic and I don't want to change it completely, I do agree that it's too easy to exploit and the relative level modifier isn't as effective as I'd hoped. I'll try to include some kind of fix for this update but we'll see what happens.

Back to the Dark Elements / Structures / Crystal-things I'm glad you appreciate the new benefit to Neutral-type abilities. For a long time now (years!) I've been telling people not to worry about the Neutral-types and that - in the long run - they would balance themselves out. Now I'm finally able to show you all how. I sure hope everything works out! :P

And for the collection effort of stars and cores, I will absolutely tweak drop rates but not for the cores or stars. I think that, given the effect of a core is only a 0.5% boost and stars are a full 5% (or 10% for fusion), it makes sense that one would be much easier to collect than the other. That being said, diligent players could easily collect all 99 of a given core before the end of their campaign and therefore block half of all matching elemental damage... but that's not as bad as it sounds.

I'm going to lower the drop rate of restorative items to being very rare (pellet, capsule, tank), and increase the drop rate of small and large screws in instead. Restorative items will still be dropped occasionally, but it will be much easier to get them in the shop. As it stands there is little reason to purchase items in Auto's shop because everything he has in stock can be found in battle with little effort. I think that when enemy forces only drop screws and cores, players will have more of a reason to exchange their rewards for zenny in the shop and trade them for better items. Given that cores have very good sell prices and individually their effect is quite small, I think it stands to reason that new players may underestimate them and sell whatever is plentiful. And as for post-game balance, we can move forward knowing that advanced players will likely be blocking half of all elemental damage and adjust challenge from there.

Or at least that's my thought process right now. As always things are not set in stone and may change next week, tomorrow, or even five minutes from now. "We'll see what happens." :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 22nd, 2014 at 12:11am in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #64 ( Edited : 2014/12/22 at 12:23am )
@Shadownnico : Thanks for the heads-up. I adjusted the sheet with the x0.01 values and cascaded the results, see the new numbers here:
MMRPG / Elemental Trinity / Calculations V3

Now these make a lot more sense to me. The ideal scenario would be that if two players are evenly matched - both robots are fully trained, all available starforce/coreguard is collected - the damage from their abilities should be pretty low and close to zero. In these scenarios, players are forced to come up with alternate strategies and/or use the available field multipliers and weakness/resistances to their advantage. This is yet another reason why Neutral type abilities are not and will not be as useless as people keep saying they are. Just be patient and all will become clear.

@Santastrike : I was actually making more a reference to Control Spires in terms of function and to the Dark Crystals and Crystal Tokyo of Sailor Moon in terms of appearance, but that works too. :P

Oh, and BossMan has another piece of concept artwork to share with everyone so look forward to that. It will explain the Dark Spire mechanic a bit more and how they'll appear in battle. Pretty exciting stuff!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 20th, 2014 at 6:16pm in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #65 ( Edited : 2014/12/20 at 6:23pm )
@Mikey McScrooge :

You've created a unneeded game mechanic to moderate 2 other unneeded game mechanics.
I created the third pillar in a game mechanic relationship that you don't like. From a visual perspective, it all fits together nicely, from a narrative perspective, it makes sense, and from a player perspective it makes you feel super awesome and mega powerful but only in specific situations. Once again, if you want a plain-vanilla Mega Man RPG without lots of moving parts and mechanics, you have other options than the Prototype. I and many other people love when multiple, seemingly straight-forward mechanics come together to balance each other out to provide new contexts and gameplay scenarios.

Of course, you can remedy this by including Star Force in the storyline...
I am. What you consider the storyline and what I do are obviously different things. If it happens in-game and doesn't say otherwise, you can consider the events part of the storyline. Even the player buying new fields from Kalinka is storyline. What we refer to as post-game is really just post-final-destination. Things aren't as rigid as you constantly assume.

It's actually more like than 12,000+ or 13,000+% for some types [Cutter, for example] after all 10,000+
I know that Mike, I was making a fun Dragon Ball Z reference with the "over 9000". I clearly said "over", so I'm not sure how many credit points you expect to get by correcting that specific value. And if you want to get technical, only 102 robot masters are playable and only 96 of them are elemental and capable of producing field stars. Using this handy tool or a little bit of math, you can see that there will be a total of 9120 fusion stars plus the initial 96 field stars when this is all over (9216 total). Because only 8 of the 96 robots in question are Cutter Core, that means the absolute maximum amount of Cutter type Star Force is 7680% (8 field + 760 fusion * 10% boost).

More complaining
I'm sorry if you don't like the way the game is developing, but if you really hate my ideas then you should wait until I upload the game's source code to GitHub. Once it's up there and publicly available, and you can download and tweak settings and features to your heart's content then upload to your own server and run the show there. Maybe even reskin the game with other characters. Might be fun. But so long as you're playing this particular Mega Man RPG, you need to accept that I'm not always going to agree with your ideas and I have no obligation to.

By the way, I'm not the kind of guy who would ban someone or take away their posting privileges for (aggressively) disagreeing with me but you really need to stop with the disrespect and talking down to me like I'm some kind of inexperienced flake. I promise I'll be using that downvote button when it's implemented and I imagine there will be others who have been waiting for it too.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 20th, 2014 at 6:16pm in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #66 ( Edited : 2014/12/20 at 6:24pm )
@Mikey McScrooge :

For the love of all that is fun and colourful in the world, would you please just back off for once? I get that you're a Fox-only, Final Destination kind of guy but I'm not and you need to get over that.

I am the lead developer of this game, and at the end of the day I make the calls even if they're unpopular with a small minority of users. I've heard your arguments and suggestions, and I am well aware of all the circumstances you mention, but once again you forget that I am infinitely more knowledgeable about what's going on behind the scenes, what is or isn't possible withing the framework of the game, and what ideas of mechanics are coming up in the future. Add to that the fact that a whole lot of what you're saying is based on assumptions. You assume that all 102 robot masters will be added to the story and affect target enemy levels, you assumed that Neutral stars would be a thing, you assumed that Cache had something to do with Star Force and spent weeks writing a fanfic that is likely now all messed up, and you assume that the "post-game" as it is now will always be considered "post-game". I've been building this thing in layers for years, and many things have changed over that time both in purpose and utility.

Sometimes I know that all the parts of a certain feature or relationship will not be completed together in the same time frame, so I temporarily give them a purpose or stat or mechanic to make them at least a little useful until their true meaning is revealed. Star Force is getting a nerf, Robot Cores are getting a buff, and a new sub-mechanic will start to take place in the latter stages of the game. And no, not just the "post-game" as it is now. When this is all fleshed out, what we refer to as the "end" now may actually only be the middle, and I've long anticipated adding maybe one or two more chapters to the game after the final destination battles and the Slur events, but that's a long ways away it's really not worth fussing over right now.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 20th, 2014 at 2:30pm in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #67 ( Edited : 2014/12/22 at 12:11am )
The elemental forces in the world of the Prototype are quickly getting out of control, but a new mechanic looms in the distance...

Robot Cores - conceived and programmed by Dr.'s Light and Cossack - act as the energy sources for the robots that appear in the Prototype. They allow a robot to use abilities that match their core, and grant a +1% defense boost to received elemental damage of the same type. When collected by the player, their combined Core Guard can boost the elemental resistance of a given type by up to 99%!

Field and Fusion Stars are a powerful, alien energy source introduced into the Prototype by Slur as a means to revive her fallen army and prevent our heroes from escaping her plan. Field Stars grant a +10% attack boost to dealt elemental damage of the same type. Fusion Stars work in much the same way, but contain the power of two different Field Stars in one. When collected by the player, their combined Star Force can boost the elemental effectiveness of a given type by over 9000%!

Overwhelmed by the players' ability to harness the powerful elemental forces within the Prototype, Dark Spires are mysterious and monolithic entities created by Slur as her last stand effort to take out our heroes. Dark Spires appear in battle alongside enemy forces and completely nullify the effects of all elemental forces, rendering Star Force and Core Guard useless. Dark Spires absorb all other elements, so players will have to defeat enemy forces without the aid of their Robot Cores, Field Stars, and Fusion Stars - or - destroy the Dark Spires using only Neutral-type attacks and restore elemental powers to the battlefield.

The goal is to have these new mechanics ready for the Winter Update... but we'll see what happens. Either way, a trinity of forces balancing each other out is something I've wanted to do for a while but I (once again) needed to wait until other pieces were in place. In the mean time, here's some concept artwork I whipped up demonstrating how the Core Guard, Star Force, and Dark Spires will work together in tandem. Thanks again for your patience and please bare with me if it takes a little longer to get everything finished. :P

The trinity of elemental forces in the prototype interact in strange and mysterious ways...

And for anyone who wants to run the numbers and don't mind getting into depth with calculations, you can review my in-progress findings at the following pastebin link. Please excuse my writing style and any typos you find, I'm more concerned with concept and numbers right now. Calculations are rounded to no more than six decimal places in these calculations, though in-game values may use more precise floating numbers.

MMRPG / Elemental Trinity / Calculations V2
MMRPG / Elemental Trinity / Calculations V3
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 16th, 2014 at 9:26pm in "Mikey's Ideas #5: For a better experience for all." #68
Idea #7: Star Force is extremely broken, and should go.

Another nope. I am always going to side with the "change it" option rather than the "remove it" option. The negative effect starforce has had on the game's balance and economy cannot be understated, but the solution is not to remove it. It is to re-purpose it, tweak it, or introduce another element that balances it. Coreguard's mechanics and introduction notwithstanding, there are other ways to balance this and I think a lot of people other than yourself would be peeved if we removed a feature they spent 100s of hours with. I think we should scale back the effect of starforce, finalize the coreguard to even things out, and then most importantly, introduce a game element or mechanic that temporarily nullifies both those effects in certain situations. Imagine an enemy or object that - when on the field - prevents all starforce and coreguard from taking effect until destroyed? Maybe we could do something with the elusive "empty" type? Many possibilities.

Idea #8 [last one]: Level 100 isn't enough.

I still do not want to go past level 100. At least grinding for starforce was kind of fun for a while. Each star is a fun colour or combination of two, the field combinations with their mixed backgrounds and mechas are sometimes fun to look at and the different music is always a pleasure. Grinding levels though? Not nearly as interesting. I think increasing a robot's strength or usefulness post-level 100 can be done in other ways than increasing the cap. Maybe, upon reaching level 100, a robot is finally able to use that awesome core-swapping feature that I've heard so much about? Or maybe level 100s have some other thing they can improve upon or upgrade other than their level itself. Reaching level 100 should feel like an accomplishment, not one boring step on the way to 200 or 250 or more.


And that's it for today. I need to go to do something that doesn't involve typing, these suggestion replies really take a lot out of me. >_> Either way, thank you for the suggestions and discussions and for getting these ideas out there. Even if I don't agree with your solutions, most of your observations are spot-on and the conversations resulting from them are never a waste. Thank you.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 16th, 2014 at 8:47pm in "Mikey's Ideas #5: For a better experience for all." #69 ( Edited : 2014/12/16 at 9:26pm )
Idea #3: Mechas don't have to be a joke.

I don't want to spent too much time on this one because I agree that mechas are currently bad and need to change, but I already have a few ideas of how to tweak them swirling around in my head. Again, I do not think breaking the stat-mold is the answer, but we'll come back to this after future changes have been implemented.

Idea #4: Critical Hits need to go.

I think there's some confusion about the exact rates, but I do agree that randomness can be... frustrating.

Critical hits happen, by default, 10% of the time. Certain abilities can increase it higher, to like 20%. And yes it is completely random, as far as percent-based chances go. And crits always do 2x damage. I've been playing Pokemon since the Red and Blue days and I had no idea crits ever did anything but 2x... I based the MMRPG's crits on that fact. Guess I need to look something up...

Anyway, I will take this suggestion to heart. Not removing critical hits altogether (I hate that all your ideas are about removing stuff!) - but definitely changing how they work in some way to be more fair and controllable.

Idea #5: No damage-dealing attacks should ignore stats.

I agree on some fronts and not others. I definitely agree about the Needle Cannon (how does one "ignore defense" when it's required for the damage calculation? what is actually happening with that ability?!) but not so much about some of the others.

Rain Flush, as well as any other percent-based actions need to be revised to NOT be affected by starforce or any other modifiers. We'll get into that in the next point though. Needle Cannon should ignore defense boosts (and use the base value), ignore 50% of the current defense, or something else, but it should not ignore defense entirely. Same with Drill Blitz. Others can be tweaked on an individual basis.

I completely disagree about the speed abilities though. Speed is not "ignored" by certain abilities, it's just prioritized lower. As you might have noticed in the database, every ability has a speed. Most have the same speed. A select few are faster than others and "trump" the default speed calculation when used... UNLESS both robots use one of these high-priority abilities. If both abilities have equally boosted speed, it's cancelled out and the robot's speed is taken into account once again. I feel like this alone balances the mechanic. Don't like getting trumped by Quick Boomerang? Use Proto Strike. Don't like getting trumped by Proto Strike? Use it or Mega Slide or Bass Baroque and your speed with triumph once again.

Idea #6: Attacks that deal with percentages are broken.

Yes, they are. I currently have all the percentage-based ability actions being processed as elemental - like the defense boost from Leaf Shield is calculated as a Nature-type action and thus it benefits from starforce. This is because the "damage" and "recovery" mechanics in the game are actually incredibly similar and use lots of the same code - they're just inverted +/- values with a few exceptions. I do agree that this isn't working, however, and some changes are in order.

Possible solutions that are not removing abilities?

1. Make it so all percent-based actions are non-elemental, even if the ability is elemental. The boost from raising a Leaf Shield would be neutral and would therefore ignore any nature starforce or coreboost, making it always recovery the same percent. I don't like this idea because it means certain in-game effects would no longer occur. For example, using Fire Storm after using Leaf Shield will burn the Leaf Shield away and remove its effect. This only happens because the Leaf Shield is weak to flame, and the Fire Storm rotator attaching itself to you knows it's flame type. Attachment weakness triggered.

2. Make it so all recovery actions ignore starforce and coreboost. There are few percent-based actions that should benefit from any kind of boosts without making them broken. This idea feels like it would fix most issues, except for Rain Flush...

3. Do some combination of the two and/or manually reprogram Rain Flush to make it unaffected by starforce. Maybe coreboost is still okay? This topic definitely needs more thought and planning.

I do like Mikey's ideas for status ideas, or some version of it, but it will take a lot of reprogramming and planning. That stat limit thing we'll revisit after the next update, and... neutral starforce will never be a thing. Adjust your expectations accordingly. Neutral type is the lack of a type. It is not a type in itself. In the programming, every other type has a lower-case token/value except neutral type (which has a value or nothing, null, empty, the lack of a value). It just wouldn't work.

[continued in next comment]
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 16th, 2014 at 8:15pm in "Mikey's Ideas #5: For a better experience for all." #70 ( Edited : 2014/12/16 at 8:46pm )
Just finished reading through the pastebin for the recent dev chat and the one for your ideas, here are my quick thoughts on your ideas for now. I will continue thinking about them as I go about my week, of course, but these are my initial thoughts.

Idea #1: The base stats of all currently available opponents need a refit.

Nope. All robots that are to be unlockable (as per this image) need to have the same base stats. I feel like this should be incredibly obvious as to why. What would be the point of ever using the MM1 robots after you've unlocked the MM2 or MM3 robots? All playable RMs should have an equal chance of being useful, and giving some higher base stats than others works against that goal in every way.

If the robot masters are currently unbalanced (hint: they are), it's not because of their stats and changing them is not going to fix it. Current imbalances stem from many different things, including but not limited to available abilities, available starforce, field multipliers, current mechanics, and so many other factors. Any one or all of these mechanics can be tweaked to be more beneficial to the robot and - more importantly - many, many abilities are not yet programmed into the game. Wood Man may be useless now with nothing but the Leaf Shield, but with a new ability, a retooling of his current one, and/or a few more nature starforce and you never know. I'm just saying that external factors play a huge role here and a base stat increase is not the answer.

That being said, if this suggestion is in the name of making the game more challenging then we're all forgetting about the bonus stats. These are like EVs in Pokemon - effort values - that get added on top of your robot's base stats for a given level (up until a point), allowing you to surpass your pre-programmed limits. These bonus stats are not reserved for player-characters either, target robots can have them too. I could easily give target RMs in Chapter 1 maybe +100 bonus points for each stat, or +10%, or something, and then +200 in Chapter 2, etc. Whatever the case, I can increase the stats and/or difficulty of future robots without changing their base stats and messing up the whole game.

Idea #2: More Robots need attacks that are theirs and theirs alone.

I agree with the sentiment of this suggestion, but not the suggestion itself. The rules we have established for this game, for this universe, in terms of robot cores and who can equip what, are pretty common knowledge at this point and make for some very interesting and fun scenarios in both the game itself and the fanon around it. I really like them, myself, and while they may strike some as odd at first it definitely goes a long way to making each robot capable of a range of abilities (hypothetically speaking, not all abilities are done of course).

I do agree that it would be nice if other robots had truly unique abilities, and ones that only they could use, but I do not think changing the existing mechanics are the answer. Do you know how much reprogramming that would take? And I'm not just talking about the game itself, but everyone's save file? How many robot I would have to loop through and un-equip abilities that would now be illegal under Mikey's rule? And replace them, programatically, with what? Buster Shots? It doesn't make sense. I think we should find ways to work within the system. Always.

Given that weapon energy is a thing, all abilities have it, and the exact requirements change on a per-robot basis anyway... why not use that? Each robot has a total WE of 10, correct? And WE requirements are halved if the move is the same type and halved again if the move is learned by level-up? Reverse-engineer that. Imagine an ability that requires 40 WE to use. No one could use it... unless they matched the type and learned the move by level-up. What if we made Tier 3 abilities fill this void? Imagine Ice Man having a Tier 3 ability that did some crazy-awesome effect and had a 40 WE cost? When used by Ice Man, that cost would be reduced to 10 exactly... the maximum amount of WE any robot can have. It would almost be like a Giga Attack in the X series - super powerful but uses all energy and leaves you at a disadvantage for a while.

It's just one idea but it's one of many potential additions that don't scrap the foundations we've already built.

[continued in next comment]
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 7:04pm in "Prototype Devroom : Sunday Night Chatroom" #71 ( Edited : 2014/11/30 at 7:58pm )
Chat still in progress, but here's part 1:
Sunday Night Chatroom 2014/11/30
and part 2:
Sunday Night Chatroom 2014/11/30 #2
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 30th, 2014 at 5:06pm in "I need to have a CHAT with all of you. x)" #72
@MetaKirbSter : Two things. First, I don't really think p*** is a swear word but I edited my response anyway. I was just quoting something Mikey said. And two, if you're only 10 years old you're not supposed to be here. The login and registration pages both clearly state that you need to be at least 13 years of age to join and the login form even forces you to confirm your date of birth before you can continue. This means that you obviously lied about your birth date. The ONLY way someone under 13 would be allowed to join is if they had their parent complete the COPPA form and send it to me, of which I have received a total of zero. I could get in legal trouble for not banning you, so please read the registration page again and have your parent send me the completed form. Thank you.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 30th, 2014 at 3:49pm in "I need to have a CHAT with all of you. x)" #73 ( Edited : 2014/10/31 at 3:20pm )
@ThatGhostNamedMike : I'm honestly getting really tired of dealing with this, and your attitude is not appreciated. Whether or not you agree with every single rule I make or don't make, the fact of the matter is that I've spent the last 8 years of my life programming this game and its community from scratch and I think I deserve a little bit of respect from of you. You created a chat room. You didn't program it, you simply set it up. Yes it's more technologically advanced than the IRC-based chat we had before and better in several ways, but that doesn't automatically make you some kind of super-mod or give you the right to talk to me like this. You pushed for a new chat when I said no, you went behind my back and created one anyway, and then when I was nice enough to approve the chat and add it on the website, you started letting that small bit of power go to your head. Now you're publicly calling me out on my website and aggressively questioning my authority? I've always been open to discussion and democracy, but this is just ridiculous.

Several months ago you said the following:
I just wanna make sure I don't make any Mods *pissed off*. BIG difference. Well guess what? I'm one of those mods - THE mod - and you're really starting to get on my nerves. I did like you at first, but now I'm not so sure anymore.

I think you're being overzealous with the chat rules and your position and you really need to cool down. Is it really so bad if someone who isn't a member joins the chat? If they're acting up, you can ban them or kick them. If they're not acting up you can leave them alone. What does someone's username have to do with their behavior? If you can't verify who someone is, simply don't make them a mod. It's not rocket science. It's getting to the point where I don't even want a chat anymore, as this is been more of a headache than any server issues or bugs in the game. You've single-handedly sucked all the fun out of working on this game and made me question my motivation for completing the update. How can I when every time I visit the website or check my email I have to read stuff like this?

For everyone else, PLEASE chime in. I need to know if I'm just being crazy or if Mikey really is causing as many problems in the community as my inbox suggests. Either way, don't expect to see me around much anymore and have fun with whatever chat rules you all come up with. This is not what I signed up for and I need a break more than ever now. So ridiculous.
This matter has been resolved.-MBM
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 28th, 2014 at 11:11pm in "I need to have a CHAT with all of you. x)" #74
I'm sorry, but I had to remove the below rule and replace it with something else. I did not fully agree with it and I hope you will understand why I made this move.


A. PrototypeName
B. XatName[PrototypeName]

Option A is to simply use your Prototype name; the name on your MMRPG Prototype file. Any changes you make to your official Prototype name in the Prototype website must also reflect on your Chat name, as well.

In my case, I'd be using MY Prototype name, ThatGhostNamedMikey.

Option B is to use your Xat name, which can be almost whatever you wish, with your official Prototype name right next to it in brackets or parentheses for clear identification and verification purposes.
Needless to say, you can't use any Xat Names that are offensive, religious or are curse words, and, like with option A, any changes you make to your official Prototype name on the Prototype site will need to reflect in the Prototype Name in the Xat, as well; it's very important that we chat staffers know who everybody is.

In my case, I could use any of the following examples:

To change your name, simply double click on your Xat Name in the column on the right side of the Xat box.

Failure to follow either of these templates as your Xat name [after 11/1/14] may result in your being unable to speak in the Xat unless and until you do so.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 22nd, 2014 at 6:20pm in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #75 ( Edited : 2014/09/22 at 7:09pm )
Thank you, everyone. Your understanding and kind words mean a lot. I'll definitely try not to burn myself out - I'm still not that good at pacing myself and taking appropriate breaks when I program, but I'm much better at it than I was in the beginning and am getting a little better every year. Luckily, I'm also getting a little bit more efficient in my programming each year so I think it evens out. :P

For the overflow conversion, I'm glad I asked - it looks like there are a lot of different opinions and ideas on this one but I want to make sure everyone walks away happy. There's another, unrelated idea I was throwing around last week, but now I'm thinking it might be the perfect solution to this problem. Let me explain...

Score Balls are an item that appeared in Mega Man 1 on the NES and were never heard from again. Only briefly re-appearing in Powered Up, the items have long since been forgotten and why wouldn't they be? Mega Man games haven't had points or scores for a long time now (sadly). You know what does have points? The MMRPG.

I want to add several varieties of Score Balls to the RPG, but I'm going to twist the purpose slightly into something much more appropriate for our game. Please understand, these are just ideas right now and might not make it into the final update, but I wanted to bounce the idea off you guys all the same.
Red Score Ball 2000z
A small red sphere that glows with a mysterious power. Using this item in battle increases the point reward for the current mission by 500!

Blue Score Ball 2000z
A small blue sphere that glows with a mysterious power. Using this item in battle increases the point reward for the current mission by 5%!

Green Score Ball 4000z
A large green sphere that radiates with a mysterious power. Using this item in battle increases the point reward for the current mission by 1000 for each active robot master on your opponent's side of the field!

Purple Score Ball 4000z
A large purple sphere that radiates with a mysterious power. Using this item in battle increases the point reward for the current mission by 10% for each disabled robot master on your opponent's side of the field!
I was originally going to have these items be dropped by robots/mechas and be much weaker, but there are already plenty of in-battle drops to collect and sell and high-level players need something more meaningful to spend their money on. As such, these items will be sold in Auto's Shop post-game as a fun way to play the system and boost your BP for non-player-battle missions. I think it will be fun, and using the right ball at the right time will add another layer to BP grinding that isn't so rinse-repeat.

How does this solve the stat conversion problem? Well, I'm thinking that if I convert everything to Zenny, you guys could either keep the zenny, or buy Score Balls from the shop and do your own conversion into battle points. It'll be up to each individual what they do with the reward that way, and could easily be chained for a whole buttload of BP.

Let me know what you guys think of this idea, and thank you again for all your support and ideas and everything else you great people do. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 21st, 2014 at 10:32pm in "Winter Update Preview : Stat Limits and Alternate Outfits" #76 ( Edited : 2014/09/21 at 10:39pm )
Despite years of watching YouTube videos and reading blogs about the dangers of "power creep" in game design, I made a huge mistake and succumbed to it anyway. I apologize to all players for my folly, and hope you'll understand why I need to fix it - no matter how frustrating it might feel now.

This whole 9999 stat thing was fun while it lasted, but it's really messed with the balance of the game and the uniqueness of the characters. As such I'm revising the way stats are calculated and allowing each robot master to retain their unique stat-spread even at "maxed" levels. Some players will undoubtedly be upset by this change as it means they will no longer have robots with a 9999 stat in anything, but I feel it is absolutely necessary to keep the prototype fun and sustainable long-term.

Anyway, "Winter" was purposefully ambiguous because I'm not quite sure how long it'll take for update to come out but I'm optimistic it'll be during or before December. If I was just doing the costumes it might take less time, but I really wanted to fix this stat thing before I even considered adding MM5+ content. There would be no point otherwise. :|

I hope the other changes and additions are enough to ease-over those most upset, but I promise it's for the best. Thank you for playing and for dealing with my sometimes erratic programming through the development of this game. It really means a lot that you've all stuck around as long as you have. ^_^
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 10:40pm in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #77
Apologies for not being around as much anymore, but thank you so much to all the new users who have joined in the last few months and I'm so happy you've decided to be part of our community. Welcome! :D

We clearly have a wide variety of age groups represented by our players, which I personally think is super cool. It's awesome knowing that the core values of this game can be appreciated by someone as young as a ten year old (!) to someone as old as I (currently 27) and even beyond! Really, really cool. ^_^
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 10:20pm in "Celebration Thread" #78 ( Edited : 2014/09/11 at 10:33pm )
As long as we're dropping previews of upcoming content...

Alt costumes update, preview image 1

Alt costumes update, preview image 2

Alt costumes update, preview image 3

I'll try to finish the update in the next few weeks, but no promises. I think this extra layer of customization will give something for the veteran players to fool around with and newcomers a fun little distraction as well. How exactly these will be unlocked will be revealed later, but I promise it will be much easier and more convenient than Roll's costume changes in past 8-bit games. >_>

Yes, as always I'm reading everyone's messages and suggestions and I agree wholeheartedly with most if not all of them. It's just a matter of time before I get around to programming these requests/fixes and creating the art necessary for all the other stuff players want.

I know alt costumes don't sound like high priority work, but I'm "on break", remember? And besides, who could say no to playing as golden alt Hard Man?


And by the way, for those who don't know. I have two copies of the game at all times - the live version that everyone here is playing and then a local copy on my laptop. I try to update my local version with leaderboard changes every now and then, but sometimes I can go for months without syncing and as a result my test-environment is pretty out-dated. :P

Also the reason I often use leaderboard-dominating accounts like MegaBossMan and TailsMK4 in my tests or preview screenshots is because their accounts (and others) have pretty much everything unlocked and provide an efficient environment to play with new features. All their unlocks also inflate their save file sizes which in turn push the limits of the prototype and make it easier for me to see when a new feature or function is too resource intensive for the game. I use new and lower-level accounts too, just not as often.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2014 at 12:00pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #79 ( Edited : 2014/08/30 at 12:02pm )
mega-man        peng
Mega Man works his way through Ice Man's stage, and finds Ice Man himself at the end.

mega-man        ice-man
There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!    ice-man
mega-man    I don't believe it... Iceman! Even a loyal robot like you...
Well, sir, I... Soldier, finish your mission!    ice-man

mega-man        core-freeze ice-man
Mega Man fights and defeats Ice Man and collects his Freeze Core.

[robot:right:slide]{mega-man} [tab][tab][tab] [mecha:left:base]{peng}

[align-center]Mega Man works his way through Ice Man's stage, and finds Ice Man himself at the end.[/align-center]


[robot:right:defend]{mega-man} [tab][tab][tab] [robot:left:shoot]{ice-man}

[align-right][There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier! [tab] [robot]{ice-man}]{freeze}[/align-right]
[align-left][[robot]{mega-man} [tab] I don't believe it... Iceman! Even a loyal robot like you...]{copy}[/align-left]
[align-right][Well, sir, I... Soldier, finish your mission! [tab] [robot]{ice-man}]{freeze}[/align-right]


[robot:right:shoot]{mega-man} [tab][tab][tab] [item]{core-freeze} [robot:left:defeat]{ice-man}

[align-center]Mega Man fights and defeats Ice Man and collects his Freeze Core.[/align-center]
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2014 at 10:59pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #80 ( Edited : 2014/07/14 at 11:02pm )
Another small update, this time to the prototype's main menu. I've made it so that your robot avatar appears in the header of the prototype, right next to your display name. I've also made it so that it's easier to change your player colour (and therefore theme) and the aforementioned robot avatar from the in-game "save" menu. Hopefully this encourages new players to try the customization features earlier and makes it easier for us veterans to play around with our settings. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2014 at 6:14pm in "June 2014 Bugs : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #81
@Retro Pikachu : There are a few things happening here.

First and foremost, both of the sort options toggle between ascending and descending order. The first time you select it will go one way, the next time you click the same button it'll reverse them. Second, it orders them by their serial number alphabetically - meaning it includes the "DLN-" or "DWN-" or any other prefix. Lastly, it doesn't auto-sort when you transfer robots to other players - once a robot is moved it will always be appended to the very end of the new player's list.

That being said, there do seem to be one or two small oddities there that I'll look into. Thanks for the heads-up.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2014 at 6:10pm in "The E3 Discussion!" #82
Unfortunately, I have never played a Fire Emblem game so most of today's reveal was lost on me. That being said, the characters themselves look fun and interesting and I really like the art style but... more sword users? Really? Oh well. I do applaud Nintendo for adding so many female fighters though, and I mean that. And it couldn't have come at a better time (looking at you, Ubisoft). But whatever, there's nothing they could reveal now that would be any cooler than the Mega Man reveal we already got. At least to me. That was like a dream come true. :')
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2014 at 6:05pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #83
@MegaBossMan : Actually, I remembered you and TailsMK4. Shadownnico is the one I forgot about. :o

My post has been updated accordingly. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 13th, 2014 at 10:12pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #84 ( Edited : 2014/07/14 at 6:05pm )
Hey everyone, just wanted to post about a small update to the player editor - specially the Player Fields section. I've made it easier to generate and hunt for starforce in the game. Under each player's collection of eight battle fields there are now two new info panels.

The panel on the bottom-left will show you the current number of field and fusion stars available for collection in that player's save file. These values are updated in real-time and will fluctuate as you rearrange your fields and generate new fusion stars.

The panel on the bottom-right contains two new tools or options for configuring your player fields. The first option "shuffle" does exactly that - it shuffles the order of the fields you've already equipped. This is useful for quickly generating new fusion fields and by extension new fusion stars. The second option "randomize" works in a similar manner but equips the player with eight random fields out of your entire collection of unlocked battle fields. Another useful tool in your hunt for extra starforce.

I apologize for not creating these tools earlier - as I'm sure the two three 1024-players would have appreciated them - but hopefully they make the starforce system a lot more accessible for new and upcoming players that have not yet reaches that milestone.

Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for playing! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 5th, 2014 at 5:31pm in "Time Machine : Prototype Backup 2012/01/09" #85
Well if you can necropost then so can I. :P

Some actual prototypes I made even earlier than the one above. These are not even playable - they're just little display tests but I thought it might be fun to post them.

Battle Layout Template #1

Battle Layout Template #2

Battle Layout Template #3

Battle Animation Test
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 2nd, 2014 at 9:44pm in "Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread" #86 ( Edited : 2014/07/02 at 9:59pm )
@MegaBossMan : That does seem counter-intuitive, but Brorman put a lot of effort into balancing these so I think we should run it by him first. Mostly just to see what his thought process was and if we can change it without breaking anything. Maybe send him a personal message? When he updates it in the spreadsheet, I'll run my admin script and we'll be good to go.

@TailsMK4 : Surprised I didn't notice that typo when I was running the import script. :S Thanks for catching it though, and it's been fixed now.

@Spinstrike : Fixed the view more link for mechas. Thanks.

@TheDoc : I fixed the Dust Crusher bug, but I've thus far been unable to replicate the Metal Blade one. I tried in my file and in a few other files and it's always 1 WE for me. I'll keep trying different things until I figure it out. Sorry. :/

Metal Blade looks normal to me...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 2nd, 2014 at 9:28pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #87 ( Edited : 2014/07/02 at 9:33pm )
@Retro Pikachu : Yes, Rhythm_BCA altered Disco's height for me so it would look more proportionally accurate next to Mega Man and company. Roll was redone completely, also by Rhythm_BCA, and for the same reasons. The original sprite I used was from Mobile Roll, which was really cute (in my opinion) but horribly inaccurate. She was much taller than Mega Man (which is wrong) so Rhythm created a sprite sheet more in line with her more accurate MM1 appearance. Bass was tweaked in multiple ways, and just made better overall. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 1st, 2014 at 10:41pm in "Important Announcement : Welcome New Community Moderators" #88 ( Edited : 2014/07/01 at 10:46pm )
@MegaBossMan : I think that would be pretty fun, actually. I will definitely make sure people can turn them off if they don't like seeing them, but it would be this place a lot more like a real forum for sure. First, however, I need to add proper page functionality to posts (so every post doesn't load at once) and also make it see the community has search functions. >_>

met Sorry, just listing priorities somewhere so I don't forget. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 1st, 2014 at 10:31pm in "Important Announcement : Welcome New Community Moderators" #89
@MegaBossMan : Forgot about that, thanks! The energy capsule has been added. ^_^

To all four of you - write whatever you want on your credits bio, just make sure you mention that you're a community moderator in the "Contributor Credits" field somewhere.

And I know you didn't formally accept, or were even asked, but when you said you were okay with being an op in the chat room I assumed you'd be okay with a similar role in the community. Sorry if that was hasty, I just really wanted to get this new functionality programmed. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 1st, 2014 at 10:13pm in "Important Announcement : Welcome New Community Moderators" #90 ( Edited : 2014/07/01 at 10:17pm )
Thank you for making this post, and thank you for accepting the position! Hopefully you don't use your powers for evil purposes, else I may have to code in a banhammer. ;)

All jokes aside, I'm sure all four of you will do an excellent job upholding the spirit and quality of the community we've worked so hard to build. You all have been well-spoken, positive influences so far and I don't expect anything less going forward. Thank you again! ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 1st, 2014 at 12:20am in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #91
@TheDoc : Totally forgot to mention that I gave the Yashichi a boost too, and I think you're one of the people who suggested it. Now it also grants a single turn of full immunity to damage, so it's a bit more useful than the extra life nice. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 30th, 2014 at 8:02pm in "I can kinda play the Prototype? Resolved!" #92 ( Edited : 2014/06/30 at 8:03pm )
So far as I know, Chrome is superior to IE in oh-so-many ways and is absolutely not obsolete, but maybe I've been living under a rock? :P Honestly I'm surprised the game runs at all on IE. >_> But I'm glad you got it figured out, so I'm locking this thread. Thanks!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 30th, 2014 at 7:48pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #93 ( Edited : 2014/06/30 at 7:59pm )
@Spinstrike : I agree that the intro fields should be different and I would like to make them so using your ideas, however I'm not completely sure what the future is of these missions so I don't want to spend too much time working on them. Once more of the story-related missions and characters are complete, some or all of them might be replaced with something entirely different - I'm not sure. In the mean time they are just super-easy ways to level-grind weak robots and try out new abilities. Oh, and unlock an ability I guess. But if I do leave them as-is, then absolutely I will use these ideas or some version of them. :)

@TheDoc : I completely get what you're saying and think you may be right. I've decreased the damage/recovery to 20% of recoil to nerf it a bit. Let me know if you think this helps, and thanks for the feedback. :)

@MegaBossMan : The only thing that affects your player battle ghost data is your starforce, which is viewable at the very top of the starforce tab as a % percent. The ratings you see on your leaderboard profile for community and player battle stats have no effect on your or anyone else's game and are just there for looks. They represent nothing more than a numerical estimate of that user's positive presence on the community and in their games.

The community rating is equal to ceil((Posts * 2.0) - (Threads * 0.5)), meaning you get more more points for posting comments in existing threads and less points if you constantly create your own topics. It's not a harsh penalty, and it has no effect on your account, but I thought it was important to have it visibly publically to encourage good behaviour.

The player battle rating is similar but inverted, with ceil((Victories * 2.0) - (Defeats * 0.5)) so you get more points for victories and only suffer minor penalties for defeats (which are largely out of your control). Once again I think this gives a good indication of how difficult or easy someone's ghost data is and/or how well the player does in matches themselves, and I think this encourages people to get better without being too harsh.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2014 at 4:40pm in "the fusion star switcharoo" #94
This is definitely a good strategy to power up a specific type. I wonder if having a new discussion board for "Tips" or "Strategies" would be helpful?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2014 at 4:09pm in "Hello Im New" #95 ( Edited : 2014/06/25 at 4:10pm )
@ShadowBlade : TheDoc is correct, you should introduce yourself in the appropriate thread. That being said, welcome! mega-man
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:36pm in "Unable to switch after Super Throw" #96
I'm currently looking into this. Much, much harder to reproduce than I thought it would be. Guts Man has used Super Throw zero times on me and I must have gone through that battle like, 20 times by now. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:29pm in "Prototype Devroom : New Robot Masters" #97
@Spinstrike : I agree completely, which is why Color Man is listed as a "Reflecting Prism Robot" in the database. I think it would be the perfect prism-and-rainbow-based robot, actually, and it's related to the BN robot by name only. It's for the same reason that Gate Man is listed as an "Eternal Portal Robot" - we're changing it up and making it a Time Core, so let's try to reflect that.

If there's any future confusion over the designs (until I finish updating this thread) please just check the database. At the very least I have classes for all the robots and their core type should also give a pretty good idea of their visual appearance requirements. Thank you all for your contributions, they're giving me a lot of ideas. Keep on submitting! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:27pm in "Holiday Weapons" #98
This was, and is a good idea, but I feel like it's more appropriate for it to be placed in the official game suggestions thread. And once it is, there's not need to suggest individual weapons until the feature is actually implemented. Because it is not yet in the game, I'm closing this thread. Sorry.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:24pm in "Hello Evrbody How Is Going" #99
Once again, the General Discussion board is not a chat room. The Chat Room is a chat room. Please keep casual conversation there or in PMs. Thank you.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:22pm in "repair man? rock on!" #100
Repair Man, whoever he is, does not appear in the prototype. Robots from MM3, and MM5+ appear randomly in stages with fusion stars, but are not unlockable yet. Otherwise, this thread has served its purpose. Locking.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:21pm in "WUN YEER! WUN YEER!" #101
SparkChaser, this is the kind of thing you talk about in chat or add to your profile page, but it's not something you should be creating a topic about. If everyone who's been here more than a year created a new thread the community would be flooded almost instantly. Please mind yourself and only create topics that actually benefit the community in some, not just yourself. Thank you for your understanding.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:18pm in "danger bomb ISN'T dangerous! (to bomb man, at least)" #102
This was on purpose, actually. I always wanted Bomb Man to have a move that makes use of his affinity but wasn't ready until this update. The move has fairly low accuracy, so I don't think it's too broken, and Bomb Man is the only one who benefits this way sooo..... I think I'm gonna leave it. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:17pm in "Official Screenshot Thread" #103
@Reisrat : Noticed a typo in paragraph three, so thanks for posting this. Fixed it and re-uploaded, so future messages should make more sense. :P

Also, loving this thread - keep posting guys! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 20th, 2014 at 10:53am in "Spring Update Preview : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #104 ( Edited : 2014/06/20 at 10:56am )
@Reisrat : On the leaderboard profiles? We're not talking about the heart tank item, right? Hover over the symbols on the leaderboard bar and they let you know what they're for. The heart ♥ is obtained when completing Dr. Light's game, the clubs ♣ for Wily and the diamond ♦ for Cossack. The star ★ is awarded to players who have reached first place at least once... though that was only implemented recently so it's not on all the profiles that technically should have it (like TailsMK4). I may manually add it to those games, but I'm not sure if possible yet.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 20th, 2014 at 8:32am in "how to get shadowman" #105
Yes, this thread is no longer necessary. Brorman (and maybe someone else?) figured out how to glitch the game and unlock MM3 bots early. That's been fixed, and the robots have been released officially now, so there shouldn't be any more confusion.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 20th, 2014 at 8:29am in "Spring Update Preview : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #106
@SparkChaser : The heart tank item didn't work out. Turned out to be more trouble than it was worth (as a player, not a developer) so I scrapped it. Trust me when tell it would not have been a fun addition - I tested it out and it was annoying.

@Reisrat : What are you referring to, exactly? I'm a little confused. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 20th, 2014 at 8:27am in "Suggestion." #107
Please keep suggestions in the appropriate thread (like the one linked by Reisrat). Thank you!

But yes, I want to add fortress boss but, at the moment, they are not priority. Would need to spent a few days coding allowances for much bigger sprites. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 18th, 2014 at 8:33pm in "Formatting Help and Comment Guidelines" #108 ( Edited : 2014/06/18 at 8:35pm )
@coolbie16 : While I really appreciate your enthusiasm and posts, I do have to ask you to stay on-topic. This thread is for comments and questions regarding the formatting options on the website. Other comments should either go in the appropriate thread, or discussed in our new chatroom. Thank you for your understanding.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 18th, 2014 at 8:10pm in "talk about stuff and chat" #109
I'm locking this thread now. Not because I don't like it, but because I'd added an official chatroom to the website! :D Just log out of your account (if you're logged in right now) and then log back in to see a "Chat" link added to the far-right of the community categories. Or you can just click here. You cannot chat unless you're logged in, however, so don't bother clicking that link unless you are.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 18th, 2014 at 3:01pm in "Prototype Devroom : New Robot Masters" #110
@MegaBossMan : Please, before you continue, let me clarify. These are NOT random new robot masters. I'm simply looking for design and ability ideas for THE CACHE ROBOTS only. Not new ones. If you think a "create a robot" thread would be fun, please create one, but that is not what this thread is for. Sorry!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2014 at 11:30pm in "Glitched Mecha Support" #111
The recent MM3 update completely recoded the Mecha Support system so if there are any more bugs relating to them please create a new thread so we can start over. Thank you!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2014 at 11:28pm in "endless loading glitch caused by having 100 of an item" #112
Closing this bug report as the 99 item part of the glitch has long since been fixed. If endless loading happens again, it is very likely for another reason and should be a new thread or another existing thread (not this one though).
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2014 at 11:21pm in "Flash man rises from the dead?" #113
@TailsMK4 : I know, I absolutely agree. Both the community and the leaderboard need better search, filter, and sorting functions and they are absolutely planned... someday. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2014 at 11:05pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes" #114 ( Edited : 2014/06/17 at 11:13pm )
Hello, and HOLY KARP there have been a lot of quotes and revisions since I last updated. I guess six months will do that to a thread... >_> Anyway, I'm posting here to say that all the quotes up to this point have now been added to the game and now appear in the database and in battle (where applicable). This checkpoint will also help me find my place next time I need to do a bulk update.

If you don't see a specific quote from the set added or the text is tweaked slightly, please do not take offense. Several quotes were submit multiple times and there were a few that had small things I didn't like (out of the hundreds of things I LOVED) that I decided to change or combine into new quotes. This was mostly for consistency or tone and creatively, but overall I think the changes were minor and most quotes were pretty spot-on.

Thank you so much for all your hard work on these, and I'm sorry it took so long. Next up are the robot bios, and then I can start applying sprite updates.

met heart met
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2014 at 10:28am in "Gemini Laser Glitch?" #115
I too think this has to do with the Gemini Laser running out of power, but I'll have to do some testing to be sure. The Gemini Laser looses about 10% of its power after each hit, and when you combine that with the benched-robots-take-less-damage-based-on-position mechanic, I could see the ability sometimes running out of juice before it makes it to the end. Also, I used to always round UP the damage to ensure it was always at least 1 point, but that didn't seem fair for robots with super high defense so I changed to round properly (which sometimes goes down to zero). I will look into this though, just in case.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 16th, 2014 at 7:27am in "Hello Im New Her " #116
Hello and welcome to the community! Please copy paste this post and put it in the proper introduction thread. I will be locking this one later today as it's against the rules. Thank you.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 16th, 2014 at 7:03am in "Formatting Help and Comment Guidelines" #117
@megaspeed : Each of the different Mega/Proto/Bass colours are unlocked when you find your first core in battle. For example, once you've found your first Flame Core you can change your Mega, Proto, or Bass avatar into a red Flame Core one. :) If you have any other questions not-related to formatting, please post them in the general Q&A thread. Thanks!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 15th, 2014 at 4:53pm in "June 2014 Bugs : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #118
@MegaBossMan : There was a system put into place to prevent you from battling the same player over and over, but I think it was a little strict so I've loosened it up a bit. Now it only excludes the last two people you've defeated rather than all of them for that session. Sorry!

@coolbie16 : One day I will make it more visually clear which Snake Man is the "real" one you can unlock for use in battle. Maybe all the copy ones will appear in a slightly different colour or with some kind of visual marker... or maybe the opposite where "original" robot masters (and thus unlockable) have some kind of star or something above their head. Sorry for the present confusion.

@Avocadora : I'm not sure what's wrong with the Dust Crusher but I'll look into it. Strange. As for the other ones, I've removed the ability unlocks from the Final Destination and fortress stages as they're now obtainable in the shop, but I'll look into making the other ones not appear when you've already unlocked them as that player. Sorry about that.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 15th, 2014 at 4:45pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #119
@TailsMK4 : I know this might be a controversial change, but I just updated the player battles with some new rules...

Firstly, I made it so 1-vs-1 would no longer happen unless you specifically left one robot on your team, and made them appear in 2-vs-2, 4-vs-4, and 8-vs-8 again. And the next change I made - and this is the big one - experience points and stat bonuses will NOT be awarded in player battles anymore. You still get double BP, but that's it. I know the change might seem harsh, but given that I'm looking to Pokémon for inspiration and they have never let you gain EXP from player battles I don't think it's that bad. From now on, player battles are for ratings only and if you want to get stronger you have to do so in the main-game like everyone else had to.

I didn't realize how easily the 9999 stats would spread once the first few people got them, and it's really gotten out of control, with people pretty much abusing the player battles for easy 99+ boosts after each match. I'm so sorry Tails, I didn't mean for this to happen and for your hard work to go to waste. Hopefully this change will allow people who truly work hard for their stats to keep them a little longer.

And for all the other reported bugs and inaccuracies... I'm working on. >_>
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 15th, 2014 at 12:15pm in "Formatting Help and Comment Guidelines" #120
Sorry to spam the comments guys, but there's one more example of new formatting I'd like to show off:
proto-man New Community Formatting Options!
energy-pellet energy-capsule energy-tank
weapon-pellet weapon-capsule weapon-tank
screw-small screw-large
heart star
core-electric core-flame core-water
New Community Formatting Options!
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
* This is just a test, you see...
New Community Formatting Options!
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden. In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden.

In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

[size-large][robot:right:victory]{proto-man} [u]New Community Formatting Options![/u][/size-large]

[item]{energy-pellet} [item]{energy-capsule} [item]{energy-tank}
[item]{weapon-pellet} [item]{weapon-capsule} [item]{weapon-tank}
[item:right]{screw-small} [item:left]{screw-large}
[item]{heart} [item]{star}
[item]{core-electric} [item]{core-flame} [item]{core-water}

[type-nature][size-large]New Community Formatting Options![/size-large][/type-nature]
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the [i]majority have suffered[/i] alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a [b]passage[/b] of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this [u]the first true generator[/u] on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
[size-small]* This is just a test, you see...[/size-small]

[type-flame][size-large]New Community Formatting Options![/size-large][/type-flame]
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden. In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden. -----
In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
In the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 2:34pm in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #121
Hello to everyone who has joined since my last appearance and thank you all SO MUCH for playing! As of today we're just over 1200 members and it feels like only yesterday we were still in the low hundreds - I'm so happy to see that so many new people like what we're doing here and decided to sign up. Thank you all I we hope you have a fantastic time with the game and with the new update! :D
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 2:08pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #122 ( Edited : 2014/06/14 at 2:13pm )
@MegaBossMan : Hey, check the "edit profile" page. I've made it so you can customize what your credits bio says and where your entry links to. This way you guys can revise or add to your contributions without waiting for me to release the next update. Let me know if that helps. :)

Also, yes, I will absolutely check the updated bios and updates stats in the next few days and update, i just wanted to make sure you guys could start playing and unlocking stuff as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding.

And I'm glad the background changes for rival battles are there too. And the randomize boss music on the bonsu fields. I think they add a nice layout of customization and - in the case of the music - variation to the game that wasn't there before. :)

Also I think making little scenes with the new formatting options is super duper fun. Maybe too fun...

beetle-borg energy-capsule beetle-borg

[mecha:right:victory]{beetle-borg} [item:left:01]{energy-capsule} [mecha:left:damage]{beetle-borg}

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 1:34pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #123
@MegaBossMan : That's wrong, I'm sorry. I guess I'm still tired and was thinking of the damage amount maybe? I forgot that experience was limited to prevent display bugs, though it's possible the damage and recovery would also have been affected by this bug... I can't remember. >_< I'm so sorry for basically lying in a post.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 1:21pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #124 ( Edited : 2014/06/14 at 1:34pm )
@coolbie16 : That's amazing! I used to think that allowing people to level up too quickly would make the game too easy or not fun, but now I think the opposite might be true. I feel like it's a great feeling when you score a hit that big and are rewarded for it properly, so I decided not to put a limit on it and let things like that happen. I'm glad I did. ^_^
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 1:06pm in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #125 ( Edited : 2014/06/14 at 1:25pm )
@MegaBossMan : I think what you're trying to accomplish with the formatting is this maybe?

magnet-man I told her that she is the one, her answer is a brother with a loaded gun.

[[robot:right]{magnet-man} I told her that she is the one, her answer is a brother with a loaded gun.]{missile}

It's a little complicated, but I wanted to give people the most flexibility possible in their formatting and sprite options. :P

A robot sprite can be inserted into a page with any one of these tags formats, simply changing out the robot token (its lower-case url in the database) and the direction or frame. Here are a few examples:



magnet-man magnet-man

[robot:left]{magnet-man} [robot:right]{magnet-man}

magnet-man magnet-man magnet-man

[robot:right:shoot]{magnet-man} [robot:left:victory]{magnet-man} [robot:right:damage]{magnet-man}

This can also be done with any of the mechas like below:



petit-snakey-2 petit-snakey-2

[mecha:left]{petit-snakey-2} [mecha:right]{petit-snakey-2}

petit-snakey-2 petit-snakey-2 petit-snakey-2

[mecha:right:shoot]{petit-snakey-2} [mecha:left:victory]{petit-snakey-2} [mecha:right:damage]{petit-snakey-2}

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 10:46am in "June 2014 Bugs : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #126
@coolbie16 : Hi coolbie. In order to get the MM3 robots, you must first purchase their fields from Kalinka's Shop. Kalinka's Shop is unlocked once you've beaten the prototype with all three characters, and she will sell you any MM3 field if you've scanned the robot master somewhere else in the game (like the bonus stage). After that, you add the new stage to your game in the Player Editor and then go fight! Let me know if you need a better explanation.

@Spinstrike : I've yet to encounter this bug in my testing but I'll keep my eye out. Sounds strange...
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 10:44am in "June 2014 Update : Mega Man Goes Shopping" #127
Sorry MegaBossMan, it's been added to the post. I knew I forgot something last night! >_>

Otherwise, I'm so happy to finally have this done. I will likely be doing smaller updates in the coming weeks to revise bios and fix bugs, but at least the meat of the new system is up and runny with relatively few bugs so far. Yay! Still SUPER tired though...
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 5:06am in "Formatting Help and Comment Guidelines" #128
You can also add fields to your posts:

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 14th, 2014 at 5:03am in "Formatting Help and Comment Guidelines" #129 ( Edited : 2014/06/14 at 5:06am )
Lots of new formatting options have been added to the community! Use [ code ] tags if you ever need to explain code to other users. Like this here:

New Community Formatting Options!
New Community Formatting Options!
New Community Formatting Options!
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
It is with great pleasure that I announce a whole slew of new formatting options added to the Mega Man RPG community including some super-fun stuff with robot and ability sprites. Let's get started, shall we?
It is with great pleasure that I announce a whole slew of new formatting options added to the Mega Man RPG community including some super-fun stuff with robot and ability sprites. Let's get started, shall we?

mega-man Mega Man throws an Ice Slasher at the enemy!
elec-man Ladies and gentlemen... Elec Man!
toad-man I am Toad Man! Ribbit!
wave-man Wave Man reporting for duty, sir!
Fire, fire, fire! fire-man
Kings of old, please lend me your strength! pharaoh-man
Needle Man summoned a storm of needles on the target! needle-man


bubble-manbubble-man What? fire-man likes roll

jewel-man What is this?
guts-man I'm not sure...
mega-man-copy proto-man-copy bass-copy

New Community Formatting Options!
New Community Formatting Options!
New Community Formatting Options!
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

It is with great pleasure that I announce a whole slew of new formatting options added to the Mega Man RPG community including some super-fun stuff with robot and ability sprites. Let's get started, shall we?

It is with great pleasure that I announce a whole slew of new formatting options added to the Mega Man RPG community including some super-fun stuff with robot and ability sprites. Let's get started, shall we?

[[robot:right:throw]{mega-man} Mega Man throws an Ice Slasher at the enemy!]{freeze_cutter}

[[robot:right]{elec-man} Ladies and gentlemen... Elec Man!]{electric}
[[robot:right]{toad-man} I am Toad Man! Ribbit!]{water}
[[robot:right]{wave-man} Wave Man reporting for duty, sir!]{water}

[Fire, fire, fire! [robot:left]{fire-man}]{flame}
[Kings of old, please lend me your strength! [robot:left]{pharaoh-man}]{flame}
[Needle Man summoned a storm of needles on the target! [robot:left:summon]{needle-man}]{cutter_nature}


[robot:left]{bubble-man}[robot:right]{bubble-man} What? [robot:left]{fire-man} likes [robot:right]{roll}

[robot]{jewel-man} What is this?
[robot]{guts-man} I'm not sure...

[robot]{mega-man-copy} [robot:right]{proto-man-copy} [robot]{bass-copy}
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:24pm in "Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread" #130
While I don't like the bug forum being used as a chatroom, legitimate information about the bugs we're discussing is always helpful. Details like this help me track down the source of the bug much easier and determine where in the code I should be looking. For those who are unaware, the amount of code required for this game is easily over several hundred thousand lines separates across hundreds of files, so any piece of information that helps me narrow it down to only a few files is very, very much appreciated.

That being said, I'm still working on finding a fix to this bug. :| Thank you all for your patience!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:22pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #131
To be honest, I like ALL the ideas posted and will likely be implementing them all at some point. The player battle thing would probably be highest priority, but everything else sounds like a great idea too! Thank you guys so much - our combined efforts are really gonna make this the best fangame EVER! XD
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:17pm in "Password Prompts" #132 ( Edited : 2014/01/29 at 1:18pm )
From the Facebook page:

Enter the phrase "Ability Get : Cutter of Darkness!" into either player's password prompt and you'll be rewarded with the Shadow Blade ability - one of first dual type abilities added to the game. The ability is Shadow and Cutter type and as such can be used by ANY Copy Core (Mega Man, Proto Man), Shadow Core or Cutter Core (Cut Man, Metal Man) robot!

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:14pm in "I made a video about the game!" #133
This is awesome! Thank you so much for making it! ^_^

Shows off the mechanics very well and gives people an honest, full impression of what the project is all about. THANK YOU! XD
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:11pm in "Now Character Bios" #134
I'm sorry I haven't responded to this topic yet - I've been so busy trying to reduce memory and fix all these bugs that I haven't had time to properly reply to people or add any new features to game. :|

I do love the idea of robot bios, as I mentioned before when Spinstrike asked about it, and I will eventually add them to the database. These for example are pretty great and I'm sure when/if Spinstrike starts submitting they'll be great too.

Thanks again and I'll obviously let you guys know as soon as they have been added to the game. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:10pm in "Field Star Screenshots! Show Your Star Force!" #135
Awesome guys! Don't forget that the pause button is your friend when you wanna take screenshots! ;)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:06pm in "Important Announcement : Server Migration, More Temporarily Downtime" #136
I've been working on a pretty big rewrite for a lot of the code this last week that should bring the memory use back down to appropriate levels. Once that has launched, some of these bugs might be fixed. Of course, they could also get worse... We'll just have to say. Thank you all for keeping me updated on the bugs and glitches you find - it makes it a lot easier to troubleshoot overall. Fingers crossed that it gets better from here!

P.S. I have absolutely zero idea when the new optimization update will be complete, so don't ask. :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:52pm in "What About When We're Not a Prototype?" #137
This is an excellent thread and discussion to have, and I'm glad someone formally brought it up.

I can assure you that I want to keep as much of your files as possible, regardless of how the game progresses. As some of you know from past updates, dramatic changes in story/mission structure have required me resetting people's completed missions a few times, but I've always tried to keep all the robots and abilities and especially battle points.

The battle point exploit found by Gigggas has been fixed so that shouldn't be too much of a concern anymore - yes he has a really high score, but I know someone will eventually surpass it even with the rule change and they'll feel better as a result. Absolute worst-case scenario is that I reset battle points and give +1000 for every robot, every ability, etc. or something similar... but I don't see that happening any time soon.

For everything else, you guys have fantastic ideas. I like the idea of locking the field stars until post-game but not removing them entirely, but for the robots and abilities it's definitely something we should continue thinking about. We obviously have a lot of time before we have to choose, but it's good to put this out there now.

At the end of the day though, my number one priority in this development cycle is keeping progress and stats accumulated over the prototype stage and rewarding veterans when it's all done. If it's ever done. But I will always make sure the veterans get something for their hard work.

I should also note that the "final version" that I keep talking about is not going to just appear one day. It's something that you'll all be a part of the entire way there and most if not all progress is gonna carry over unless a specific aspect of the game changes completely. Also, the prototype gets updated with new features all the time - new characters, new mechanics, new abilities, new fields - and it may never actually be "done". Even when we have all the robots in the entire database complete (years from now), there's still so much more we can do and I believe we may never truly have a "final version".

Either way though, good topic and keep discussing ideas if you want - just know that I DO value the veteran players and will do my best to accommodate them in any way I can.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:35pm in "Queen of Busters (AKA Oops, I Wrote a Fanfiction)" #138
I absolutely LOVE this! Reading this totally made my day, and you added narrative and reasons to things I hadn't even considered in the world of the prototype. I love the personality you gave Roll and the way you wrote her, but even more so I love the way you've fleshed out the setting of the story in ways that I have so far failed to convey as eloquently. This is seriously cool and I look forward to any and all other stories you do like this - seeing the mechanics and scenarios of the MMRPG written into a short-story like this brings so much joy to my heart. Thank you. ^_^ You might also like to know I shared your story on our Facebook page the other day - that's how much I liked it!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:28pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #139
Oh, that's great! Thanks for finding them - I had no idea. ^_^

I'll put this on my list of things to update - will certainly make the fights more engaging and unique from each other. :)

Thanks again!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:17pm in "Fan-game talk!" #140
Awesome, thanks for making this topic! :D

I've obviously played Mega Man RPG and Mega Man RPG 2 multiple times. Not necessarily because they were well-made or fun, but I really got lost in the idea behind them and found the concept fascinating so I kept playing. :P All in all they're pretty terrible games with lots of mixed sprite work and some of the most generic buttons in all fangames, but they got me started on this path so I owe them some respect.

My research on Mega Man RPGs also led me to the likes of Mega Man X RPG which I found particularily well-done. I never finished this game, nor have I technically finished the above two, but I got pretty close. I liked how well the animations for this one were done, but as much as I like the X series there's something inherently more thematic about the classic series robots that I missed.

I have also played Rokko Chan, like the rest of you, and found it delightful. In the far, far future (sometime in 20XX) when new robots are more easily added to the game without affecting the single-player too much, I would like to reach out to different fangame developers and cameo maybe one or two of their robots in a special holiday pack or something - Rokko Chan is a great example and had some fun robots.

Other Mega Man fangames listed here I have not played, and I'm having a hard time thinking of any others that I have. I've spent so much time researching and programming the last several years that I haven't had much time to actually play. It's gotten to the point that I watch Let's Plays of games while I'm programming instead of actually playing them myself just so I can say I've experienced them. >_>

Oh! And I played the MM7 8-bit remake and I LOVED it. Really great. Still need/want to play the MM8 one but not anytime soon.

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:12pm in "VOTE FOR THE NEXT ROBOTMASTER RE-VAMP!!!!" #141
I think a lot of MM1 and MM2 robots need a revamp for sure, but I would like to publically take the main characters off the table. Not that I don't trust Sean's work - I absolutely do and I love what he's done so far - I just want to keep the primary heroes of the series looking as close to their (now iconic) 8-bit representation as possible. Everyone else though, YES. I put together Time Man and Oil Man myself and I think they turned out pretty good, but if Sean can do them better then have at it. Personally, I'd like a Bomb Man update but I'm not sure much could be done with his design. Ice Man too - he's only two colours right now and I'm sure we could add a bit more detail or something. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:07pm in "My Suggestions: Secondary Robot Master Weapons and Abilities" #142
These are all very interesting and I definitely like the idea. Something like Pokemon's abilities or the TCG's "Poke Body" or "Poke Power" mechanic I guess, but cooler. The infrastructure for this kind of feature does not yet exist in the prototype, but maybe in the future I'll find a way to implement it. Keep on speculating - I'll check back on this thread occasionally for inspiration. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:00pm in "Prototype Devroom : Updates Queue" #143
Well, if you're asking I need all the fields for MM3 and MM5+, with 3 being the priority and the rest coming as the RMs are complete. That being said, I'm not sure if you want to. The fields are actually pretty complicated to create and require many steps.

If you're curious, check out one of the field's folders. The Rusty Scrapheap field is animated and is therefore a lot more complicated, though a non-animated field like the Abandoned Warehouse took a little less effort to throw together.

Rusty Scrapheap

Either way, everything needs to be in very specific file types and sizes, and it's all created in Photoshop with very specific layer styles and guides to adhere to. If you're still interested and want to try creating one, I'll send you the raw photoshop file to play around with, but I warn you it's a pretty tedious process. :|
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 8:58pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Classes" #144
Thanks, these are great. Because the Trio character only has one database entry, I had to merge the proposed classes into one, but in-battle I'll make sure they each show their correct individual class when scanned. :D
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 7:52pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #145
@MegaBossMan : I'd considered an overworld map many times, but due to the way fields can be customized and, more importantly, the way fusion fields work, I'm not sure if I world map would even be possible. At least not a pre-drawn one. I'm not even sure where I'd start with that... :S I do like the idea a lot, I just don't know how feasible it is.

@CHAOS_FANTASY : I like the idea and I'll consider it. I would prefer to use something else from the same remixer - even if it's not technically the correct theme - until he finishes the MMGB remixes. If only because I want the style/instruments used to be consistent. Something misc or even one of the Wily Castle themes from MM3 or MM5+ might be fun. If you have any suggestions from within current TheLegendOfRenegade's library I'd be able to get it done faster and I'd be more comfortable with it, but if not I'll see what I can do with the provided links. :)

@Gigggas : That's a pretty good idea, and I think I might use a version of it in a future update. I would like to have the shop as it's own separate tab but it will work very similarly to what you describe. On the actual player editor screen, you totally guessed what one of the counters would represent - bolts. And I like your idea about only minor enemies dropping them. I think instead of having the shop integrated into the player editor itself, it will be its own tab and the player editor will instead allow you to customize which eight items are equipped to the selected player. Right now there are exactly eight items in the game simply because there's only enough room for eight in the menu. If I add a way for players to take eight different items into battle than those default eight we could add a lot of cool little extras - something else that would tie into the shop and make it more fun. But yeah, awesome stuff. ^_^

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 7:49pm in "Player Battles" #146
That would be pretty cool, actually. I'll see if I can tweak the code a bit to allow your own data to randomly show up as an option. Should be a rare occurrence though, so it feels special. :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 7:44pm in "Robot Stats" #147
In the future I'm going to change the way robot data is stored and make it possible for Brorman to edit the stats directly without having to wait for me to implement his changes. I like this kind of fine-tuning but at the moment it's just too overwhelming to manually enter and update as frequently as we need to. :| Thank you for all the comments though - that stats that Brorman worked on were overall pretty impressive and I couldn't have gotten this far with the game were it not for his help! But yeah, we'll keep tweaking the stats until we get things right and thank you again for your input. ^_^
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 7:36pm in "Official Explanation Request Thread" #148
@MegaBossMan : A lark is a kind of bird, and I based the name off the net-navi from Mega Man Battle Network. The character's Japanese name was Swallow Man, but I decided to go with his English name Lark Man as I have for all the other characters.

Also, this thread is meant for requesting explanations about game mechanics or features. It's basically a way for you to request a new instructional thread like the others in this category of the forum. Small questions like this might be better asked elsewhere. ;)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 4:33pm in "Official Typos and Misprints Thread" #149
Hmm, yes. Maybe that's a good idea. When I'm writing narrative and flavour text for the game, I often replace the robot's name with a Pokémon's name in my head to see how it flows. Because each of these robots represent a model or species rather than a specific member of that species. "The wild Pikachu wants to fight!" when thinking of "The Cut Man wants to fight!". Though it might seem better if a had a descriptor like the word "wild" in the other one. Maybe "The rogue Cut Man wants to fight!" or "The Cut Man data wants to fight!". Definitely something to ponder though. :| And yes, the "Doctor" / "Master" is something I need to work out as well. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 4:29pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #150
Because the Ice Slasher is Ice Man's second level-up ability and most initial encounters will only use their first level-up ability, I think it's okay. There are many, many instances of dual-type abilities messing with the weakness cycle, so one of my goals for the game (long-term) is to have each robot start with a single-type ability and then learn a dual-type one later. That's a long way off though so don't hold your breath. Hmmm. I will consider this and try to think of a way to prevent annoying fights, but I may end up leaving it just for the sake of keeping the abilities interesting. It is a good point though and something I need to think about for a while...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 4:10pm in "Prototype Devroom : Plot Discussion" #151

I've been a bit all over the place with Slur's gender pronouns and I apologize. Anatomically, Slur is genderless as is Trill, but as far as personality and perceived gender I would classify Slur as female. I've been consciously trying to use the "it" pronoun as much as possible to give the impression that Slur is above binary gender roles, but it's really easy to accidentally slip into using feminine pronouns because of her (imagined) voice and disposition. To finally put an end to the debate, Slur is genderless but has feminine qualities and would not object to a lesser-being referring to it as a "her". Does that make sense? :S

Also, I've seen people give the "Evil Energy Robot" a few different names over the years and I made the decision to ignore all of them in the absence of anything official. The first one I saw was "Oud", which is just "Duo" backwards and feels pretty lazy and uninspired to me. Also it's near impossible to properly pronounce. The second one I saw is "Solo" as you mention, but having one robot named "Solo" and the other named "Duo" implies that they are somehow not equal when their designs appear to indicate more of a parallel relationship between the two rather than a 1st and 2nd type relationship. I personally think it makes more sense that the designation "Duo" applies to both robots as a group rather than one or the other, and given that these are aliens it's possible that their naming scheme for entities doesn't match what we're used to on our planet.

About Trio, you're right. When I said "identical" I should have said "incredibly similar". They, like Duo, are supposed to be three parts of the same whole. Each individual part may specialize in a particular affinity or skill, but they all fit together into one whole being. Your idea for having them split into mind, body, and soul seems pretty awesome to me and I may use it. Either that or some other facet of our reality/universe that's clearly split into three. I do like your ideas though, so it may hold some weight. :P

Like I said, most of these story details are being decided on as we go and it's pretty awesome having input from people like you to push us along. ^_^

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 1:15pm in "Official Typos and Misprints Thread" #152 ( Edited : 2014/01/20 at 1:19pm )
@Brorman : Oh! Totally missed that! Thanks, I'll fix it when I get home. >_> Well, at least this way I'm killing two bugs with one stone. ^_^

@MolluskMan : I always get those two mixed up. >_> Thanks for the heads-up, I'll try to fix it when I get home. Also, about the "the Cut Man" thing, it's on purpose. I know it seems a little weird but it's important to understand that every enemy you fight in the game is not the original from years past. These are all just copies of that robot's AI data roaming the prototype and there are theoretically multiple copies of each. Saying "Cut Man" by itself makes it seems like it's THE Cut Man from MM1, when in fact it' just a single copy of the "Cut Man" model. So it's "a Cut Man" or "the [current target] Cut Man", but not "Cut Man". Hope that clears it up a bit. :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 1:14pm in "Official Question and Answer Thread" #153
Oh yeah, forgot about that. :S Each field has one type of mecha in three different "generations" (so basically three per stage). Thanks for the reminder. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 1:09pm in "Official Question and Answer Thread" #154
@megaprotobassman : Like I've said in other threads, they'll be unlockable once they are complete. For me "complete" means their sprite is done, their special weapon is done, AND their field/stage is done. The MM3 robots still need fields, and everyone else needs sprites and/or weapons still.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 12:52pm in "Official Question and Answer Thread" #155

When deciding on the typing for robot masters and their abilities, there are a few things I need to consider. Firstly, it cannot be the same type as any other robot in their game else it would break the weakness cycle. Secondly, no robot master can be Neutral type as, again, it would break the weakness cycle. Lastly, and this is mostly subjective, sometimes I force a type on a robot masters simply because they don't comfortably fit into any other category and/or the game needs another one of those types for balance. For the most part these are justifiable but sometimes they end up feeling a little weird.

Crystal/Cutter does sound like a cool typing, but it's hard for me to justify a magic card being part crystal type. I went with Shadow in the end because I feel like Magic Man learning other dark-themed moves was more appropriate than learning other crystal themed-moves. This may be changed in the future if I feel like it makes sense, but for the most part I'm happy with Magic Man's typing. Oh, and I am fully aware of how underutilized the Crystal and Laser type is, but I plan to remedy that in other ways. In the same way that there were few Dragon types in Gen I of Pokémon but they still managed to be incredibly useful, so too will the Crystal / Laser core robots when they're added to the game.

Black Hole bomb and a lot of the other space-type abilities were difficult for me to come up with, especially given how strange some of them are. In the end I tried to go with a blend of making-sense where I could and simply promoting cool type combinations where I couldn't. Grab Buster is a perfect exactly of this - I get the impression it's made out of the element Mercury but what type would that be? It can't be Earth because two other Stardroids already have Earth in their attack typing and that would be boring, but there aren't many other options you could use that aren't duplicated multiple times elsewhere. Another difficulty I had was differentiating between GalaxyMan's Black Hole Bomb and Saturn's Black Hole - I decided to throw canon to the wind and switch up their typing and use a bit.

I know it doesn't always make sense, but everything is constantly changing and being added to and at the end of the day I just want things to be fun, interesting, and relatively balanced. Sorry for all the oddities that come out of this approach.

Oh, and the Constellations are not in the card yet because I don't like them, but neither are the Dimensions even though I do. Just like the PC Mega Man games, the canon of those robots is questionable and their priority is therefore really, really low. Also, do we need any more Space robots in the game? It's getting pretty hard to justify the including of all the others already, so if I ever do add characters from questionable games like this is will be very far off and likely not as part of the story. Sorry if that seems unfair... Also, the Constellation's designs are pretty bad and don't appear to add anything interesting to the story. :| Correct me if I'm wrong though.

(!) Before anyone comments about the clearly-not-canon robots at the end of the database (Blossom Woman, Shark Man, etc.), I have to make an exception for them. This is my fangame, they are my designs, and I have a very specific plan for them as far as the story is concerned. Sorry!

@megaprotobassman : Slur is going to be an important part of the story, but she's not done yet. That is why she does not appear in the game at this point. When she is ready, you'll know it. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 12:47pm in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #156
Welcome Requiem and Rhythm_BCA! I'm glad you're enjoying the game and flattered that you like the concept behind Disco. I came up with the idea for her nearly 11 years ago but only recently was I able to flesh out her design a little more and include her in an actual game. Her and Rhythm are two of my favourite creations, so I'm glad they're appreciated. ^_^

Also, all the robots from MM1, MM2, and MM4 are currently unlockable as playable characters. Any robots from MM3 or MM5+ are not yet complete. They may appear in the post-game as random encounters (as a kind of preview bonus) but they will not be made unlockable until their respective special weapons and home fields have been completed.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:29pm in "Official Question and Answer Thread" #157
@ChaosFantasy and @Retro Pikachu : You're both right, actually. :P I also made Roll weak to Freeze as a tribute to Ice Man's crush on her in the manga. ^_^ Also, Bass's two weapons the "Bass Crush" and Bass Baroque" are an homage to Bass and Treble's prototype name when they were still just concept artwork - Bass was called "Crush" and Treble was called "Baroque". ;)

To all the other questions, the answers are basically with MegabossMan said.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:27pm in "Field Star Screenshots! Show Your Star Force!" #158
@MegabossMan : You'll need to take a screenshot with your computer first - there are many ways to do so and it depends on your current setup. If you're on Windows search "windows take screenshot" and if you're on Mac do "Mac take screenshot". After that you upload it to an image hosting service like Photobucket and then link it with the appropriate formatting code.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:22pm in "Formatting Help and Comment Guidelines" #159
@CHAOS_FANTAZY : I'd say you should try to avoid swearing completely. I'm personally okay with "hell" and "damn" but I have a biased adult perspective and I've had people complain/mention those words before when they were part of the story (Wily said "damn"). There amount of younger players is unsurprisingly high, so I think we should play it safe else alienate our biggest audience.

@QuickLikeQuickman : @MegabossMan : Yes, there are no file uploads on the website yet and you have to upload them to another service fix (like Photobucket or the like). With all the memory issues with the game itself I do not want to risk adding image-uploads to the mix and crashing the server over something as trivial as JPGs. At least... not yet. Let's see how this new server goes first.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:18pm in "Miscellaneous Findings I Lost My Pictures For" #160
Yes, the first thing is a logic bug where Bubble Man's quote has the {this_player} variable in it which is supposed to be replaced by the current user's name. It doesn't work so well when they're fighting on their own so I generally to avoid using the variable in quotes, but there are a few... >_> I will try to add some kind of context-sensitive logic to the quotes in the future or maybe have it say "master" instead. Might imply something storyline-related. ;)

The second thing... happens sometimes. I'm still investigating the cause but it tends to happen when disabling a robot on the bench of disabling multiple at the same time. It's not game-breaking but can be a bit annoying and creepy. :| I'm working on it though! >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:16pm in "You could be online during the break" #161
When I took the prototype offline I only took the login-button off the page, but didn't technically prevent the page from showing if you already knew the URL. This allowed a few people to log in when they shouldn't have and play around, but I'd since fixed/prevented that and it's all over now so we should be fine. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:13pm in "Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread" #162
The general forever-loading or blank screen bugs are almost always memory overloads or timeouts, and I'm constantly looking for ways to reduce or fix them. Keep on reporting them, but know that it's going to be a long and drawn-out process for me to fix them all.

That being said, I did fix the issue with the player battles and (unless you trigger a totally unrelated bug) you should be able to finish the battles fine now and get your hard-earned battle points. Sorry for the trouble!

Lastly, yes, the Super Arm takes on the current field type as it's secondary typing. The only field that the Super Arm is not dual-type on is the Mountain Mines (because it is Impact already). This was on purpose and (I think) a pretty cool mechanic. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:05pm in "Official Typos and Misprints Thread" #163 ( Edited : 2014/01/20 at 8:06pm )
@Brorman : Fixed the typo, thanks.

@QuickLikeQuickman : That... was... a... mistake. I guess. C***. That makes a lot more sense, given he's a light bulb, and I'm honestly pretty embarrassed that I made such a stupid typo. :S I unfortunately cannot fix it now, given how many people have already played the stage and unlocked field stars for it... I mean, it's not the end of the world and I wish I had caught that, but I'd corrupt too many games if I fixed it now. >_> I fixed the Rhythm Buster's description though - thanks for the heads-up.

@CHAOS_FANTAZY : Again, I feel like a bit of an idiot here. I think I was toying with the idea of making Dive Man a Missile/Water type robot (as far as abilities are concerned) and changed the weapon to "Dive Torpedo", but then I realized the conflict that would have with the MM4 weakness cycle (Toad Man's water affinity) and I removed the water typing... but didn't change the name back. Again, this is something that I cannot change without corrupting game files, but I apologize 100 times over for these canon mistakes.

Maybe if I ever have to completely reset the prototype I'll change these names back to their canon versions, but until then I just have to leave them be and feel shamed every time I look at them. Serves me right for programming at 2, 3, 4am on a regular basis. Even I need sleep! >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:00pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #164
The shop is a great idea, I will add it someday, and it will let you purchase battle items (like the Energy Capsule, Weapon Pellet, etc.), new fields (like the MM3/MM5+ robot master stages), abilities (like the suggested X-series DLC), and so much more - it's just a matter of me working out the logic and mechanics in my head and then programming it. :| Oh, and implementing bolts into the game... That too. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 10:15pm in "Prototype Devroom : Plot Discussion" #165
Well, you see... the plot is a W.I.P. so some of these aren't ready to be answered yet. I will go into a little more detail about the star robots though... or are they aliens? Star...droids? Maybe "stardroids" could be a blanket turn for all space-based robot/alien hybrids? Whatever, it's doesn't really matter yet. This is their backstory as I see it:

Slur and Trill are like ambassadors for an intergalactic space council that surveys and passed judgement on planets.

The council is a hierarchy made up of three tiers - the first is headed by Solo, the second is/was headed by two Duo units, and the third tier is comprised of three identical Trio units.

The Duo units were responsible for surveying the good and evil of planets and passing passing judgement on those that had run out of balance. During a mission to survey Earth, the two Duo units could not come to an agreement on the fate of the planet and a great battle was fought. The dark side of the Duo unit was destroyed, but the light side appears to have forgotten it's origins and allied with the planet it was meant to destroy.

After years of no contact from the Duo units, the council set out to find them and were naturally lead to Earth by their energy signatures. Unfortunately for our planet, the council has been watching from afar for years as their asteroid drifted slowly toward our solar system. This gave them plenty of time to evaluate our past, present, and future and discover that despite our best attempts we will always lose and always succumb to the darkness.

The council sends Slur and its partner Trill to the Earth to collect data on our technological progress and then reset our planet back to its evolutionary beginnings. The two oblige, having completed missions like this hundreds of times over in their lives, and head to Earth together with absolutely perfect timing, crashing the unveiling of the prototype with terrifying style.

Because Slur enjoys its job and has a bit of an arrogant personality, it decides to play a bit of a game with the humans and their robot slaves before putting them out of their mercy. Using highly advanced alien technology (because aliens) they fling the planet's primary heroes figures into the prototype itself and force them to fight their way out.

The doctors and their robots fight Trill and a slurry of other robots under the idea and promise that doing so will allow them to escape and to free their planet, but whether or not Slur plans to keep it's word is another matter. It does have a job, after all.

What actually happens from here as displayed in-game is up to anyone's interpretation, up and and including the player-battles, the end-game scenario, and other/potential future content, it's really all up in the air at this point and I'm getting more and more ideas the more I read your comments.

Also, Slur and Trill have complete control over the prototype simply because they are powerful beings with highly advanced technological skills, assimilated from a multitude of fallen planets and peoples. What's happening to our players is a combination of Slur and Trill's messing around with the system and mechanics already present in the system from the start. That being said, the prototype's database is quite vast and there may be parts of its memory space that the two ambassadors are not fully paying attention to during this event... Who knows what kind of junk data has been accumulating in that vast, empty place...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 10:13pm in "Official Explanation Request Thread" #166
@MegabossMan : @QuickLikeQuickman : Yes, it's just a way to quickly scroll to the top of the page. The new "@ reply" links simply scroll to the bottom of the comment form for you. One day I want to have these reply buttons also copy/paste the user's name for you with their formatting code, but that'll have to come later on when I have more time. :|

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 10:11pm in "Mechanics Update : Player Battles" #167
@QuickLikeQuickman : I updated the player battle code and I believe I've fixed the issue. I just completed about 5 or 6 as one of my alt-accounts and there doesn't seem to be a problem anymore. Thanks for the report! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 9:59pm in "Important Announcement : Server Migration, More Temporarily Downtime" #168
@Brorman : Some threads have their colours hard-coded with a certain colour. All the stickies, for example have specific colours assigned to them. Specific user profile settings have lower priority than thread colour settings. All other non-sticky threads should abide by your preferences though, so there's that. :P

@CHAOS_FANTAZY : I knew someone was watching me! The Google Analytics data showed that several people were lurking around while I was previewing and bug-testing in admin-mode. Felt kind of weird going around answering questions and fixing bugs in silence, but but it was a necessary step in preventing save file corruption. :|

@MegabossMan : @QuickLikeQuickman : @TheDoc : Thank you all very much, you words mean more to me and the project than you know. The work can be incredibly long and grueling at times but knowing others are having fun with the game makes it all worth the trouble. ^_^ Thank you!!

@Brorman : @megaprotobassman : @MegabossMan About the error you posted, the MySQL server was crashing when it's memory got overloaded and I had to keep restarting it. Luckily I have complete control of the server to once I realized what was happening I created a swap file for memory emergencies. It hasn't crashed again like that yet so it should be okay now, but we'll see.

I know there are still a lot of issues, but I'm going to be spending the next few weeks lurking on the website and watching for error reports and user behaviour. I might not add much in the way of new content for a little while, but I'm going to be trying to fix the errors that are within my control and then smooth out some of the rougher edges after the move. Thanks for dealing with all the game's quirks and for posting in the community! Reading comments and honestly one of my favourite things to do before bed. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 5:29pm in "Important Announcement : Server Migration, More Temporarily Downtime" #169
Aaaaaand we're back! For now. :P The server was really easy to set up and as far as I can tell the speeds are a marked improvement over the old one. For the time being, I'd like to ask that you NOT try to break the game. If a bug occurs naturally then yes, of course, report it. But please do not forcibly try to break the game for a little while - I want a fair review of this new server else we might have to move again in the future. Yes, I am paying for this out of my own pocket, but honestly there are few things I'd rather spend my money on. This project is my entire life right now and I absolutely love working on it. As long as I can continue to afford it, I will keep this game online. And if the day even comes where it has to be taken offline, I will absolutely make the source code public for someone else to take the reigns.

That out of the way, I've fixed a whole bunch of minor bugs and implemented several suggestions that were made before the shutdown. I obviously have not fixed everything yet but hopefully I will be able to in the coming weeks. I also have another robot to add to game/database from MMX100 - Plug Man - and he's been waiting in the queue for a while. Hope you all like the new features and let me know what you think of the new server! :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 1:37am in "Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread" #170
@Shadownnico : I think I've fixed the issue with the field levels. I made it so that field levels cannot exceed 100 anymore, as it should have been. Any of your fields that have already accidentally gone to level 100 cannot be reverted and will continue to be that high, I but I believe all your other fields and all future ones will behave normally now. Sorry about that.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 12:28am in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #171
Excellent ideas and I will absolutely consider them all. I love the skinning idea and we could take it in all kinds of fun directions for sure. Maybe that's how we'll get all these other fan characters in that people keep requesting? :P

And about the player purposes, I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm constantly trying to think of new ways to differentiate their campaigns while still allowing for a lot of flexibility and I think you've given me some fabulous ideas.

Another possibility I've been mulling over (maybe in addition to what you've mentioned) is having player-specific post-game robot masters. Right now all the post-game ones show up randomly regardless of campaign, but I think it might be fun if (like Pokémon) Jewel Man only appeared in Light's campaign and Crystal Man only in Cossack's etc. etc. Because all the other robots will eventually be unlockable in a way tied to encountering them in battle, I think that might be a fun reason to play them all.

Also note that each campaign has different starting levels for the mission, so depending on the level of robot you're trying to train it might be more helpful to use Light's campaign with its lower levels of Cossack's with it's super-high ones. But yeah, I really like your ideas and I think player abilities might be pretty cool. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 12:20am in "Now Character Bios" #172 ( Edited : 2014/01/18 at 12:25am )
I know this isn't directly related to what you asked, but given the thread name this seemed like the best place to put these. Here are two little intro/bios I wrote for Disco and Rhythm and posted in a thread over at the Cutstuff forums. Maybe they'll give you guys a little more insight into their purposes while I work out the final details of their story.


"There are two new fan-made support robots for Dr. Wily and Dr. Cossack that act as parallels to Roll and, when viewed as a group side-by-side, have a very similar feel to that of Alia, Layer, and Pallet from the X series."

SWN-002 Disco

"Disco is a new apprentice robot built by Dr. Wily as an analogue to Roll, providing obedience and loyalty in ways that Bass never could
or would. Opposite to the way Roll specializes in boost and support abilities, Disco specializes in break and assault abilities, lowering the targets' stats to dangerously low levels in short time and setting them up to be KOed."

SCN-001 Rhythm

"Rhythm is the second new support robot and she was built by Dr. Cossack as a kind of failsafe for the prototype, laying dormant in the system's random access memory until needed in an emergency. Rhythm is a genius hacker and excels in abilities that modify the system from the inside to alter the conditions of battle in strange and unusual ways. With abilities that allow her to swap and shuffle robot stats at will, Rhythm is both a great ally and a formidable, unpredictable foe."
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 12:18am in "Game Theory: Who Is Mega Man's TRUE Villian?" #173
I watched this a few days ago thanks to your link but forgot to comment. At first I didn't like the point he was making because that dialogue doesn't happen in the Japanese version, but overall his point still held a lot of weight and I enjoyed the video. I ended up going on to subscribe to his channel and have watched many videos since then, so thanks again. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 12:15am in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #174
Welcome to all our new members! Thank you so much for signing up and for sticking it out until we could get the game back online. Your words mean the world and I'm so happy you enjoy what I... no, we have put together. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 12:12am in "Formatting Help and Comment Guidelines" #175
Super-duper excellent work, Brorman! I cleared up a misconception about the image tag's title text and added a brief comment guideline at the bottom. I also colour-coded this like the rest of the threads here and stickied it. Thank you soooooo much! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 17th, 2014 at 10:58pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #176 ( Edited : 2014/01/18 at 2:32pm )
I like ALL the ideas presented above, or at least some form of them.

I really like the idea of skins because it would be (relatively) easy to implement and add a whole awesome layer of customization. And customizing the background is a great idea too! I'll add it to the list. :)

And I absolutely agree about the thread suggesting. I'll try to work something out as it is getting a bit... wordy in here. -_- Sorry about that.

EDIT : Just added a page-system to the comments. Only ten comments a page, but it preloads the entire list so you don't have to wait for each page to load. Hopefully this helps a bit. :)

EDIT2 : Just added the ability to customize your banner background and tweaked the way player colours and fields are used. Whatever you select as your player background will now be used on all posts, which is pretty great IMO. Let me know what you guys think!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 17th, 2014 at 10:40pm in "Official Question and Answer Thread" #177
@xColdxFusionx :

As boring as it might sound, my thought process on those was actually pretty simple. The universe seems to always give us things in threes, especially in video games, and Mega Man was no exception.

There are three known doctors in the classic Mega Man series (Dr. Light, Dr. Wily, and Dr. Cossack), there are three primary hero-type robots that have been playable and can all apparently use the Variable Weapons System (Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass), and - not counting Energy - we have three main stats in the game (Attack, Defense, and Speed).

It just seemed natural to use these coincidences to my advantage and create a set of moves and mechanics around them. After I had decided on the three main busters, I assigned them based on how I thought each doctor would behave in battle. Wily is the most aggressive so his robot gets an Attack booster, Light appears to be more docile and defensive so his robot naturally gets a Defense boost, and then we have Cossack with Speed just because. It ends up working out well for balance, and while we don't know much about Cossack or his style I doubt he'd be against using Speed to his advantage. :P

The Roll Buster came next, and I wanted it to have similarities to Mega Man but be much more support-oriented. Once I decided the first turn would heal Energy instead of any one stat, I tied it in with Mega's buster by decreasing the target's Defense while his would raise his own. This felt like a nice parallel and allowed Roll to step up as the support robot I needed her to be. Adding Roll to the game exposed an obvious imbalance though - the other two doctors did not have a counterpart to support their Attack and Speed stats. In a lengthy process that I'll go into another time, Disco and Rhythm were created to fill that void and the effects of their abilities followed naturally.

The Light, Wily, and Cossack Busters were introduced much later in an effort to give elemental-core robots more options in battle without actually allowing them to equip the hero's busters. They really are just palette swaps, and I realize it seems lazy, but I wanted to make sure the robot masters had comparable ability options to the Copy/Neutral robots without letting them equip hero abilities and it was the easiest option. :|

Weaknesses and resistances were decided by Brorman, so I'll let him answer you on that one. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 17th, 2014 at 9:59pm in "Official Typos and Misprints Thread" #178 ( Edited : 2014/01/17 at 10:39pm )
@Shadownnico :

Fixed! I remember changing the menu order one day and saying "I have to remember to change the rest of the page too" but then never remembering... -_- Thanks for the heads up! :D

@CHAOSFANTAZY @xColdxFusionx :

I am aware of the official weapon names and as much I wanted to adhere to them I chose not to for the sake of consistency and understandability. As you might have been able to discern from the current MM1 abilities, I make absolutely sure each of a robot's level-up abilities carry one of the same words in its name. Rolling Cutter -> Rising Cutter -> ??? Cutter, Ice Breath -> Ice Slasher -> Ice ???, etc. This makes it easy for people to guess which abilities come from which robot masters and provides the game with an overall sense of cohesiveness.

Because Time Man already owned the word "Time" and he comes first chronologically, I decided to rename Flash Man's weapon according to his name and called it the Flash Stopper. Fully knowing that the ability already existed for Bright Man, I took it one more step further and gave Bright Man a new ability - the Bright Burst that actually used his name and allowed him to have a unique typing (which is awesome for game variety). I realize this may bother some, but it's a detail I thought long and hard over and I'm pretty confident in my decision. As far as the stat it lowers... I'll think it over. :P

@TheDoc :

This has been fixed as well. I made it so that it actually displays all the abilities you earn in the battle rather than just the first one. Originally all robots were unlocked at Level 1 and I didn't have to make these considerations - the unlocking-at-their-current-level is fairly new so I'm still working out the kinds. :S Thanks for helping me debug the process though - should be all good now. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 15th, 2014 at 6:21pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #179
There are two ways to unlock Field Support, as well as the Mecha Support.

Method 1:
Beat any of the intro fields eight times in total. By that point there will be eight Mets to fight and defeating all of them in battle will net you the Mecha Support. Beat it a second time and it will unlock the Field Support.

Method 2:
Complete the Bonus Field at the end of the game (with the mechas) to get the Mecha Support ability. Complete the Bonus Field II in the same chapter (with the robot masters) to get the Field Support ability.

Let me know if you have any problems and I'll look into it. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 15th, 2014 at 1:28pm in "Endless loading..." #180 ( Edited : 2014/01/15 at 1:31pm )
@megaprotobassman : Please use the "edit" option instead of making double-posts. Thanks!

And to everyone else, sorry again. :| I think decreasing the amount of robots per side might be my only option right now, though I really have to consider whether it's worth it. :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 15th, 2014 at 1:27pm in "Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread" #181
Wow, either you've replayed those stages many, MANY times (they go up by one level per victory) or the difficulty logic is acting up (pretty sure it's the latter). Also, there should definitely be a cap at Lv. 100 so I have to tweak the mission generation logic again. Thanks!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 15th, 2014 at 1:26pm in "Player Fields being laggy + other stuff" #182
What the?! I knew that ability was gonna give me problems. -_- Consider it added to my list - that obviously does not make any sense...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 15th, 2014 at 1:21pm in "VOTE FOR THE NEXT ROBOTMASTER RE-VAMP!!!!" #183
Sorry but I had to move this topic to the development forum. As important and cool as the thread is, it's not exactly "news". Sorry, MetalMan. :|

I do look forward to what people request, of course, and I encourage anyone who's interested to reply!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 15th, 2014 at 9:18am in "Robot Cores" #184
The bug above has been fixed, btw, and for real this time.

Regarding your suggestions about Sword Man and Turbo Man, I hear you and I agree. I think it would be more appropriate for Turbo Man to learn other Swift moves than more Flame moves and I feel it would be more appropriate for Sword Man to learn other Cutter moves than Flame ones. I agreed the last few times it was suggested but I keep forgetting to change it. Thanks for the reminders!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 15th, 2014 at 9:06am in "Official Question and Answer Thread" #185 ( Edited : 2014/01/15 at 9:13am )
@TheDoc Wow, I really suck sometimes... I went into the code again and I made a very silly, stupid mistake that was preventing the "convert robot abilities to player abilities" script from working. I logged in as a new user and replayed a few missions, specifically Ice Man's, and I can confirm that the Ice Breath and Slasher were both unlocked for Dr. Light. Sorry again for the trouble - cross-equipping abilities is one of the coolest features and being unable to utilize it must have really been a pain. Thank you again for your patience!

@CHAOSFANTAZY @Brorman : You're both right, I should have a proper formatting guide up somewhere. -_- Anyone wanna write one for me? :P But to quickly answer your questions, you put the words you want coloured in square brackets [like this] and then immediately after you add the type name in curly braces like {this}. There cannot be any spaces in between the two different brackets and the type names have to be all lower case. That way something like [Adrian sucks] and {time} would produce Adrian sucks once you remove the space in between. For dual types, you just connect them with an underscore. [Adrian isn't so bad] and {water_electric} combine when stuck together to form Adrian isn't so bad. Does that help at all? :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 11:07pm in "Robot Cores" #186
Yes, every ability that your robot learns by level-up the [original] player should automatically learn as well. The fact that your Dr. Light did not have Ice Slasher for equipping is a bug, though it should be fixed now. Sorry about that! :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 11:04pm in "Official Question and Answer Thread" #187 ( Edited : 2014/01/15 at 9:08am )
@xColdxFusionx: You are correct in the method, but if it's not working that's a problem. I've tweaked the code for the unlocks - can you reload the window when you get a chance and let me know if it pops up or not? :S

@TheDoc : I think I'm going to remove the other FAQ thread, it didn't make a lot of sense and I like this one better. About the abilities though, you are correct in how it should be working. As long as Dr. Light himself has unlocked the Ice Slasher, he can equip it to other robots. I've made a few tweaks to the code - could you also try reloading and then going to the robot editor? I think I might have fixed it.

Looks like this is gonna be another bug-report thread, huh. :|
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 9:35pm in "Player Fields being laggy + other stuff" #188 ( Edited : 2014/01/15 at 1:25pm )
Oh boy. Looks like more memory issues. On the one hand, this is absolutely horrible and I'm crying inside every day that the problem persists. Both on the other hand it's forcing me to re-evaluate a lot of my code and make the optimizations necessary for the next 10, 20, 30, 100 robots added to the game. I will keep this open until I can fix everything, and thanks again for reporting. It at first your refresh doesn't succeed, just wait a moment and try again I guess. :|
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 9:30pm in "Endless loading..." #189
I am not positive, but I'm thinking this might be related to the memory issues. If the memory runs out prematurely and the background script crashes, there's nothing telling the foreground one that there was a problem. It just waits..........

I really, really need to get these memory issues figures out but it's going to be hard. I know that the number of robots taken into battle is having a huge impact on memory but I don't want to start limiting the game simply because I can't afford a better hosting plan. :|

I'll do my best guys, and thank you again for your patience. This is still a beta / prototype, so you gotta cut me some slack... right? :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 9:24pm in "Multiple of the Same People on a Party" #190
I should find a way to prevent that! :o

Now that we know it exists, try not to do it too much. My server's memory is at about 96-98% and if it goes over 100% again I'm gonna get the game suspended again. >_>

But yes, I'll keep this topic open until I fix it.

Oh, and @Shadownnico, the formatting help is back! I didn't realize the latest update removed it but I'm glad everyone told me! I had a name collision where I casually named the container div "tooltip" but forgot that the actual tooltip script used that name for other functions. -_-
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 8:19pm in "Top 10 Mega Man games?" #191
I really need to implement some kind of poll system for topics, as you guys really seem like these survey-type topics. :P But yes, my favourite games...

I have played a great many Mega Man games in my day and while my taste is definitely more refined now and probably would judge these games more harshly as an adult, I cannot deny the impact they had on me as a kid and the immense amount of joy I had experiencing them. Here they are!

1. Mega Man X
2. Mega Man Battle Network 2
3. Mega Man Legends 2
4. Mega Man Powered Up
5. Maverick Hunter X
6. Mega Man 3
7. Mega Man 4
8. Mega Man Zero
9. Mega Man 6
10. Mega Man 5

Wow... that was pretty hard. And I'm not even sure if I'm remembering them all! There are soooo many Mega Man games and I've always known that but the sheer number and variable is just hitting me now. Incredible. And a lot of them are like comparing apples to oranges - it's hard to say one of the other is better when they're both so great!

You know, there are very few Mega Man games that I dislike and in spite of what some haters may say I think having this many different games in a series is a good thing. If Capcom wasn't so willing to experiment with the Mega Man IP in the 80s and 90s we wouldn't have amazing spinoffs like Mega Man freaking Legends, Zero, Battle Network or even X! Few video game franchises have gone through this much evolution, this much change in their main character and the state of his surrounding universe than the likes of Mega Man (maybe Zelda). Even with the limited dialogue in most Mega Man games, they've managed to create this incredible decades-spanning narrative about the rise and fall of robots, mankind, and eventually our entire planet through the use of clever game mechanics, beautiful character design and artwork, and obviously some of the most addictive and tight gameplay known to the industry.

It's just incredible... and sad given how few official games there are on the horizon. Anyway, I guess I went off on a tangent there... >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 8:02pm in "Important Announcement : Server Issues and Nasty Users" #192 ( Edited : 2014/01/14 at 8:18pm )
@QuickLikeQuickman : You are correct, it is a bug. There is a thread about it open in the bug forum. It's... gonna take a while for me to figure out a fix. I searched Google high and low and all the solutions I've found have not worked. :| It's the main reason I added the "Pause" button to the top of the battle window - it's the only way to prevent it from crashing when you're in another tab (and even then it sometimes has problems!). But yeah, sorry about that. The moment I find I fix I'll be sure to implement it! :P

Also, thank you so much everyone! ^_^ It's been a really, really long and tiring journey but I knew in my heart that I had something special and I'm glad I persevered. Now we have several other contributing members to the project and everything is coming together beautifully. We have an almost fully fleshed out campaign (three, actually), amazing remixes, beautiful new sprites, hilariously punny dialogue, diverse and interesting stats, types, and weakness cycles, sooooo many new features and mechanics, and (in my opinion) one of the coolest and most detailed enemy databases of any Mega Man game ever. We still have a looooooooong way to go until we're done, but it's been an amazing ride so far and I anxiously look forward to each new day of working on it. Thank you all again! ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 7:57pm in "Small lil' typo on the database" #193
Fixed, thanks for the heads-up! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 7:48pm in "Not Sure if Bug or Oversight..." #194
You are all very astute and all very correct. :P

Previously, there were no restrictions in regards to posting on the community other than having an account. In light of recent events, however, I had to implement some kind of anti-spam and anti-harassment rules to prevent further abuse of the system.

Now, someone has to have at least 5,000 posts to make a new post and 10,000 points to make a new topic. Points are incredibly easy to get and anyone has has played the game for more than 2 minutes will have enough to make a post at the very least. New threads can really clutter the forum if they're created too often so wanted to encourage people to post in existing ones instead before getting to that level, hence why the thread costs more. I think that it might feel unfair or jarring to new users at first, but eventually they will understand the reasoning.

That being said, I hadn't considered the implications of this on the bug-submission process... I could see it being a problem if someone tried to report a legitimate bug in the early-game but did not have enough points yet, though at the same time if I make the bug-report forum more lenient it could lead to the same problems I was trying to avoid - just more localized.

This is a perfect example of an issue I'd like everyone's feedback on as it will affect all new users and both make the community a bit safer but also make it a tiny bit less accessible. So, what do you all think? Keep the restriction, lower it, change it? Something else entirely? Please let me know! :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 11:42pm in "Guts Man what are you doing" #195
Oh no! Roll, Disco, and Rhythm are meant to be unlocked after you fail a certain number of times. I noticed that this was somehow reversed when I went into the code for the aforementioned event and I changed them back. >_> What your friends experienced was the bug, and your (current) file is functioning properly. I'm so sorry you reset your game before I got a chance to fix it! D:
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 11:15pm in "The Visuals of the MMRPG Prototype - Characters - Needle Man" #196
I deleted him and then I absorbed his data.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 10:40pm in "Official Frequently Asked Questions Thread" #197
@SmashBroPlusB : Thanks for the reminder. I've had a lot of people ask me about that and I keep forgetting to put some kind of event/message explaining it. I just added an event popup that appears directly after the first battle, hinting but not directly giving away how to unlock them. "Simply disabling a robot master will download its special weapon data for you, but if you can disable it using only Neutral Type abilities we might be able to download even more!" Hopefully this helps clear a bit of confusion for new players while still letting them feel a bit surprised when it happens. Thanks again for all the help!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 8:45pm in "Bombman Glitch" #198
The Copy Shot has been fixed and now works as it should (testing on Ice Man just to be sure). Thanks so much for reporting! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 8:20pm in "Bombman Glitch" #199
Hmmm, the Copy Shot is not meant to be utterly useless and is the only way to get certain abilities post-game (like those from the MM3 robots). If it's not working at all that's a problem I'll look into right now, but it's definitely supposed to work regardless of the current unlock system. The only abilities that the Copy Shot cannot copy are ones you already have equipped to the current robot or "mecha" abilities. Ice Man's "Ice Breath" and "Ice Slasher" should be completely copyable so I'll look into this ASAP. Thanks for the report once again! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 7:45pm in "Guts Man what are you doing" #200 ( Edited : 2014/01/13 at 7:49pm )
Hey, thanks for the bug report! I've taken a look at the switch panel code and I think I found the problem. Super Throw is supposed to prevent you from switching back to the same robot, but it looks like the logic was off. I've revised the script a bit and uploaded the changes. I'm gonna test it now but let me know when/if you do and whether it worked or not. Thanks again!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 7:41pm in "Bombman Glitch" #201
No problem, and thank you for your totally civil bug report. :P I'm actually glad you reset your game - you'll get a much better idea of how the progression works and everything will make much more sense.

Rather than reset everyone's progress every time a game-changing update is made, I leave it up to each user to decide if they want to keep their "grandfathered" file and deal with it's oddities or reset their game/missions to experience it properly from the beginning. Whether or not someone takes advantage of it is really up to how much time they've invested.

Anyway, thank you for playing and for your comment. I'm glad the game is back online (even if it is still experiencing memory issues every now and then). I'm actively tracking them and fixing leaks as I go, so I hope your next/current playthrough is much more fun and less confusing than your first. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 6:15pm in "Bombman Glitch" #202
@accpikachu2 : TheDoc was simply reporting a bug, and a legitimate one too. Take a look at his leaderboard profile and you can see his Bomb Man does not have the Hyper Bomb ability at all. Please do not go overboard with the whole anti-spam thing as this was definitely not spam.

@TheDoc : Something must have happened between the time you last logged in and the latest updates. Please try fighting Bomb Man on his stage again (with anyone) and Dr. Light should unlock the Hyper Bomb ability automatically. Once you have unlocked it again, just go to the robot editor and equip it to Bomb Man. If that doesn't work and you're unable to progress at all, the only other thing I can suggest is to go into the "save" menu and "reset missions" for Dr. Light. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 1:26pm in "Hello, the new and "improved" MMRPG Prototype!" #203 ( Edited : 2014/01/13 at 1:28pm )
Let me copy/paste it for you:

Notice : Due to excessive server load and memory exhaustion the prototype has been taken offline again. I really tried my best to optimize the code and comply with my web host's requests for a less resource-intensive script but it may be beyond my abilities. It feels like the more I try to fix it the worse it gets, and I unfortunately do not have any idea when these issues will be resolved. Please discuss the outage on the forums if you need to, and know that I am very sorry for all the trouble and seemingly wasted time on this project. I will update the website when I have more information on the project's future, but for now consider the game on hiatus. :(

What part do you not understand? What can I clarify?

EDIT : Isn't anyone gonna back me up here? Seriously? Am I the only one who feels this entire situation is incredibly unfair and ridiculous? Please?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 1:11pm in "Hello, the new and "improved" MMRPG Prototype!" #204 ( Edited : 2014/01/13 at 1:20pm )
It says right on the home page, the server is having serious memory issues and I need to find a way to fix them and reduce memory before my hosting provider will allow the game back online. It was not my choice to take the game offline, and it's very unfair that everyone is so mad at me.

I am an adult and I work a full-time job during the day. Unless I'm really lucky, I do not have time to work on the game from Mon-Fri and I mostly can only program on the weekend. I spent many, many, many hours last week trying to fix this issue. I stayed up to 2, 3, 4am regularly trying to reduce memory and suffered at my real job as a result of being overtired.

When I finally thought I had fixed the problem and reduced memory enough, I took the game offline for maintenance and I uploaded the changes. I tested the game myself without anyone else online for about an hour and felt that it was stable enough to launch again. Unfortunately, as soon as everyone started coming back to the website the memory got out of control again and (as you can see above) issues started popping up that were not there before. It was almost 3am at the time (as you can again see above) and I was barely able to keep my eyes open anymore. Searinox's really, really nasty post and the fact that my host already noticed the memory explosion and emailed me was the last straw. I had to take the game down again. I had failed in trying to fix it and there was nothing else I could do that night.

It's been a few days and I am constantly thinking about ways I might be able to reduce the memory further, but I have not come up with anything yet and I am leaving the prototype offline until further notice. Dealing with these spam attacks have not made matters any easier and I have no idea if things are going to get better. I would say "please bare with me" and "thank you for your patience", but apparently no one has that anymore.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 1:07pm in "The Visuals of the MMRPG Prototype - Characters - Needle Man" #205
Yes, and I believe I have taken care of it. I will keep an eye on the forums and take further action if necessary. Thank you for your co-operation with the rules.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 12:52pm in "Hello, the new and "improved" MMRPG Prototype!" #206 ( Edited : 2014/08/06 at 2:15pm )
Alright, I need to clear up a few things to make them absolutely clear.

1. This is a FREE fangame project programmed by ONE person

2. You do not have to play this game if you don't like it, and it owes you NOTHING

3. This game is INCOMPLETE and you are part of a huge BETA test that has been absolutely clear since the start

4. If I find anyone abusing the systems, being offensive to other users (myself included) or otherwise injecting the community with negative energy, I CAN and I WILL delete your account without prejudice.

This is an in-progress game that's constantly being tweaked and changed. There will be and always have been bugs and while I try to keep them to a minimum I am not perfect and I make mistakes. I have no obligation to fix them and I do so out of my own free time and out of the goodness of my own heart. This game is supposed to be a fun distraction for people, not some institution where you last out at "the man" when things aren't going smoothly.

The attitude in this thread and the sense of entitlement is baffling. I do not owe you anything and I could easily take the game offline in an instant - the only reason it's still around is because I and a handful of other like-minded people thought it would be fun to create an RPG using Mega Man characters. If you cannot be a constructive, positive part of the community, please leave.

Given how much time you've invested into the game and how high you are on the leaderboards, I expected better from you Searinox. I'm more than a little disappointed and honestly quite sad how quickly one of our most active members turned into a monster. And you, megaprotobassman - your attitude and language as of late are not appreciated either. You have both been warned, and I will not hesitate to delete your accounts and ban your a**es if you lash out like this again. Bug reports are always welcomed - threads and posts like these are absolutely not.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 12:45pm in "Mega Man RPG prototype wiki page" #207
You can leave the notice up. When and if the prototype gets fixed I'll remove it myself. For the time being, I'm not sure what the future of the project is and do not want to raise false hope. Thank you so much for all you've done so far, either way.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 13th, 2014 at 12:42pm in "The Visuals of the MMRPG Prototype - Characters - Needle Man" #208
@megaprotobassman : Please watch your tone and treat the other members of the community with respect. If I see you talking to anyone else with that tone or otherwise being offensive and bringing down the community, I will delete your account and all progress and ban your IP from the website entirely. I'm getting really sick of all the negativity going down the last few days and I refuse to let it continue. you have been warned.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 11th, 2014 at 8:47pm in "Endless loading..." #209
It's probably still there. I had to prioritize simply getting it back online, but I will continue to look into this. I made small adjustments to the code to address the issue Searinox mentioned above, but I can't guarantee it fixed anything yet. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 11th, 2014 at 8:38pm in "Temporary Downtime, Hosting Provider Being Jerks" #210
Yes it is! Finally!!!!!

I just made a complete backup of the database in case there are any critical, game-breaking bugs, but I've spent the last several hours testing and I think I got everything ironed out. If you notice anything please either post it here or create a new topic depending on how severe or complex you think it might be. Worst case scenario I'll have to take the game offline for a few hours again and restore the backup to prevent losing progress up to this point.

That out of the way, YAY! Even if there are some hiccups in the next few days, I managed to save almost 50% of the memory! From about 26MB at its peak (it was a little higher than I initially thought) to a little under 14.5MB now. A lot of the optimizations were made to the mission-generation code, but some of them are tied to in-battle functionality as well and may benefit from a bit more stability and potentially a bit faster response time.

Again, I'm sooooo sorry for the inconvenience and I'm so relieved to be back online again. Fingers crossed I don't go over my memory limit again, but even if I do it's only because the game is getting a bit more popular. Silver lining, right? :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 10th, 2014 at 12:50pm in "Temporary Downtime, Hosting Provider Being Jerks" #211 ( Edited : 2014/01/10 at 1:12pm )
I can assure the Star Force mechanic will not be taken away or modified. It's more about the number of calculations and functions that take place when generating missions than any one mechanic or object.

As an example, whenever you select your player it sends a request for all that player's missions. Because the missions are dynamic, every single one of them will change slightly when a new request is sent and need to be regenerated from scratch. At its highest point (when a player has completed the main campaign) as many as 25 different missions may need to be generated on the spot and all within a few seconds of runtime.

To give you an idea of how much processing this actually requires, this is what needs to be calculated for each mission:

- Mission name, description, battle points, goal turns, and level
- Missions records about how many times completed, failed, max points, etc.
- Field multipliers, field type(s), which foreground/background image to use, and which music
- Background and foreground mechas need to be decided and placed with randomized animations
- The number of kind of robot masters and robot mechas need to be decided
- The levels and stats of those robots/mechas need to be calculated (even more so for player battles)
- Each robot needs to have their current abilities generated, which is actually a complex process based on how many times they have been defeated, which level they are, their core type, etc.
- Which fusion or field star should appear and its typing (probably the least intensive part of the script)

After all that is decided, the actual HTML for the mission buttons need to be generated. The physical size of the images is not important to the script as the browser takes care of that, but the markup requires to display those images can be pretty complex and verbose which is the final kick-in-the-balls as far as memory is concerns.

So, my goal is not to remove anything but to try to streamline the way those things are generated. Stuff like making sure unnecessary data isn't loaded into memory too early, finding ways to not regenerate stuff that doesn't need regenerating, reorganizing my code to be more efficient, etc. When the game comes back it should be almost identical from your end, albeit (hopefully) a little faster.

Hopefully that helps to outline the issue. I am still painstakingly working on optimizing the script at home and I'll let you guys know the moment it's back up and working. Thank you again for your patience!

OH! And for your image question, just use the following format:
[Image Tooltip] (
but without the space in between. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 9th, 2014 at 1:57pm in "Temporary Downtime, Hosting Provider Being Jerks" #212
I'd just like to update everyone on the status of this issue.

The script that was blocked is the one responsible for generating missions and all the robots/abilities/rewards associated with them. Because the missions are so dynamic / constantly changing and because there are so many of them, it takes up an incredibly high amount of memory and CPU cycles. This is partially by design, partially because I decided to write the game in PHP (not recommended), and partially because I'm still a fairly novice programmer (in my opinion).

The hosting provider will not unlock the script until I have revised it to use significantly less memory, so that's what I'm going to be doing for the next few days. I spent my entire night yesterday shaving off a mere 1.5MB from the script (of about 25MB at its peak). I still have a long way to go.

As you might imagine, the game is pretty much unplayable until I get this fixed. The demo mode still works because it (luckily) uses a different and much smaller script and the missions are not dynamic. Until I get this fixed/optimized, players will be unable to access the mission select menu at all and can only really use their account for posting on the community.

I'm really sorry and I promise to try and have the game back up ASAP. :'(
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 8th, 2014 at 12:20pm in "Endless loading..." #213
I'll look into this later tonight. I knew it wasn't a 100% perfect fix but thought it might help a bit. Thanks.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 9:55pm in "Abilities don't appear" #214
Thanks for the tip MegabossMan - I was able to find the bug and it was absolutely in the code that generated the bonus fields. :) It's been fixed and the abilities should show up again. The real culprit was the Super Arm - when it tried to determine current field type it was unable to and then killed itself prematurely. Any abilities that came after it would be skipped as well. >_> But yes, fixed now. Thanks guys!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 9:52pm in "Endless loading..." #215 ( Edited : 2014/01/07 at 11:06pm )
I'm so sorry everyone, I wish I knew what was causing it. >_<

In the mean time I've added a timer into the code. If you submit your action and nothing happens for 30 60 seconds, the script will ask you if you would like to try sending it the request again. Saying yes may cause the battle to behave in bizarre ways (as if one full turn just disappeared) but at the very least you have a chance of finishing the battle.

Again, I'm so sorry but hopefully this eases the pain a bit while I continue investigating from my end. :|
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 9:27pm in "Field Star Screenshots! Show Your Star Force!" #216 ( Edited : 2014/01/07 at 10:57pm )
WOW! That's crazy! I can't believe you've found that many already! 0_o

But yes, +940% is incredibly overpowered.... though I think that's okay. The Star Force is introduced as a post-game mechanic because of how powerful it is and how much fun it (I think) to absolutely obliterate enemies that were once challenging or annoying. One might say it makes the game too easy, but does that really matter when you've already completed the entire campaign? I think not. I do have the fix the graphics though - your 940% electricity bar doesn't fit inside its container anymore. >_>

EDIT: YES! I got another Field Star! Now I'm totally gonna catch up to you guys![/sarcasm]
Underground Laboratory Star
Or not. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 10:28am in "Field Star Screenshots! Show Your Star Force!" #217 ( Edited : 2014/01/07 at 10:49am )
Aaaaaaand here's another one! I'm still working on the Field Stars so no Fusions yet, but whatever. :P
Industrial Facility Star
And another!
Abandoned Warehouse Star
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 10:14am in "Endless loading..." #218
This has happened to me several times too and I still trying to find a solution. Sometimes the server just decides to stop responding for some reason and you need to reload the battle. Very frustrating for sure. >_< I'll do my best to figure out the cause - sorry everyone!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 10:12am in "Abilities don't appear" #219
That's.... weird. So you equip Guts Man with those abilities but when he goes into battle he doesn't have them? I have not had that happen to me before but I'll definitely look into it. Sorry!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 10:06am in "Robot Stats" #220
Oh, I guess I didn't mention any thing about Attack/Defense Break. :o

If a robot's Attack stat reaches absolute zero, it goes into "Attack Break". While in this state, the robot cannot do ANY damage to anyone, regardless of their Defense. If you switch this robot back to the bench, they'll recover 1 Attack point per turn.

If a robot's Defense stat reaches absolute zero, it goes into "Defense Break". While in this state, damage done to this robot will result in a OHKO regardless of the user's Attack. If you switch this robot back to the bench, they'll recover 1 Defense point per turn.

If a robot's Speed stat reaches absolute zero, it goes into "Speed Break". While in this state, all abilities this robot attempts to use will miss. If you switch this robot back to the bench, they'll recovery 1 Speed point per turn.

If a situation occurs where the user in in Attack Break and the target is in Defense Break... it will be a very boring battle until someone boosts their stats again. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 10:00am in "Merry Christmas!" #221
Merry Serbian Christmas! :D
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 9:50am in "Field Star Screenshots! Show Your Star Force!" #222
Wow, that's awesome! I can't believe how many stars you've already found! Like, holy ****! :o Haha, you guys have no idea how giddy it makes me seeing all these star counts go up - very surreal. ^_^ Thank you all so much!

Btw, Searinox, could you wrap your image URLs in the appropriate tags when you post them? That way they show up on the page and people don't have to copy/paste the URL to see them. Just use the form [Image Title] ( but without the space in between. I've edited your last two posts to show you how it's done, but let me know if you have any other questions. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 7th, 2014 at 9:43am in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #223
Thank you! And no, it's on purpose. I decided that, since you see the MM4 robots before you see the MM3 robots, they should come first. Each is only loosely based off a specific game, after all. Several robots that appear on the first page are not from MM1, for example. I may change the order in the future, but for right now I like this way better. I don't want to give new players the impression they missed something while they're playing Cossack's game and notice an entire page missing.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 6th, 2014 at 10:32pm in "Metal Man Revamp : New Sprites by Sean Adamson" #224 ( Edited : 2014/01/06 at 10:37pm )
Hello everyone! Metal Man's sprite sheet has been updated again by Sean and he's fixed up a few issues with the chest area and I tweaked the red a bit to make it look less loud. I think we have a pretty fantastic sheet now! Compare the one above and the new one below (you may need to do a hard refresh to see the differences):

Metal Man V2
Metal Man V2

Metal Man V3 (link)
Metal Man V3

Doesn't he look AMAZING?!?! I love it! Great work Sean!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 6th, 2014 at 12:12pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #225
Thanks again for all your suggestions guys, they will definitely be taken into consideration. :)

@MegabossMan : I have to add a few more mechanics to the game before Ballade's second form can make an appearance, but I'd like his second form to function like other second forms in the original series in that he "transforms" once you deplete his Life Energy to zero. There's a slim chance I'll make it work as an ability instead - maybe transforming back-and-forth between forms each time you use it and maybe each one excels in a certain stat or something? Kind of like a (reversible) Mega Evolution in Pokemon? We'll see...

@MMX100 : Yes, I definitely still want to add the shop and if not Battle Points then Bolts/Screws will be the currency of choice. I think alternate costumes would be fun, as would a few more types of items and obviously support robots and shop-only abilities. That being said, there are already 8 different items available in the prototype including the 1-UP, it's just that it's a pretty rare drop that can usually be found on event stages (like the rival missions or the final destination stages). It (and the other super-rare item) appear very infrequently, but they ARE in the game. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 11:44pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #226 ( Edited : 2014/01/05 at 11:48pm )
Ah... See? I was missing something! >_>

Also, how does everyone like the new coat of paint on the leaderboards? Not only do the little leaderboard banners contain more information on them now, the actual leaderboard pages let you view SO much more information about everyone's files. You basically get to browse every player's editors, starforce, and database screens remotely. Pretty awesome, if I do say so myself! :P


Oh, the actual fields in the player editor. Derp. Forgive me I'm tired... I'll just give a full overview.

The experience field is a grand total of all the experience collected by that player's own robots (even if they have been transferred). It doesn't mean or do anything but it's fun to see. The individual Battle Point totals should be straight-forward. Completed Missions counts only unique completed missions, same for the Failed Missions, and then the Total Victories and Total Defeats count all wins/losses even on the same stage. Field and Fusion Star counts are obvious. The two ??? fields are hidden because they're coming in a future update.

And then... the Battle Fields themselves. They represent which fields appear in Chapter Two of that player's campaign and, by extension, which Fusion Fields appear in Chapter Four. It may not be obvious from only looking at your own file, but the exact order of the fields in each person's game file is randomized and the Fusion Fields that appear in Chapter Four are based on that randomized order. Once you complete the prototype (and you have) you can edit these fields by clicking on them. From there you can swap out any field slot with a field from another player's campaign, just like you switch abilities on a robot. By doing this, new Fusion Stars can be discovered and collected to increase your Star Force much, much more than otherwise possible.

Let me know if that clears anything up. ^_^
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 11:31pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #227 ( Edited : 2014/01/05 at 11:40pm )
@MegabossMan : I'll do what I can to look into these issues. If not by tomorrow hopefully I fix them in the coming weeks. :S

@Shadownnico : I'll answer your questions one by one. :P

1. All doctors benefit from collected starforce equally.

2. I... guess not. Other than in the equipment screen. I should fix that soon. >_>

3. It looks like you haven't discovered the robot-transfer feature yet. Click the player name to transfer to other doctors. Transferred robots earn double experience and can be equipped with more abilities, but they do not benefit from player bonuses when transferred... unless I misunderstood what you were referring to.

4. Also not sure what the 2+2=5 part means. For the most part, you should be able to hover your mouse over things to see what they mean, but if you can be more specific I'll try to figure out what I'm missing. >_>

Sorry for any confusion. :S

As a side note, anyone who wants to know more about the mechanics of Field and Fusion stars should check the comments of this thread where I discuss them with MegabossMan. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 11:28pm in "Field Star Screenshots! Show Your Star Force!" #228 ( Edited : 2014/01/05 at 11:30pm )
It sure is! :P

Well, here's my first contribution. It's not a Fusion Star but it's a start! :D
Space Simulator Star
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 11:08pm in "Field Star Screenshots! Show Your Star Force!" #229 ( Edited : 2014/01/05 at 11:14pm )
Well, at the moment there are 24 Field Stars (8 for each Dr.) and 12 Fusion Stars (4 for each Dr.)... by default. If you go into the Player Editor and click on any of the 8 field slots, you'll see that a new mechanic has been unlocked and you can now customize which fields appear in which campaigns and where! ^_^

So while there will only ever by 24 Field Stars (until I add more stages), the combinations of different fields and therefore different Fusion Stars is almost endless. There's actually a way - mathematically - to calculate how many combinations / Fusion Stars are possible, but I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise here in the thread. ;)

To make sure it's absolutely clear though, every theoretical combination of two stages has it's own unique Fusion Star. Rainy Sewers and Space Simulator for example, could produce either a Rainy Simulator Star or a Space Sewers Star depending on how you choose to mix it up. And it doesn't stop there, stages are shared among all campaigns so you could combine any other stage with either of those two up there for even more Rainy and/or Space type stages. You can imagine how many possibilities there are if you put the time into looking. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 5:27pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #230
Hmmm, if it's happening to more than one person that's worrying. I will do my best to isolate the issue(s) and iron them out in the next few days, but I apologize for all the trouble. >_> In the mean time, please try not to switch between tabs too much during a fight and/or use the pause option if you have to. Boooooo at bugs! :'(
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 3:46pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #231
Minor enemies / mechas cannot be "unlocked" in the same way that robots can. To complete their entry in the Robot Database, a mecha must be summoned at least once in battle (using the Mecha Support ability). The mechas still cannot be permanently unlocked and likely never will be as I like what we have now.

As far as the exact method for summoning any specific mecha has changed since the update, however. Previously, Mecha Support had the same effect in battle regardless of who used it - the mecha it summoned was always based on which field you used it in. This was... interesting, but hardly useful. Summoning Electric Type mechas to fight against other Electric Type robots made little sense and proved to be counterproductive at best. Now, Mecha Support functions differently for every robot.

Copy Core robots like Mega Man, Bass, and Proto Man will continue to summon mechas based on the current field, but elemental robot masters like Bomb Man and Guts Man will now summon mechas based on their own home field. Bomb Man will always summon Beaks for example, and Cut Man will always summon Fleas. Repeated uses of the ability allows you to summon higher generations of that mecha (different colour, better stats) but the exact model will always be randomized between the available 1-3 per stage. Neutral Core robots like Roll, Disco, and Rhythm will only ever summon Mets as their mecha due to it being the only Neutral Type mecha available.

The level of the summoned mecha is also determined by the user now, with the mecha always being equal to half the user's own level. This means that as your robots grow in power, so too will their available support mecha, giving the elemental robot masters a bit of an edge of their heroic Copy and Neutral Core teammates.

While we're on the topic, I should also mention the new Field Support ability. This ability is very similar to the Mecha Support as its effects depend entirely on the user, similar to Pokémon's "Hidden Power" move. When the ability it activated, the user alters the current type multipliers based on it's own home field. Meaning that if Fire Man uses the ability he could take the field multipliers that appear in his stage and then combine them with the ones already in battle. This can lead to some very strange and/or amazing effects, and allows you level the playing field when a robot master is typically at a disadvantage. Once again this move functions differently for Copy and Neutral Core robots. Copy Core robots amplify the current field conditions, making powerful types more powerful and weaker types more weak. Neutral Core robots completely remove all field multipliers by raising or lowering them until they each equal x1 (effectively making them normalized).

The way to unlock these moves is a secret, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. I will say that they can be unlocked in two different ways each and it's technically possible to get both of them at the beginning of the game if you're diligent enough. ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 3:25pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #232
Hmmm, I understand what you're saying now. I'll check it out and see what I can do. Thanks.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 3:13pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #233
First thing may be a bug. Did the robot have an Ice Breath attached to it or was it thrown to the bench with the Super Throw? If not I'll have to do some emergency retesting. :S

For part two... it's on purpose! I really didn't like the whole rebooting your robot idea because of how tedious it was and how hard it was to justify. As such Level 100 robots will now gain stat bonuses from disabled foes immediately rather than on each level-up. I figure people should be rewarded for getting to level 100, not punished, so hopefully this helps. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 5th, 2014 at 3:06pm in "Mega Man Starforce : The January Update" #234
No problem, you've contributed a great deal already and you totally deserve it! ^_^ Let me know what you like (or dislike) about the update and feel free to post any screenshots or favourite moments or anything else you feel like sharing - and that goes for the rest of you! Your feedback is the lifeblood that keeps this project alive and even if I don't reply to every topic I do read them all and appreciate every last post. Thank you allllllll! XD
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 4th, 2014 at 3:20pm in "The punniest discussion in the world!" #235
I need to add some kind of upvote or +1 option to posts because these are awesome! XD
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 4th, 2014 at 2:51pm in "Mega Man RPG prototype wiki page" #236
Given the slow nature of the gameplay, I think it would be best to have a bunch of shorter clips showing different attacks, effects, and features strung together with a single track in the background added post-recording.

Luckily, the game uses tracks from a (great) YouTube composer called TheLegendOfRenegade and he's given us permission to use the tracks in anything game related so long as there's credit. I think anything that appears in the prototype would be good to use, with the stage select and all robot master themes from MM1, MM2, and MM4 being options.

Unfortunately my proficiency in programming and graphic design do not carry over into video editing. I have zero skill in putting them together and I doubt my laptop could handle it either way. :| It would be awesome if we could find someone to make one, but I'm pretty sure it wont be easy.

Something else that I think would really help with promotion is if we got some "official art" for the game. I know that I'm technically able to draw the new characters (Rhythm and Disco) myself, but the time it would take me to actually do so and colour them doesn't feel worth it when I could be programming. I might go trolling DeviantArt someday for people who do commissions, but we'll see. Either way I think it would be cool to have official artwork of the three main heroes and the three support characters for use in articles and wikis and even videos like this.

If anyone finds or knows someone who has the official art style down perfectly and takes requested/commissions please let me know. At the very least I would want Disco and Rhythm - I really like their designs. :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 4th, 2014 at 2:30pm in "The punniest discussion in the world!" #237 ( Edited : 2014/01/04 at 3:04pm )
I better get on this Quick Man before all you Punks steal the best puns and there's nothing left but Junk Man! Hmmmm... I thought this would be a little easier. Guess I'm not as Bright Man as I thought! :S While I shouldn't have Charge Maned into this discussion without something better to say, you have to admit it took a lot of Guts Man on my part. ^_^ Hey... wait... I seem to be getting a bit of a Rhythm going! Yeah, I'm on a Roll now! What's that? I should Cut Man it out? You think I'm just blowing hot Air Man? You think I should just Chill Man out? Awwww, shucks. I just wanted to be a Star Man! :'(

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 4th, 2014 at 2:23pm in "Official January Update Preview" #238
I'm just gonna leave this here for you guys - as you can see the update is coming along nicely! :D

Mega Man Star Force
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 3rd, 2014 at 2:00pm in "Official January Update Preview" #239 ( Edited : 2014/01/03 at 2:08pm )
I'm not going to answer any specific questions, especially about Jewel Man (oops?), but I will say one thing. The stars will appear as a post-game objective and collecting them will contribute to something called "starforce". I wonder what that is? :P

Also, the new "Field Support" ability will have character-specific effects and the existing "Mecha Support" ability has been revised to also have character-specific effects. In other words, Fire Man using the Field or Mecha Support abilities will have a vastly different effect than if Mega Man used them, as will they be different if Roll, Disco, or any other elemental robot used them. I have to say it's a pretty sweet little change that I'm sure you'll all have fun with.

Oh, and I've upgraded the way the Buster Shot works (slightly). It's still the same old ability you know and love, BUT it can be powered up by holding onto any of the other _____ Buster's charge shots! And they stack. So if someone is holding onto a Mega Buster charge as well as a Roll Buster charge (for example) the power of the default Buster Shot would be increased twice! The absolute extreme of this would be someone equipping the Buster Shot on one slot and then all the other busters for the remaining seven slots and effectively doubling the power of the default Buster Shot attack. 24 Neutral base power might not seem like much, but for zero energy and with relatively high priority it may be worth it for some to think about when the update is released. ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 3rd, 2014 at 1:45pm in "Thanks to everyone who helped the Wiki!" #240
Yay! I can tell Quick wasn't too happy about the decision ("Too many fangames here...") but it's my personal opinion that you either have ZERO fangames on the official wiki or you allow all of them. It's not fair to give preferential treatment to certain developers over others and it creates the wrong kind of tone for our community as a whole. Capcom isn't exactly flooding the market with official games right now so I think it's not only okay, but important that fans contribute to the series in any way they can - whether its fanart, fanfic, fangames, let's plays, whatever! The longer we keep the blue bomber's legacy alive and keep awareness high the more it benefits the entire fandom. Thank you all again! This is so great. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 3rd, 2014 at 1:45pm in "Mega Man RPG prototype wiki page" #241
Thank you all SOOOOOO much for your support and help with this everyone. I would have honestly been okay if it had been moved to the Fan Wiki but this is incredible and will surely help spread the word and grow out little community. :D I will periodically update the wiki with new information when I can but likely it's an open system and anyone else with an account can help out to make the page more complete. Thank you all again and I think it's SO cool that we have a page there now. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 2nd, 2014 at 1:33pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #242
Brorman is kind of right - right now you can only have one of any robot in your game, so if you wanted to trade with someone and you got a duplicate robot, it would just overwrite your current one (or vice versa). I guess I could think about allowing multiple copies of a robot, but that would require a lot of big code-changes and I'm not sure if it's worth it.

That being said... maybe there are other thing we could trade or "gift" to other players? Maybe battle points? Maybe items? Maybe something else in the future? I do like the idea of having some kind of connection to the other players and some kind of economy so I'll absolutely think about it (it would be really nice to help your friends, as you said) but for right now I'm not sure how/if it would work. :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 2nd, 2014 at 1:10pm in "Mega Man RPG prototype wiki page" #243
As far as gameplay photos, you can use anything from the gallery (newest photos are at the top), and as for the title screen you can either take a screenshot of the main menu (so it's current) or use the game's logo (below). Thank you again, I'm really, really excited to see the page!

Mega Man RPG Prototype Logo
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 2nd, 2014 at 10:27am in "Discussion Suggestions" #244
@MegabossMan : Oops! That's was a bug - thanks for pointing it out!

The issue has been fixed now, thanks again!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 1st, 2014 at 4:41pm in "The Survey on MMRPG (Prototype)" #245
Favourite Robot Master:
Wood Man, Jewel Man, Star Man

Favorite Core Type:
Nature, Crystal, Space

Favorite Classic Series Weapon:
Leaf Shield, Gemini Laser, Black Hole Bomb

Favorite Ability:
Leaf Shield, Gemini Laser, Super Arm

Favorite Classic Series Stage:
Snake Man, Gravity Man, Gemini Man
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 1st, 2014 at 12:08am in "Merry Christmas!" #246
And we're here! Happy New Year everyone! Here's to another great year of new features, new content, new mechanics, and most importantly new members! Thank you all so much for playing, for your support, and for all the great feedback and contributions! Thank you! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 31st, 2013 at 10:43pm in "Discussion Suggestions" #247
Check the formatting options at the bottom-right of the comment form and make note of the Cutter one. If you wrap text [in square brackets] and then add a {nature} besides it (without spaces) you get this! If you want your text to be dual-typed, just use an underscore like {freeze_cutter}. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 31st, 2013 at 10:38pm in "Welcome Spinstrike : Master of Robot Quotes" #248
I won't be attaching names to specific quotes as that would be a real hassle to update and maintain, but I will absolutely add a place for the other contributors on the credits page just like Spinstrike. I have the little bios on the credits page links to everyone's accounts, so their usernames and avatars auto-update with any changes. But yeah, even though Spinstrike would be submitting them to me I would personally go over then thread later and see who needs to be added to the contributor list. No worries, I promise. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 31st, 2013 at 10:35pm in "Mega Man RPG prototype wiki page" #249 ( Edited : 2014/01/01 at 12:11am )
Yes, absolutely, you have my permission for sure! I'm honored that you think it deserves a place there, and I'm sure the other contributors will be too! :D Let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on anything and post the link once you have something up. Thank you!!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 4:12pm in "Discussion Suggestions" #250
@Searinox : There's a mechanics thread for that now! :D

@sanca : Open the password prompt and enter the phrase "Chapter Get : Player Battles!" :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 4:05pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #251 ( Edited : 2013/12/30 at 4:11pm )
@vaati : Love the concept and I'll definitely consider it for a future update. Lots of work involved but it may be well worth it. Might overly complicate the battle system a bit too, but that can be worked out. Super forms are cool too! At the very least super-forms of the main heroes would be awesome, but we'll see!

@NinjaLink : To be honest I haven't thought about it yet, but given how the Ice Wall works it may well be very similar. It would obviously be different in typing and a different weakness, but maybe the effect will be tweaked a bit too? Kind of like how Skull Barrier is similar to Leaf Shield but not identical.

@MP36PH3S : Like the Ice Wall, I have not given this much thought yet but it very well might be similar. It doesn't have to be and I might change the function of the ability entirely, but that's not something that'll happen for a while anyway. The Stardroids are so far off it's not even funny... >_> About the MM3 and MM5+ robots? Yes they're be unlockable. When? Not sure, but definitely not before their respective stages are done.

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 4:02pm in "Make-A-Moveset: What If..." #252
I don't have anything to contribute but I have been keeping up with this thread and I have to say - it's pretty awesome!

Really liking this idea and some of them are really well done - especially the Scott Pilgrim ones!

You guys have no idea how incredibly cool it is to my mechanics/types/system being used in this context. You guys are basically making fan-content based on fan-content. Pretty trippy! And flattering. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 4:01pm in "Now Character Bios" #253
For now, please ignore all the custom robots like Blossom Woman. Their designs and names are not finalized and I might even change some of their genders, so don't worry about it. IF you have ideas, that's another story, but at the moment they're just placeholders and nothing is set in stone. Sorry!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 3:56pm in "How to get the mini-characters" #254
MP36PH3S is correct, though MetalMan has a point too. Fortress bosses, robots with levels higher than 100, and something like the multi-link are all being considered but will not be ready any time soon.

To directly answer your question though, the "Mecha Support" ability is how you would summon minor enemies to the field. You can unlock the ability by replaying and beating the Intro Field (in anyone's file) several more times. Each time you clear the mission, another Met is added to the battle. Once there are 8 Mets in the battle it will reward you with Mecha Support once completed.

At the moment, Mecha Support summons a random enemy to your side of the field based on the type of field you're on. Summoning one on Cut Man's stage would net you a Flea, summoning on Guts Man's stage would give you a Picket Man, etc. This ability's functionality WILL change in the next update, but I'll fill you guys in on the changes when the time comes and for now this is how it works. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 3:49pm in "Mega Man 4 : The Meganificent Update" #255
Trust me, I very, VERY much want to add the fortress bosses to the game, it's just not ready for it yet.

The first obstacle is their physical size. The game was programmed from the start to function with 40x40 pixel character sprites and anything bigger would not work. I was forced to add code for 80x80 pixel sprites after the MM3 robots were added, which was incredibly difficult, but even that isn't enough for most of the fortress bosses so I have to find a way to increase the size even further. :|

The second obstacle, of course, is animation. Most of these old NES bosses were pretty static but those that did move did so in a very... specific way. Not only will I (or someone) have to animate them but I have to make sure they actually fit on the existing stages or create new stages they will fit on. Overall a lot of work. >_>

And finally, I have to think of abilities! It may seem straight forward, but 99% of the fortress bosses had a very, very simply bullet/projectile attack and maybe collision damage. Neither of those would be very interesting and the latter doesn't really fit into an RPG setting (at least not this one).

So yeah, lots of stuff to figure out but I'm definitely considering it. It would obviously make battles and the end-game much more exciting. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 3:43pm in "Welcome Spinstrike : Master of Robot Quotes" #256
No problem! You've done an amazing job and continue to contribute tons of awesome dialogue for the game. :)

If you don't mind, I'd like to make you the official quote person. As in, you'll be responsible for finalizing quotes - even if they're submitted by someone else - and then posting or re-posting them all cleaned up.

I only ask because I noticed a few robots with multiple submissions from different people and I'd like to offload some of the moderation to you.

If it's easier to email me with "finalized" quotes I'm totally fine with that, otherwise you can continue posting them on the forum topic. Either way, I just need an easier way to see which ones are done and which ones still need review/cleanup.

Let me know, and thanks!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 3:31pm in "Metal Man Revamp : New Sprites by Sean Adamson" #257
I feel like the red on Metal Man may be too bright so I'm considering darkening or desaturating it a bit - it might not be an official NES colour when I'm done with it but it feels way too intense when compared to other robots or put up against the existing stage backgrounds.

As far as the other requests, I'll think about them. Some definitely need to be recoloured, especially all the red robots, I just have to make sure it doesn't stray too far from the NES-inspired pallet.

Thank you for all your input though - really appreciate it. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 3:27pm in "Merry Christmas!" #258
Hello everyone, and happy belated and/or early Christmas depending on where you are! :P

I apologize for not having and update or a post ready - it was a busy holiday and I didn't have as much time as I expected. Also, just like last time, a small update quickly turned into a big one as I added more and more features and content to the game. >_>

I doubt I'll have this new update ready before the new year, but in the mean time I'll try to post some preview images for you guys to speculate wildly over. :P Expect a new thread in the next little while and sorry again for the delay! Thank you all for playing!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 8th, 2013 at 5:10pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes" #259
Awesome work, Spinstrike! All these quotes have been added to the game and your name now appears on our credits page. Thank you soooooo much! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on December 2nd, 2013 at 1:32pm in "November Update : New Abilities, New Mechanics" #260
@Spinstrike : Just use an underscore between the first and second type. So for Nature and Electric, you'd use nature_electric and then you'd get something like this! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 22nd, 2013 at 10:02am in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #261
That sounds like a great idea! I'll have to put some kind of disclaimer or warning about potential bad-language, but it would be a pretty easy thing to implement and I really like the concept. Nice work! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 22nd, 2013 at 9:58am in "November Update : New Abilities, New Mechanics" #262
The Copy Shot has not had its WE amount changed, however, because it's no-longer a level-up move for Mega/Bass/Proto it no longer benefits from that half-energy bonus. It does still share the same type though (Copy), so it at least benefits from that half-energy bonus (bringing it down from 8WE to 4WE).
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2013 at 2:35am in "Dr. Wily ending" #263
No, you're right - the only "ending" right now is a message saying congratulations and a little prototype-complete symbol next to your save file. Once the storyline is finalized I'll be able to add more of an ending but for now it's just the post-game bonuses - a randomized bonus mission, access to player battles, and the robots from MM3 & MM5+ start appearing on other stages to battle. It's not much, but hopefully it gives the game a bit more replayability until it's 100% complete.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2013 at 11:26pm in "November Update : New Abilities, New Mechanics" #264
Oh, and one more thing. All of the support robots have had their level-up moves altered and each of the three players has had their battle point rewards altered as well, so make sure you review those if you have time. Additionally, some of the abilities that could previously only be equipped to Roll/Disco/Rhythm can now be equipped to other robots now to keep your eyes out when you're in the robot editor. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2013 at 9:19pm in "A small list of minor bugs and misprints" #265
Alright, I believe I've fixed most if not all of these bugs/typos so please retest when you have a chance and let me know if you still have any issues. Thanks again for reporting it - much appreciated. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2013 at 12:50pm in "The Newest Update" #266
Once again thanks for posting these - you're very observant!

I uploaded these changes late last night before I went to bed and was going to wait until I got home from work today to post about them. I also like waiting a little bit after an update to iron out bugs before I report on them. Sorry about that!

In terms of what's changed I'll go into more detail later but you've already caught most of the changes yourself.

My main goal in this update was to create more ability options for the initial MM1 robots and (where appropriate) try to make them more dual-typed. Dual type abilities can be equipped by a wider range of robots, so I want to try and get as many in the game as possible. They make battles more interesting and give the non-hero robots more purpose in the game.

You see, these new second tier abilities require a lot of weapon energy on their own (8 units) which doesn't seem worth it in some cases, but when equipped to the right robot (via Core Match or Level Up) they can take substantially less (2 - 4 units) so there's a bit of strategy in what you equip to whom.

I apologize for not posting about the update right away, but thank you for collecting some of the new features in a post for everyone else to see. I'll create a news post later and detail anything you missed. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2013 at 12:46pm in "A small list of minor bugs and misprints" #267 ( Edited : 2013/11/14 at 12:49pm )
Thanks for reporting these - I likely would not have noticed some of them otherwise. I'll try to get these bugs/typos fixed either tonight or tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!

EDIT : Oh, the last one - that's on purpose. I made it so Light gets a heart, Wily gets a diamond, and Cossack gets a clubs. At least that's how it's supposed to be - I'll have to check that when I get home too. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 11th, 2013 at 9:21am in "Dr. Wily ending" #268
Thanks for the heads-up guys - I'll make sure this is fixed in the next update. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 8th, 2013 at 1:59pm in "How Bass is not reaching its full potential..." #269
Try checking Bass' page in the database - he learns two more abilities on level-up, just like Mega and Proto. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2013 at 11:02am in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #270
It's really cool to see so many other people with a love for both Mega Man and Pokémon like I have. ^_^ Thank you all for playing and it's great to meet you! Though you do make me feel a bit old... Haha.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Thank you for the work you did and your submissions, but this is not how we do things here.

First, this is in the wrong forum. Sprite work and development talk should go in the development forum. Additionally, we already have threads for each Mega Man game and you should be posting in those. Creating a new topics will clutter up the forum and I'd prefer things stay organized.

Secondly, we already have two spriters for the game and they are more than capable of completing the work on their own. In the future we may need more spriters, but for the moment we have everything we need and sprite submissions are closed.

I am moving this to the appropriate category and locking it. I'm sorry for the confusion but Sean and MMX100 work really hard on their sprites and it would not be fair if anyone else could just come in and take their jobs. I have approved only two spriters for the game and anyone else taking the initiative and making more without getting permission is just wasting their time. :|
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2013 at 10:54am in "Let's Play! Request" #272
I know pretty much nothing about video recording and the actual making of Let's Play videos, so I really do not care what program/software you use to record. So long as I can watch you play the game in some way that's enough. Thanks!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2013 at 10:51am in "Im Back!Any one remember me?" #273
This topic is inappropriate and I am closing it. Sorry. If you want to introduce yourself, use the proper thread, and if you're just returning from a short absence we do not need a topic about it. We will know you are back simply by your participating in the other, allowed threads. Thank you for your understanding.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2013 at 10:42am in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #274
@milansaponja : I agree with most of your suggestions, and thanks for posting.

Some types are definitely most used than others, partially because certain types were duplicated in the three represented Mega Man games (MM1, MM2, and MM4). Flame types appear in all three games, for example, but Nature type only appears in one. Same with Time type appearing in all three but Impact only in one. This will be fixed as I create more abilities, and I'll try to balance out the types that don't have as much love, but at the moment this is still a work-in-progress so please forgive me. >_>

About the Skull Barrier, you're the second person to say it's overpowered so I'll look into it. I thought the fact that it must be used immediately would help balance it (because it fades after one turn), but I'll see if maybe I can nerf it a bit. Maybe have it only block 75% or 50% or something. I just didn't want it to be too similar to the Leaf Shield or the Proto Shield. :|

For the last version about 10 robots on the field at once... I don't think I'll be able to do it. The game can already be pretty slow with 8vs8 so with 10 I'm not sure most browsers could handle it. Besides, I find the 8vs8 battles the least fun because they take so long, so I don't want to exacerbate the problem. For now, you just have to get used to taking different robots with you based on the mission.

Lastly, regarding the MM3 robots, yes they will be unlockable. I need to first finish their stages and decide on how they should be implemented into the campaign, but they will be unlockable for sure. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2013 at 10:41am in "The Walking Dead Man" #275
Guess this bug still hasn't been fixed, eh? Oh well, I'll keep trying. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2013 at 10:40am in "Defeated pharoah man,But cant take him" #276
Please check this update for changes programmed into the newest update. Robot masters can only be unlocked now if you defeat them using only Neutral type abilities (Buster Shot, Mega Buster, Proto Buster, Mega Slide, Energy Break, etc.).
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 31st, 2013 at 11:47am in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #277
Just shoot me a quick message using the contact form and I'll reply from my personal email so you have it in your address book. After that we can just communicate over email. Thanks. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 30th, 2013 at 10:30pm in "Mega Man 4 : The Meganificent Update" #278
Sorry to double post, but after watching a lot of Let's Play videos and reviewing everyone's robots on the leaderboard it's pretty obvious that people do not know you can transfer your robots to other players!

One of the most powerful features of the editor and transferring robots - not only does it double the experience a robot gets in battle, but it also allows for some very fun ability combinations. I just transferred my Oil Man over to Dr. Wily and was able to teach him Bubble Lead (because it's half Earth type)! Isn't that awesome?

If you want to transfer a robot, all you need is more than one player unlocked and you can click their name in the editor like below:
Robot Editor : You can transfer robots between players!

Seriously try it out if you haven't already!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 30th, 2013 at 10:06pm in "Mega Man 4 : The Meganificent Update" #279
Thank you for your ideas.

I like the idea of using the Yellow Devil and other large boss characters in the game someday. Once the code is ready for it, I will absolutely be adding some. :)

I think unlocking the robot masters near the same level as team members sounds like a good idea. I have to work out the details regarding what level they learn moves at (should it be affected at all?) but I think it might be a good thing to add in the future too.

Secret Mega Man X bosses would be great, I agree. Maybe someday! ;)

Also, my favourite robot would have to be Wood Man, but I also like Plant Man, Toad Man, then Snake Man too. :S I think I just like nature/green robot masters. ^_^ Thanks for asking.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 30th, 2013 at 6:16pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #280
You would do that? :o

If that's something you're interested in, I think it would be super cool and I'd definitely add it to the database!

They would have to be like the Pokedex and describe them not as individuals, but as species (or models), but I think it would be really awesome. I'm still really torn on exact story details, but one thing I'm certain of is that all the robots that appear are just data and replicable and not the originals we defeated in past games. There is no one "Guts Man" in this prototype world - there are many - and that's why I refer to the robots with "it" rather than "him" and "her" in game. The database can use those pronouns of course, but in battle I'm referring to the digital being (it) rather than the figure it represents (he/she).

If that doesn't sound like too much restriction, I think it would be a FANTASTIC addition to the game's narrative and would add a lot to the experience! XD Let me know what you think...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 30th, 2013 at 5:53pm in "Mega Man 4 : The Meganificent Update" #281
@milansaponja : Welcome to the community, and thanks for playing! ^_^

To answer your first question, new battles are unlocked after you have beaten all available missions in the other players' games. Meaning, if you complete all the missions in Dr. Light's game, Dr. Wily will get new ones. If you complete all the missions in Dr. Wily's, then Dr. Cossack will get new ones. Complete his and Dr. Light will get new ones, and so on and so on in a circle until you reach the end of the game. I can see on your missions page that you only have one Light battle left. After that's unlocked the others should follow (though maybe I should tweak that...).

As for experience, here are a few pointer for raising robots:

1. Landing super effective attacks boosts the experience multiplier for the stage by 10% every time you do it, and the effect lasts until the end of battle. Critical hits also have this effect. You can easily increase to 2x or 3x in the right conditions.

2. Be picky and take fewer robots into battle with you. Experience points are divided among all teammates, so if you take fewer with you they will each get more at a time. This way you can raise only the ones you really need first, and then use those ones later to power-level your weaker robots faster.

3. Try to get overkill as much as possible, as its converted directly into experience points. If the target has 10 life energy remaining and you try to deal 100 points of damage, the target will be disabled and the difference (90) will be added to your experience point bonus. It might not seem like it's worth it to use a powerful ability when the enemy only has a few hit points left, but it is.

4. Transfer your robots to another player! In the robot editor, click on the "Player" name (Dr. Light / Dr. Wily / Dr. Cossack) and you can transfer that robot to another player. This can be done any number of times with the only limit being that each player needs at least one robot. A robot that has been transferred gains 2x more experience points and can be taught abilities they would not normally learn, so it's very useful. :)

Let me know if this helps!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 28th, 2013 at 10:05pm in " My Suggestions for the game" #282
Thank you for your submission, though I'm going to move this to the appropriate category. :)

That being said, we pretty much have all our sprite needs covered with Sprites Inc. and any others we need our great team can whip up themselves or find online. They're doing pretty good so far! :P

I'm going to leave these here as a potential resource for the other artists anyway, and thank you for your the help. I definitely like the power adapter idea - maybe in future update? ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 28th, 2013 at 10:03pm in "can't continue cossack's game" #283
I looks like you were somehow able to break sequence and complete all of Wily's stages except the Intro Field. Try completing that mission (shouldn't be too hard) and let me know if that helps. I downloaded a copy of your save locally to test it, and it worked here so it should work for you too. Sorry for the confusion! :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 27th, 2013 at 2:48pm in "Top Spin doesn't stop hitting" #284 ( Edited : 2013/10/27 at 2:58pm )
I just lowered the accuracy from 76 to 70, so hopefully that helps a bit. I'm not sure if I should keep it like this for challenge or make it weaker for the sake of accessibility. :| I'll keep playing with it and update this thread if I make any changes. In the mean time, you should definitely use the Copy Shot to steal it for yourself. Can't hurt to have an ability with that much potential for yourself. :P

EDIT: I've also made it so that the accuracy of the ability goes down by one point with each hit until it reaches only 1%. This should further prevent it from OHKOing so often.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 27th, 2013 at 2:30pm in "Top Spin doesn't stop hitting" #285
Hmmmm. It's hard to say if that's a bug because it's kind of the whole point. :P I'm sorry if it ruined your experience though... hopefully you were still able to beat the stage? :S

The top spin has incredibly low damage and only moderate accuracy, but it keeps hitting indefinitely until it misses or the target is disabled. It is my opinion that this makes the ability very powerful in the right circumstances, but very unreliable in most others - just like the original Top Spin in the games.

I'll consider putting some kind of damage cap or lowering the accuracy, but I'd like to see what others think first. Anyone else feel like this ability is overpowered or do you think it's unreliable nature keeps it in balance? Please let me know!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 26th, 2013 at 11:56am in "Mega Man 4 : The Meganificent Update" #286
A new mechanic has been added to the game and it has the potential to change many existing strategies. From now on, benched robots will take reduced damage from attacks based on their distance from the attacker. Robots in the active position have their damage calculated normally, but robots on the bench will now take less damage the farther back on the bench they are.

Each of the eight predefined slots on the bench have a different damage multiplier. The first slot (the one your first active robot retreats to) takes only 90% of the total damage an active robot would take, the second slot takes 80%, the third takes 70%, and so on all the way until the eighth position which takes only 20% of the total damage.

I believe this new mechanic will be very interesting. It has the potential to make battles a little more difficult as far as defeating the enemy, but it also means that you can strategically position your own robots with the weakest one farthest away from the action and protect them from damage.

Please let me know what you all think and if you have any issues. I'm excited to finally add this functionality and I hope you all enjoy! ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 26th, 2013 at 11:47am in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes" #287
@Spinstrike : You're pretty much owning this thread, and all your quotes are fantastic! XD Thank you so much for doing these - I've been slowly adding them to the new update over the last few weeks and they're really adding a lot of fun flavour and polish to the game. They're really great! I'm definitely making a space for you in the credits. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 24th, 2013 at 11:56pm in "Mega Experience from random enemies" #288
Hey, thanks for asking. One of the new features of the update is that any "overkill" you earn is converted directly into experience points. So if you did an attack that would normally 950 damage to a weak robot with only 100 life energy, it would OHKO them and give you 850 overkill points (which are then converted into 850 experience points divided among your team). Do you think that could be it? If your Elec Man is really strong, it's possible he's getting a lot of overkill bonuses. Please, don't forget to check the little Field Multiplier at the bottom of the battle window - landing super-effective hits boosts experience too so it could be a number of things. Let me know. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 23rd, 2013 at 7:23am in "Mega Man 4 : The Meganificent Update" #289
Or the Mega/Bass/Proto Buster, or the Mega Ball, Mega Slide, Bass Baroque, or Proto Strike. Or Energy Break. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2013 at 7:43pm in "Transfering robot bug" #290
You must complete at least the Intro Field for a player before you can transfer their robots. Defeat the Intro Field battle in Dr. Cossack's game and you should be able to transfer his robots normally after that. Let me know if this doesn't work and I'll look into. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2013 at 6:40pm in "I think I just broke it..." #291
Yes, I have experienced this too. It happens when your session/login expires while you're in the middle of a battle... but I'm not sure why/how that would ever happen. :S The game looses track of who you are and who you're fighting, and just defaults to ALL THE THINGS. >_> I've had no luck trying to make this happen on purpose as a means to find the source of the bug, so fixing it has been pretty much impossible. I've only had the big actually happen to me like 5 times ever and I assure you I play the game more than anyone! I'm not even sure if it's a problem with the battle code, the login code, the browser, etc. etc. :(

Either way, thank you for reporting it and until I figure it out you can do as Metal Shark Player suggested and just reload the frame/page. Any experience you collected in battle should have already been saved, so it shouldn't be too bad... right? :S I'm so sorry...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2013 at 6:35pm in "Game frozed" #292
Oh no! The Crash Driller and Crash Avenger are not done yet! I didn't mean to put them in the update as they are not ready to use - I'm so sorry. Could you please remove them from your robot? If you use them as they are now they will always cause the game to freeze. :S

I will try to have those abilities finished soon, but it was a (big) mistake accidentally putting them in this update and I'm sorry for any trouble it has caused. In general, if any ability does not have an icon or an image, it means it's not done and should not be in the game.

I have updated Crash Man's level up abilities and removed Crash Driller and Assault until they're done - if anyone else accidentally unlocks these please just ignore them. >_
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2013 at 6:28pm in " My missions returned from beginning" #293
Hello, and sorry for the inconvenience. As part of the Mega Man 4 update, the mission structure was completely recoded and every player had their progress reset to the beginning. It is unfortunate that I had to do this, but it was necessary for the new content to work properly.

Because everyone is playing a (very clearly stated) work-in-progress, you're basically all beta testers and as such your experience may not be perfect. :| This style of development is obviously not perfect and has its flaws, but it also has a lot of good aspects too - you guys get to play and beta-test years earlier than you would otherwise and we get real-time feedback when we implement new features.

That being said, your robots have not been reset and your abilities should all be there too. Your Level 100 Mega Man alone should make playing through the new missions a breeze! :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 20th, 2013 at 11:45am in "Mission Dissapearance" #294
I made some adjustments to the mission code last night. Please let me know if this has been fixed in your file and I'll continue testing in mine. Thank you!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 20th, 2013 at 11:41am in "Pokémon X/Y General" #295
@Brorman : Thanks for making this thread! I have added you to my 3DS and my friend code is 2492-4116-4578 so please add me back. :) Maybe we can have a battle sometime, but I'm definitely not as far as you yet - just getting my 6th badge now. Once I catch up I'll try to get a bunch of good Pokemon for breeding and trading and whatnot.

@NinjaLink : I selected Chespin myself but I might know someone who has a Fennekin to trade. If I get my hands on one I'll let you know. :)

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:15pm in "Trouble Unlocking New Abilities" #296
Thanks for the bug report. I checked the code and a few of the entries for the MM4 robots were not updated with their newly completed abilities, causing them to only use the placeholders I'd added months before. Please try again when you get a chance and let me know if I've fixed the issue, and thank you again for reporting it. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:15pm in "Unlocked Cossack Abilities WAY TOO Unlocked" #297
Well, that was definitely a game-breaking bug (in the sense that it made everything waaaaaay too easy)! Luckily, I believe it has been fixed now. If you have already equipped your robots with illegal abilities they will not be removed by the fix, but they will not be able to be added again in the future if you ever unequip them. Thanks for reporting the issue. Also, I fixed Skull Man's unlock background - thanks again. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:15pm in "Ballade's Mecha Support Bug" #298
Sorry about this everyone! This issue should be fixed now - there were a few logic errors in the code that made the system think the new robot was yours instead of the opponent's. >_> I've done a bunch of testing though and I believe I've fixed the issue, so please let me know if anyone else encounters it. Thank you!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:15pm in "Item Sharing? I'll Have NONE of That!" #299
This SHOULD be fixed with the recently released Mega Man 4 update - I have not experienced it myself since the update went live, but please let me know if any of you are still encountering the issue. Thanks!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:15pm in "Time Arrow" #300
Thanks for the posts everyone. I believe I've fixed this problem, or at least made it less dramatic. There was a typo in the code that made it do much more damage than it stated in the description, so I've nerfed it a bit to make things more fair. The ability will still be devastating under the right conditions (uses by a Time Core with the appropriate field multiplier) but it should be a little less broken now. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:11pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes" #301
Like the robot classes, most if not all of these have been added to the game now and I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been contributing! These details are incredibly time consuming so I end of procrastinating and putting them off, but they add so much life and character to the game it's a shame it's taken to long to get them in there. Thank you all SOOOOO MUCH for these - they're really great and truly make the game's (albeit simple) narrative more engaging. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:10pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Classes" #302
Almost all of these have been added to the database, and I want to thank you all so much for your submissions - these are really, really great! And you're on a ROLL Spinstrike! Great work everyone! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 10:07pm in "8-bit sprites of the MM7 and MM8 robot masters" #303
I believe some of these sprites look better than the originals, and others do not, but I would like to leave it up to the discretion of the spriters themselves which ones they end up using for the base. MMX100 and Sean can work out the details of which ones they want to use, and if they have any questions they can contact me directly - I trust their expertise. That being said, thank you for bringing the link to our attention but please post in the appropriate thread in the future. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2013 at 9:24pm in "Mega Man 4 : The Meganificent Update" #304 ( Edited : 2013/10/19 at 10:25pm )
@Brorman : Thank you so much for your posts while I've been away. I had to get away from the game for a while to prevent myself from going insane or burning myself out completely. :P Spreading the essential information to the other players was very helpful, and I'm sorry if it seemed like I was barking orders at you over email - I just knew you'd be online. :) I believe I've fixed the bug reported in your post, but I'll have to your suggestion for the Skull Barrier under consideration. Thanks again! (EDIT: Also, the replay feature is something I've considered too - glad to know we're on the same wavelength! ^_^)

@Shadownnico : Thank you so much for your kind works! I worked incredibly hard on this, as did Brorman and everyone involved with the Mega Man 4 content - I'm really glad you and everyone else are enjoying it. ^_^

@Avocadora : You're very welcome! I want you to know I was thinking of you the whole time I was designing Rhythm - I think Mega Man classic needs more female robots and I'm glad I was able to contribute to the universe with (what I hope will be) a fun and unique character. :)

Thank you everyone again, and I'm so happy you all like it! I think I've fixed most of the bugs reported and I'll update the main post soon with more info!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 9th, 2013 at 11:49am in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #305
Just for the record, I personally sent these teaser screenshots to Brorman and asked him to post one-a-day until the update is ready, so please cut him a little slack. :P Only three more days, everyone!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 8th, 2013 at 4:50pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #306 ( Edited : 2013/10/08 at 4:56pm )
@Spinstrike : Those are actually great ideas and something I plan to do eventually, it's just a matter of when. I was going to create them for this update but time is tight and and I had to push it to the next update instead (whenever that is) as well as a few other... "features" that I wanted to implment. But I will definitely be differentiating their stages at some point - I know as well as everyone else that the inside of Light's lab does not look like that. XD
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 8th, 2013 at 4:50pm in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #307
We're so close guys... I can TASTE IT! XD
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 4:36pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #308 ( Edited : 2013/10/02 at 4:38pm )
@coolcat702 : You can already kind of do that! :P When you're in the robot editor, click on the "Player Name" and you can transfer robots between players. So if you transfer Cut Man to Dr. Wily (for example) you could teach it Metal Blade and if you transfer Crash Man to Dr. Light (for another example) you could teach it Hyper Bomb. Each player has access to different abilities, but they can be shared with a little effort. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 3:25pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #309
@LordFrieza : Great idea! I'll think about having default abilities for each core type, but at the very least I'm definitely adding some more zero-energy neutral attacks. At the very least they'll add more diversity to battles - it's a bit lame right now where every single robot has to have Buster Shot equipped to be useful. :P

@coolcat702 : Another great idea, but one that I have to really think about. I originally had the robots unlocked at the level you fought them, but.... it felt really unbalanced unlocking a Level 8 or 10 Guts Man when your Mega Man was still Level 2 (for example). Another weird scenario was unlocking a robot with all it's abilities already learned - it just wasn't as fun as leveling them up yourself. I can see the reason for the suggestion though, so I'll keep it in mind and try to find a compromise.

Thanks for the feedback guys. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 3:24pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes" #310
Again, THANK YOU ALL soooo much. Most if not all of these will be used in the new update, so keep your eyes peeled for all your contributions once the October changes are online. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 3:21pm in "Where does wood man learn an attack?" #311 ( Edited : 2013/10/02 at 3:24pm )
Thanks for answering everyone. Yes, Wood Man current does not learn any abilities by Level Up (except his initial Leaf Shield) but can be equipped with any other Nature type ability that you have available. As others have mentioned the only other Nature type ability is Search Snake which isn't available until post-game, but that is how the system works. Honestly the only robots really benefiting from the Core Match system are Flame and Explode types (simply because they're the only repeated types in MM1 and MM2), but that will change soon...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 3:19pm in "Item Sharing? I'll Have NONE of That!" #312
Very sorry about this everyone. I can assure you this bug will be fixed in the next update which should be coming any weekend now. I can't give an exact date when it'll be done, but I can tell you guys it will be on or before October 12th. After that, I'm going to be MIA for a little while playing the new Pokémon games. :P That being said, I fully expect everyone else to be playing the new games as well so the website might be pretty dead for a little while. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 16th, 2013 at 4:53pm in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #313
@Spinstrike I've actually gone through the exact same thought process regarding Cossack's support character and I've decided to create an entirely new robot.

Fan We know too little about his personality and abilities to give him any meaningful place in the game - anything we could do would just be made-up, and if we're going to be making stuff up anyway why not try something new?

Plum She was my next possibilities, and although I love her design and might add her to the game in some other capacity, she just doesn't seem like the same type of "support" robot that Roll and Disco are. I mean yes, she's a support bot, but of a different variety. I might be able to make it work, but at the moment I don't have any ideas for her that play off her history but don't overlap with any existing abilities for the other two.

Ran Cossack Never heard of her/him so I'll have to look into it. I'd like to avoid fan-characters (other than my own) being put into starring roles - it's just too difficult getting permission and then making sure we're both okay with how she's portrayed.

Kalinka I wanted SOOOO badly to have Kalinka as Cossack's support bot but the idea of having a human fight (especially a lady-type) seems... wrong. I hadn't considered a mecha suit, which would honestly look pretty awesome, but then she'd appear unbalanced with the other two. :|

New Robot This is the option I've settled on. The actual details of design and abilities are up in the air, but it will be another lady (we can always use more ladies) and her name will play off of Proto Man's "real" name just like Roll plays off of Mega Man's. Wonder what it'll be? ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 12th, 2013 at 2:35pm in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #314
Hello again! The field previews above have been updated with recent changes - they now have a bit more depth and I tweaked the animation slightly as well. Additionally, I'm posting previews for the remaining fields below - let me know what you think!
Egyptian ExcavationRainy SewersRusty Scrapheap
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2013 at 12:16pm in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #315 ( Edited : 2013/09/11 at 3:58pm )
Another few weeks. I keep telling myself "I'm ONLY going to add these features in the new update" and then changing my mind and starting to program more. It's definitely being worked on though, I promise. It's just HUGE and everything will change in some way to be a more complete, rounded experience that resembles the final version of the game a bit more.

Regarding Bass, existing players (such as yourself) will find their current ProtoMan transferred to Cossack and have his original player setting updated appropriately. The robot will have the same level, stats, etc. but be given to Cossack instead. Wily will unlock a new, Level 1 Bass and it will be "his" from here on out. Light remains unchanged. Existing players will find the "flow" the game a little weird at first due to the changes (including multiple popups when you first log in again), but for new players it will make a LOT more sense.

UPDATE: Just so you know my progress, I am now done creating the backgrounds for all eight new stages and I've also completed converting all the music for the new stages too. Right now I'm working on the minor enemies that appear in the background and then after that I'm going to go back to tweaking the mission structure. One change that I think will be fun is in regards to the Bonus Field - previously it was always Level 30, but now it will have robots appearing at random levels between X and Y, with X being the lowest level robot on that doctor's team and Y being the highest level robot on the team. Because of this, it's easy to play around with it and "force" a team of all Level 100s or a team of all Level 1s - a small tweak to be sure but one that I've been having a lot of fun with myself. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 10th, 2013 at 6:47pm in "0 Defense Bug" #316
Well that's a weird bug! Consider it added to to list... Lol. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 10th, 2013 at 6:44pm in "Developers plz read" #317
If he's interested at all he should contact me. ;)
Might be fun to include the whole set as bonus bosses or something...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2013 at 5:01pm in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #318 ( Edited : 2013/09/02 at 7:06pm )
What's this?And this?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2013 at 4:51pm in "What is your best MMRPG Experience?" #319
I know it's weird for me to post here, but I'm going to anyway. :) MY best MMRPG experience was when I was on vacation and I checked the website on my phone and found no less than SEVEN people online! It was right after I launched the Weapon Energy update and it was so incredibly cool to see so many people online and playing the game at the same time. It was really surreal and I was so happy that I'm pretty sure I shed a single tear. :')
Leaderboard, Seven Online!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2013 at 4:48pm in "Developers plz read" #320
Hi LordFrieza, thanks for your interest in the game. :) Blossom Woman was actually going to be based on an idea I had for a [Blossom Man]( a few years ago, but I'd love to see what you've come up with yourself! I have not redesigned / created Blossom Woman yet so I'm open to ideas. Please upload the image or give me a link to see it and I'll let you know what I think. Thanks!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2013 at 4:34pm in "Co-Op & PvP Possibility" #321 ( Edited : 2013/09/02 at 4:42pm )
I would like to chime in and say that MMX100 is correct about several things, but maybe a little too... optimistic about another. :S

In order to have PvP or co-op, many changes would have to made to the structure of the game and it would be very different than it is now. The language that it's written in, the platforms it currently supports, and my ability to update it as quickly and easily as I do would no longer be possible with the needed changes. Not to mention the incredible amount of actual work and time it would take seems... like a nightmare. I am already spending a large chunk of my personal time (read: all of it) programming this game and the idea of supporting multiplayer as well... I may die before I get the chance to finish!

That being said, the dream of PvP and/or co-op is one I share with all of you and think it would be super cool... but I cannot bring that dream to fruition for a very, very long time if ever so please understand that it's not on the table right now. I will revisit the option once the game is considered "done", but at the moment not even a kickstarter could help (besides, I'm not sure how legal it would be).

I hope this doesn't ruin the experience for anyone and I thank you all for playing even without synchronous multiplayer. Besides, more "asynchronous" multiplayer options might be added to the game in their place, so it might not be a terrible thing in the end. The restrictions of the NES forced developers of the 80s to come up some of the coolest tricks and gameplay mechanics in the industry, so I'm sure working within the constraints of the browser will have similar effects on the prototype. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 29th, 2013 at 11:10am in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #322 ( Edited : 2013/08/29 at 11:17am )
Sorry about that Brorman. I might add a new ability or something for the MM3 robots, but no stages or unlockability this update, unfortunately. They WILL come though, I promise. MM3 as a whole has one of my favourite collection of bosses (despite their messed up weakness cycle) and I definitely want to add them properly. Here are a few more field backgrounds to tide you all over (at least a little bit):
Lightning ControlSpace Simulator

EDIT: @Shadownnico - well maybe not the biggest update in history, but still pretty big. Remember, the MMRPG used to look like this : Prototype 2012/01/09
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 11:21pm in "Regenerating enemies?" #323
BOOOOOOOOOOO at this bug. I should have many of these instances worked out by the next update (I spent about 5 days working on JUST that) but we'll see. This seems to be the one game-breaking bug that eats the most of my time but I can never fix. As always, thank you all for the detailed bug reports (they really help!) and we'll see what happens!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 11:16pm in ""Ability" ability" #324 ( Edited : 2013/08/27 at 11:20pm )
Uh oh. This is a bad bug. :S When the game tries to load a robot's data and is unable to, it loads the default robot object, which is the shadow Mega Man you are seeing. It's basically the Missingno of this game. If you see it, reload the window and make sure your file is still loaded, otherwise you may have to log in again. The same thing is true for the "Ability" ability - it is loaded when (somehow) no ability data is available or an invalid one has been selected. I'll look into fixing these and make sure they don't do any more damage for the next update. Thank you!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 11:13pm in "Time Arrow" #325
Yes and yes. Because of the new update I've been refactoring a lot of the code and noticing a whole buttload of logic errors and search/replace disasters which are likely the cause of several of these bugs. I think I've fixed a lot of them with the new update, but I'll have to retest and post about it once the new changes are live. Thank again for all your help everyone!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 11:06pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #326
@Brorman : I've fixed the in-battle stats for the player battles so that it matches the data found on the leaderboard and in-game. It will be out during the next update. :)

@ThePlayer : I would LOVE to have the concept art robots in the game, but that will have to come much, much later. I think it would be awesome having Sting Man, Honey Woman, the alt-coloured Jewel Man, and a bunch of other ones. Once the main game is complete, adding individual characters will not be a huge hassle, so I could see something like this being very likely. ^_^

@Avocadora : This is strictly a classic-series RPG... but I've already borrowed a lot from Battle Network so maybe. I don't want add anything that would contaminate the X-series story or make it impossible for my game to fit in with the timeline, but I'm open to special exceptions once the main game is done. Or maybe... some "new" abilities for existing robots could be based off of X-series weapons? Shotgun Ice being a special event weapon for Ice Man, for example (or maybe it should be changed to Ice Shotgun for consistency with the new update...).
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 11:05pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes" #327
Just like the other thread you guys are killing it! These are all so fantastic! I've already added many of them to the next update and will add the rest soon. Really great work guys, and thank you so much! ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 11:01pm in "Prototype Devroom : Robot Classes" #328
Wow, these are AWESOME! I've already added many of them (or slight alterations of them) to the next update. Really, really great! They sound exactly how I wanted them to and imagined them in my head - a little bit quirky but sophisticated at the same time - like a perfect blend between Mega Man and Pokémon style. ^_^ Thank you all, and keep 'em coming! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 10:57pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #329
Alternate skins would be pretty fun if implemented right, but at the moment I'm thinking they'd clash with some other... feature I want to experiment with. I'll keep it in mind though and get back to you (or you'll just suddenly see it in an update). :P

And I think have video embeds would be awesome. I might do it the same way as the images though, and just have any existing YouTube links auto-turned into embed codes via some code magic. I'll let everyone know when I do and if you have to do anything extra on your part. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 10:40pm in "Sneak Peek: Mega Man 4: "The Meganificent Update"" #330 ( Edited : 2013/08/27 at 10:56pm )
Hey Brorman! Thanks again for making this topic, and sorry to everyone else for the lack of updates lately. I haven't had a whole lot of extra time lately and have been spending what little I do have programming rather than posting updates. >_> The only reason the Facebook page sees updates is because it's super-easy to upload photos to it and post from my phone. :P But yes, lots of updates are coming and I'm excited to share them with all of you when they're finally ready!

I should clear something up though just to prevent sadness, but this update does not contain MM3 related content. This is strictly a MM4 update, as the game (and robots therein) are the platforms from which I plan to build the rest of the game. Three doctors with three distinct base-teams, Dr. Light and the MM1, Dr. Wily and the MM2, and then Dr. Cossack with the MM4 robot masters. That leaves three and the rest of the series up for grabs, and instead of simply clumping them all together I want to strategically add them to each of the doctor's campaigns, hand-picked from the rest of the games. As such, MM3 robots will definitely appear, but not yet. Apologies if this makes anyone upset, but I have a master plan I swear!

Maybe more previews will make it up to you guys? :P Here are some early drafts of the stage backgrounds - I'll probably change them slightly before launch, but I think they're turning out pretty good so far. Definitely want to add a bit more depth to a few though. We'll see...
Submerged ArmoryRobosaur BoneyardMineral Quarry
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 10:38pm in "Mechanics Update : Weapon Energy!!!" #331 ( Edited : 2013/09/02 at 4:32pm )
I should clear up now that co-op or PvP is incredibly unlikely at this point and maybe not ever. It's possible of course, and unless - in the future - I have a lot of time on my hands and/or another talented programmer offers his services, I doubt it'll happen. I hope that isn't a make-or-break thing, because I think the single-player really has a lot to offer. And sorry for the super-long delay everyone! I was on vacation and then I came back and started working on a BIG update that's not done yet but coming along very nicely. Several changes to the weapon energy and item systems are coming as well, and I think you'll all appreciate the changes when they're here. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 10th, 2013 at 12:59am in "Mechanics Update : Weapon Energy!!!" #332
After you've found your first item in battle, a new button will be added to your Options menu called Item Inventory. You can use as many of your collected items as you want during a turn and still attack. Each player has their own inventory and items are dropped randomly at different frequencies depending on the mission type. Player Battles do NOT allow item-use however, and there are no item drops either. This is to keep things fair. I'll make a better post about them later, but I hope you guys like the new item feature. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 6th, 2013 at 1:41pm in "Time Arrow" #333
I've noticed this too and it's pretty frustrating sometimes. I think it's partially because it's overpowered (need to fix that) and partially because there's a legitimate bug (need to fix that too). Certainly got my work cut out for me, but I enjoy working on this game almost more than anything else right now so it's okay. :) Sorry for the inconvenience, like always...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 6th, 2013 at 1:38pm in "Save Bug won't save" #334
Hmmm, I don't seem to be having any trouble saving myself. I do know that my hosting provider is going to be doing maintenance this week, though I'm not sure exactly when. If this game becomes popular enough I might upgrade my servers to handle more traffic, but at the moment the issues with it seem to be few and far between. Also, yes, wrong forum. I'll move this to the Bugs forum later...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 6th, 2013 at 11:00am in "Mechanics Update : Weapon Energy!!!" #335
Yes, you can definitely look forward to more abilities, and something like Giga Crush is certainly a possibility. Would be pretty awesome, actually! As far as boost/break abilities that affect WE we'll have to see. I'm thinking I might want to keep WE recovery limited to items but I'm not sure yet...

Also, since implementing this I've been playing a lot of player battles and DAMN is it hard now! I think we've all become too reliant on simply using the strongest ability over and over, but now you need to get a kind of rhythm going where you repeated switch out team members to give them time to recharge. Definitely changes the overall strategy of the game...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 5th, 2013 at 6:55pm in "Prototype Devroom : Updates Queue" #336
Crossed a few more things off the list, like the Weapon Energy mentioned in the recent update. So excited!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 5th, 2013 at 6:52pm in "Mechanics Update : Weapon Energy!!!" #337 ( Edited : 2013/08/05 at 6:53pm )
I cannot stress enough how useful the buster abilities are now! The Mega, Proto, Roll, and Disco Busters all take 1 WE when used by their owners, and because WE recharges at 1 point per turn they are basically "free" moves. The Buster Shot is even better - because it takes 0 WE you can use it over and over while your energy slowly recharges on its own. Awesome!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2013 at 6:10pm in "Mechanics Update : Player Battles" #338 ( Edited : 2013/08/04 at 6:12pm )
I've just updated the player battles again so that currently online players are more likely to appear in battle. That means if Spinstrike, Bladewolfe, and myself are currently signed-in to our games at the same time you are (for example) we will probably show up in your player battle options a lot more frequently than if we were not. This has no effect on the actual battle but it ensures more-active players get to benefit from the feature more than those who never sign in. Yay! :D Players who are currently online will appear in green at the top-right of the leaderboard page. Hope to see you all there!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 3rd, 2013 at 11:22pm in "Prototype Devroom : Plot Discussion" #339 ( Edited : 2013/08/03 at 11:24pm )
I plan on including miscellaneous fan-made robot masters and popular semi-official ones like Quake Woman eventually, though they will be "random encounters" rather than being part of the core story mode. I can throw in a few more Battle Network ones like ThunderMan too if you can find a good robot master design for it. :P

@Spinstrike Go to the "full view" of any one of the forum categories (click the "General" sublink in the main menu, for example) and at the top-right side of the page there should be a button for "Create New Discussion". This will show in any forum that you have permission to post in (General and Bugs for most users). Hope that helps!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 3rd, 2013 at 3:37pm in "Prototype Devroom : Plot Discussion" #340 ( Edited : 2013/08/03 at 4:19pm )
I'm still working out the details, but "Duo" refers to a set of two robots (the Duo we know and his opposite), "Solo" refers to a single robot, and "Trio" refers to a set of three robots. All five of these robots are part of an interstellar group of judges that exist to maintain balance and order in the universe. How exactly their hierarchy works, why "our" Duo is working with them, and why they have decided to come to earth is still being finalized. Suffice to say, I want them to be a big part of the story and possibly even the driving force for the whole plot (Slur and Trill are just assistance/helper aliens, btw). But we'll see what were it goes...

The Battle Network-esque bots are going to be semi-original robots for the Prototype but will not appear until the very end. In fact, they might even be post-game. The same can be said for Cache - in typical RPG fashion there will be an obvious villain / final boss that you fight at the end of the game, but there will also a super secret and super hard post-game boss will be revealed when you've met certain conditions. Cache is that boss, and it's exact role in the story is yet to be revealed. :) That being said, Cosmo Man might be playing a bigger role in the game than I originally intended. And Planet Man. :o
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 2nd, 2013 at 9:17pm in "Prototype Devroom : Plot Discussion" #341 ( Edited : 2013/08/02 at 11:21pm )
@MMX100 I'm sure he's said so in other interviews, but I found one with Polygon where he talks about his method of game design : Miyamoto On Putting Gameplay Before Branding. Basically, he builds the game's mechanics and actual gameplay first, and then comes up with a story to explain that story later.

I think it has worked well for Nintendo thus far, and it's the method I've adopted for this game. I knew I wanted three players before I knew why, and I knew I wanted them to be copyable and respawning before I knew I wanted them to be digital programs. :P

Also, I am totally keeping "Prototype" in the name. Another example of letter the story write itself, I thought "what kind of story would explain all my gameplay mechanics and let me keep Prototype in the name?" and this is what I came up with. It all worked out. ^_^

EDIT : This is what I'm planning as far as robot distribution in the game. The first sets of robots are obvious - MM1, MM2, and MM4 in their entirety. The second set is where things get shuffled up. I want to make sure that each player has an equal chance at type distribution so I'm pulling the first available robot of each type to fill in missing spots for phase 2. This of course means I need to prioritize a few MM7+ robots, but it's a necessary evil to get this made right...
MMRPG Player Robot Distribution
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 2nd, 2013 at 8:06pm in "If Bass's partner is Treble..." #342 ( Edited : 2013/08/02 at 8:11pm )
I was picturing a blue Proto Man with wings, but a Green one with claws or a tail or cat ears or all of the above might be pretty cool too. :P It would actually be pretty amazing if all three could fuse with any of the support animals, so Bass would also have red Rush Boost mode and Mega a green Tango Boost and Proto Man with a purple Treble Boost, but that would be waaaaaaaaaaaay too much work. Maybe I'll save that idea for MMRPG V20XX ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 2nd, 2013 at 7:57pm in "AMVs (Anime Music Videos) " #343
I always thought it was Anime Music Video myself, simply because "animated" could be anything - most of the Gorillaz's music videos are animated, but would probably not be considered AMVs. At least that's the way I understand it.

And I loved the Vegeta's Life one when I watched it, so I'll have to check out the others too. You did a great job with it, the syncing and the pace were perfect. Kind of makes me curious about other ways I could use you on the project... ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 1st, 2013 at 11:43pm in "Tengu&Astro Man 2nd Appearance" #344
Again, if this is a suggestion please keep it in the Official Suggestions Thread and do not clutter the community with your own topics unless necessary. Please use existing threads when available and only crate new topics if you cannot find an post about it already. Thank you.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 1st, 2013 at 11:41pm in "GB Division." #345
I'm sorry SparkChaser, but is this a suggestion? If it's a suggestion it should go into the Official Suggestions Thread. Please do not spam the community with new topics if there are already ones created with the same topic. Thank you! I'm locking this thread now.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 1st, 2013 at 11:37pm in "Why we don't make a group on facebook? ;)" #346
You're partially correct. On a Facebook page you can set different permissions, and I have allowed all posts and uploads even from non-admins. Please try posting something if you want - you shouldn't have any problems. That being said, I have no problem with you creating another group - it's just better to keep everyone in one place if possible and you have the same features...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 1st, 2013 at 10:29pm in "Defeating multiple robots can cause zombies." #347
Looks like the Mega Man RPG Prototype has been infected with the Nightmare Virus! >_>

I'll look into it - sorry again! (Why is this so hard to fix?!?!?!)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on August 1st, 2013 at 10:19pm in "Why we don't make a group on facebook? ;)" #348
Hi Iron Keep Wolf. :)

We already have a Facebook page - why don't you join us there?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 31st, 2013 at 11:14pm in "Prototype Devroom : Sprite Submissions (CLOSED)" #349 ( Edited : 2013/07/31 at 11:17pm )

I have decided that sprite contributor positions are now closed. Sean Adamson and MetalMarioX100 have done a fantastic job with the robots thus far and I would like to continue using them as my lead graphic artists for the game.

Not only do I have to ensure quality in all the sprites for the game, but I also have to ensure they are all in the same style. I have a strong trust with those two and as much as I appreciate all the sudden help I can assure you were are doing fine. :)

Please, no more submissions to my email or in the comments. Only Sean and MMX100 are official spriters and it would not be fair to give their job away when they've done such great work so far.

Keepman is in review with one sprite sheet - Spring Man - but unfortunately we do not need any more. Sorry!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 31st, 2013 at 11:04pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 9" #350
I've updated the thread to show that MetalMarioX100 is the official spriter for this game. I am going to update the main sprite FAQ momentarily to reflect my new decision on the sprite submissions. Please stand by. I'm sorry to anyone else who wanted to do these ones, but MMX100 did ask a while ago and has proven himself to be a very competent spriter. I am sure he will do a fantastic job when he gets to them.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 31st, 2013 at 1:46pm in "If Bass's partner is Treble..." #351
I'm still thinking about HOW I want to implement the support characters like Rush, Treble, Tango, Beat, and Reggae but I'm definitely going to add them some day. They're either be programmed as "summons" where (if there are less than 8 robots on the field) you can summon one of them to the field to help out in battle (can only be used once per mission) or I'll have them as "items" (when that is eventually added) or maybe just as plain-old abilities with special effects.

I'm definitely going to do it though - Treble and Rush Boost are incredibly cool looking and I'm wondering if anyone should fuse with Proto Man (so he's not left out)? We have Tango and Beat left over as far as I know (Reggae would not be appropriate) so maybe one of those. Mega Man is blue but turns red with Rush Boost... so maybe Proto Man being red should turn blue with Beat Boost? What do you guys think?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 31st, 2013 at 1:10pm in "Regenerating enemies?" #352
Well this took a long time to figure out. >_> I was able to determine the exact cause thanks to all your feedback and screenshots, and I'm pretty sure I fixed the issue. There were a few other bugs at play here which I'm addressing separately, but this main one should now be fixed.

The issue was triggered when you targeted a benched robot with an attack and that benched robot "switched in" and became the active robot. Whether that robot was KOed or just damaged, their energy level would reset to whatever it was before you attack immediately after. I'm pretty sure this bug was being misinterpreted as other bugs by a few people but I'm going to examine each report separately just in case.

Thank you all for you help and please let me know if it happens again. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 31st, 2013 at 1:08pm in "Defeating multiple robots can cause zombies." #353
Good afternoon everyone. I spent a few hours last night troubleshooting some of these bugs and I believe I've fixed a few. You were correct in identifying the cause - when multiple robots are disabled in one turn, the "active" one is not properly removed from battle. This was a typo on my part, but should be fixed now. Please let me know if you experience this again, and as always thank you for all your help!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 30th, 2013 at 10:57am in "Prototype Devroom : Plot Discussion" #354 ( Edited : 2013/07/30 at 10:59am )
I'm just gonna leave these here - some planning notes for the new/full version of the game...
MMRPG Mission Structure
MMRPG Alien Hierarchy?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 28th, 2013 at 5:46pm in "Prototype Devroom : Updates Queue" #355
I was able to cross a few things off the list this weekend! Nothing major, but I think they make the overall experience more enjoyable. Also added a little "Battle Tips" popup to the main menu and changed the way missions work so they remember which level you defeated them at and get tougher with each additional victory. No major bug fixes though - only Time Arrow got tweaked as the recovery amounts were off. Thank you for your continued patience!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 28th, 2013 at 5:30pm in "Prototype Devroom : Plot Discussion" #356 ( Edited : 2013/07/28 at 5:43pm )
Thanks, I too think working with digitized versions of the characters is the best way to explain the gameplay (the Miyamoto method of storytelling) and I'm glad you picked up on that.

I can have the players fight each other temporarily, but only until they realize that they're all on the same side (or are they?) and work together in the end, trading robots and helping each other progress through the story.

It also explains all the robot data modifications, multiple copies of robots, fusion stages, and especially the "downloading data" phrase thrown around in game. It even makes the whole Core Match thing more believable - Bubble Man learning Laser Trident in real life is unrealistic, but as a virtual program working within the confines of data compression algorithms and database type categories it's more plausible.

To answer your question, I would LIKE to have robots from all "official" games - even Japanese. That means eventually including the Challengers from the Future (Wonderswan) bosses in some way, but probably not until much later. The only real exception to this are the RockMan Strategy robot masters - I just really do not like their designs. "Fan" might be an option, but the others are too... sloppy. :|

EDIT: AND it can play into the X series very, very well without ever explicitly stating that it does. Even if this "prototype" project is destroyed and abandoned at the end of the game, who's to say Light and Wily do not continue the research themselves in secret? Light using his experience to build the AI for X and Wily to build the AI for Zero? I wonder what Cossack ended up doing with his life?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 28th, 2013 at 5:26pm in "Have you play Mega Man (NES) Hacks? " #357
@SparkChaser : I have no problem with you posting the name of other games or links to other websites. I'm not crazy! :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 27th, 2013 at 12:43pm in "How did you hear about MMRPG" #358
He looks pretty interesting, so if someone can make a deal with the developer and allow him to appear in the game than I'm okay with it. Special fan-characters might not appear IN the game until much later when we have other stuff completed, but they'll at least be added to the database until they're ready. A pipe dream of mine is to have an entire "set" of robot masters (meaning 8 with their own weakness cycle) make up of hand-picked fanmade robots from other fangames. Maybe Yoku Man from Unlimited, and 7 other from other completed or highly regarded projects. I think it might be fun. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 11:29pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man Killers" #359
@SparkChaser Ballade is already complete - Sean sent him to me several months ago. I just need to add him to the game and give him some attacks. Sorry!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 11:08pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #360
Wow, you guys are basically planning out the game for me! Haha.

Truth is, I already have a few ideas of how the "new" or "final" game flow should be. There are still a lot of details to iron out, but some things I want to make clear before you all get your hopes up about certain things.

1. I only plan to add one more playable character, and that's obviously Dr. Cossack. I feel like three is a powerful number in video games, which is why so many use it constantly. I'm not sure of the exact science but it appears to have worked for the likes of Mario, Zelda, and so many other classics, Three hits to beat the enemy, three buttons to hit in a specific order, three magic crystals, three main dungeons, etc. etc. Also, I feel like adding more players would unnecessarily complicate what is already a very complicated game.

2. Each of the three players will have access to different robots, but all will be included within those three campaigns - no more players. Think of each of the three save files as different versions of a Pokemon game - same basic layout and game and mechanics, but a different set of robots to unlock and abilities to collect.

3. The amount and order of campaigns will be changed as or before Dr. Cossack is add to the game. Right now there is a LOT of filler. Trust me, having you fight the same robots over and over and over for the main campaign is embarrassing, but it's there to pad out the space until the newer robots and abilities and fields are completed.

4. The method for unlocking robots will be changed at some point in the future. People are getting too comfortable using 2, 3, 8 robots for every battle from the get-go and missing out on lots of experience and level-up abilities as a result. I want the robot masters to be accessible, but not automatically given to you unless you want them. I was thinking of having the Powered Up way where you only unlock a robot master if you do NOT hit him with his weakness, but it doesn't play into the "story" ideas I have. Another option is having the robots purchasable in the "store" (a forthcoming feature). We'll have to see though...

5. Oh, did I not mention there would be a store? At some point bolts will be added to the game and these bolts will be used in a new shop/store section. You will be able to buy new abilities, new robots, items, and other fun goodies. In order for this to happen though, I have to program a few other things first - namely the "items" and their functionality, and weapon energy limits.

6. My primary goal with these three saves files is to make them with WITH each other instead of against each other. Right now Dr. Light and Dr. Wily's stories have them fighting each other because there's nothing else to fight - in the next major revision of the game Light, Wily, and Cossack (the classic-series Sage Trinity) will be working together against a common threat. Clear some stages in Light mode and it unlocks new missions in Wily's. Clear some more stages in Wily mode and new ones are opened up for Cossack. Rinse and repeat as you fight through the new bosses.

7. Once the new setup is completed, the game will be released in "expansions" to ease development. What this means is that new content will be released slowly in packs instead of all at once later. No there will never be any charges or anything, calling them "expansions" is just a good way to explain it. The first expansion will be Light with MM1 robots, Wily with MM2 robots, and Cossack with MM4 robots. Next expansion Light, Wily, and Cossack will fight robots from MM3, 5, and 6 (with the exact distribution pending). After that for expansion three I can release MM7, 8, and MM&B, etc. etc. I'd like to throw some custom robots in there as well as some robots from other fangames, but that's still pending too.

8. OMG SO MUCH MORE! I don't know how I'm going to do it all, but I've come this far so I can't stop now! Of course, it would not be anywhere close to possible without all the contributors, and you all know how grateful I am for your help. ^_^

That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my crazy ideas. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 11:05pm in "Regenerating enemies?" #361
I've been watching all of BladeWolfe's Let's Play videos lately and I can see this (or things like it) happening quite frequently. I'm not sure why it has never happened to me yet but it's obviously a pretty big problem. I will fix it though... I hope... :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 11:03pm in "No robots available?" #362
That is strange, I've never had this happen to me. So many bugs lately, you guys must think I'm a pretty lame programmer by now! :P

I'm apologize for this and will look into fixing the issue. Thank you for reporting it. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 10:59pm in "Boost/Break abilities still have the 999 cap internally" #363
I hadn't noticed this, so thanks for reporting it. That's so weird... :S

Consider this bug on my to-do list (which is growing pretty quickly lately...) and as always I apologize for the inconvenience. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 10:51pm in "Gutsman Over-powered?" #364
Well, Guts Man's stats can't be broken - every single robot has the exact same base stat total of 400, just distributed differently among energy, attack, defense, and speed. I admit it's possible that a certain stat-spread might overpower a certain robot, there's always a catch. Guts Man has great attack and defense, but is very slow and almost never attacks first. You can use this advantage to strike him with a Time Arrow and cripple his accuracy before he has a chance to attack, or you could constantly destroy his blockade with an Explode type attack and prevent him from ever attacking. I feel like his stats are not the problem, but maybe the actual abilities themselves?

Do you feel like either of the Impact abilities (Super Arm and Hard Knuckle) are overpowered themselves? I can treat the actual damage/recovery amounts easily, I just need to make sure they stay balanced. (Also note that Super Arm and Leaf Shield are exact opposites of each other in terms of damage vs. recovery stats, so that will have to be maintained).
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 10:47pm in "Bonus Mode via Dr.Wily?" #365
Yes, the Bonus Field is nothing more than a preview for the robot masters that are not complete yet and will be added to the game in a future expansion. Right now it's just a fun distraction where you can earn lots of experience points and earn some new abilities (like Shadownnico mentioned). And yes, Cossack mode will have the MM4 robots but the exact format of the game (like the order and number of missions) will be changed a great deal from what they are now. I'm so excited for it all to come together. :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 26th, 2013 at 10:36pm in "What plans or objectives you have for MMRPG PROTOTYPE? " #366 ( Edited : 2013/07/26 at 10:45pm )
@Keepman96 @MetalMan I'm sorry Keepman, but I did say that Sean (MetalMan) was already making Quint and you should ask him first. I also said that I was still thinking over how I wanted Quint to actually be made and didn't want anyone to start on him until I had decided. I can find other, special projects for you, but I have to give Quint to Sean. I'm so sorry to both of you for the confusion. :(

Now that you guys have forced it out of me, I guess I have to make a decision about Quint. I've decided that I want his base sprite to be in the same format as all other robots, without the Sakugarne. I would like the Sakugarne as a separate, 40x40 sprite with a simple bouncing animation and maybe an "impact" frame for when it lands on the target. Please let me know if you need any other details Sean, and I look forward to what you come up with. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2013 at 8:34pm in "Prototype Devroom : Updates Queue" #367
I definitely want you to do him, but before officially give you the job I need to decide (in my mind) how I want him done. Quint's design is very unique, and I'm thinking about whether the Sakugarne should be part of his robot sprite, or added as a separate ability/attachment in-game. Once I figure it out I'll let you know, and the Spring Man you sent me looks GREAT! I look forward to rest of the sheet, and it will be a lot of fun to see MM7 robots in the game at some point. ^_^
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2013 at 7:41pm in "Stat & Weakness Updates : Mega Man 2 Robots" #368
Thank you for posting this article - I really want people to be able to see what goes on behind the scenes and maybe get a better understanding of why things are the way they are. You've done a great job with the weaknesses, and I enjoy reading your journeys and thought-processes as you balanced the robots.

I had no idea the Archie comic was the reason behind Crash Man's Shield weakness! I thought you were just trying to give the type more exposure, but this is even better. :D I think that this game can and should incorporate not just the official canon, but also fan and/or extended universe canon where it makes sense - given the nature of the project it feels appropriate to treat it as a tribute to the entirety of the Mega Man fandom and not limit it to official games.

I should also mention that I really enjoyed your use of type-colouring in this article! I hope more people become comfortable with using the style/formatting options in the future - they add a lot of visual flare to an otherwise neutral/dark website design!

Let me just end this by saying "thank you" again for all you've done. Your research and choices have really helped to enrich the game's universe, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your hard work and professionalism. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 23rd, 2013 at 9:48pm in "Have you play Mega Man (NES) Hacks? " #369 ( Edited : 2013/07/23 at 9:58pm )
I have watched videos for many of these, but have played none of them. I have a hard time with games that require an install, as I'm very picky about what's on my home/work machine - paranoid about viruses! I'm such a bad person... >_>

They certainly look cool though, and one day I might give them a try. Some of the bosses look cool too - maybe one day I'll ask we can use them in our game? :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 23rd, 2013 at 9:42pm in "Mega Man and Me." #370
This is a great article - thank you for writing it. :) I love how we all have our own unique origin stories for our love of Mega Man - my first was Mega Man 3 rented from a convenience store down the street of my grandmother's house... such nostalgic memories. ^_^

I have had so much fun working with you so far (and everyone else!) and it's a pleasure to have you contribute to the game. I'm excited to finally give your sprites proper treatment with their own stages and abilities, and I promise to do it as soon as is humanly possible! ^_^

I was originally intending for this thread to be in the News forum, but it actually fits kind of well in here especially with the title you gave it. If anyone else wants to share their "Mega Man and Me" stories, please feel free to do so! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 23rd, 2013 at 9:33pm in "the sprites are BLAND!" #371 ( Edited : 2013/07/23 at 9:41pm )
Thank you all for your kind words, it really means a lot. :)

But really, I understand where vaati is coming from and I can see how he might be turned off by the graphics. I've had several people say the same thing, and objectively they are correct. The sprites themselves have a lot of polish, and do the individual frames of the attack animations, but the way they are expressed in-game makes them appear very "static" and non-action like.

That being said, I do not intend to change the way the game is animated anytime soon. It is simple for a number of reasons, including the reason mentioned by BladeWolfe1 - the less CPU-intensive the game is the more accessible it is. There are SO many good Mega Man fangames out there, but they almost all require installing something on your computer and maybe having the right drivers/hardware/control-pad to play it. By making it browser-based with (very) primitive graphics we're able to play it on a number of different devices with a relatively low memory footprint.

As I cross-off other, higher priority items on my development list I will continue to polish the aesthetics and presentation of game to the best of my abilities. If that happens to include smoother animations or other bells and whistles, awesome, but the basic frame-by-frame flow of the game will not be changed. I apologize if this is a deal-breaker, and I thank you for playing either way. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 23rd, 2013 at 9:30pm in "Regenerating enemies?" #372 ( Edited : 2013/07/23 at 9:32pm )
I knew this was an issue, but I had no idea this many people were experiencing it! D:

I've tried tracking it down before, but it's so difficult finding out what triggers it and getting it to happen on-command that I haven't been able to locate the exact the code that's responsible and fix it.

I'm so sorry and I'll put this particular bug higher on my list of priorities - I hope it hasn't ruined the experience too much. :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 17th, 2013 at 11:15pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 7" #373
Can't believe I forgot to reply to this! You can email me or you can use the contact form. I've updated the thread with you as the editor - look forward to seeing your work. :D

@MetalMan and MMX100 - if either of you have a problem with this and wanted to do Spring Man, let us know and we'll work something else out. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 17th, 2013 at 11:14pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 9" #374
If it's alright with everyone else, I'm okay with you doing all of the Mega Man 9 robots. So long as we get 1 - 6 robot masters completed I'm okay with you guys getting a head start on the other ones in the series. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 17th, 2013 at 10:56pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #375
@Keepman96 : What do you mean by passive effects? Can you explain? Sorry... >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 17th, 2013 at 10:31pm in "Music Update : TheLegendOfRenegade Sega Genesis Remixes" #376 ( Edited : 2013/07/17 at 10:42pm )
@Keepman96 : It IS awesome music! And thanks.

@Shadownnico : I agreed completely. The old music sounded good coming from an old TV in the 80s when nothing better was available, but not on modern-day speakers and/or headphones as much. Renegade's stuff is much better for sure. :)

@MMX100 : Maybe some day in the future I can add an option for switching soundtracks? This Sega Genesis reimagining or the official beats from the creators. You never know! :P

@Spinstrike : I anxiously look forward to his remixes for Time & Oil too! And also, Happy Birthday!!! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2013 at 7:10pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man Killers" #377
@EliteP1 : I've updated the glove colour on all of Enker's sprites - thanks for the heads-up!

@Keepman96 : I would say yes, but I just checked my email and it looks like Sean Adamson was asking about him back in April but I just forgot to update the thread. >_> If Sean still wants to do them, I have to give the job to him but if you two work something out it doesn't really matter to me. :) Worst case scenario, can you help with some of the other robots from MM7+ instead?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2013 at 7:03pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 9" #378
Looks good. I normally used the sprites from Sprites Inc. if available, but I'll look to this one if the official sheet is missing any poses. Thanks for the link! :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2013 at 7:01pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 3" #379 ( Edited : 2013/07/14 at 7:03pm )
Hello again. I've fixed all the unerased white spots in Magnet Man's sheet, and I also swapped out his colours a bit to make him more red and less pink/purple. I also swapped his shading around in the right-facing sprites to make it more correct - hope that's alright. Let me know if all is good again if you get a chance to review. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2013 at 6:58pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 5" #380
Stone Man's jewel in his defeat sprite was coloured red on purpose. I thought it would be a neat indicator of him being disabled, no? And the shading on the Base2 was also on purpose - when it's eventually used in game, it will make it look like his bomb hands are flashing occasionally. I thought it was a good idea, but let me know if you think otherwise. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2013 at 6:31pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 6" #381 ( Edited : 2013/07/14 at 6:57pm )
Hey EliteP1, thanks for the heads up. I've fixed the flag pole colour, recoloured all the eyes green (I liked 'em more that way) and fixed the roundness of the damage sprite (as well as a few others). Please review when you have a chance and let me know if it's okay now. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2013 at 5:49pm in "Field Music : Sound Editor Needed" #382
Thanks EliteP1, but it looks like I have it covered now! :D I'm going to be using the Sega Genesis remixes by TheLegendOfRenegade as described in this update, so I'm closing this thread now.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 14th, 2013 at 12:11pm in "The "Reset Missions" button is not working correctly" #383
Hi Shadownnico. I just downloaded your save game to my local machine and tested your findings first hand to see if I could replicate them.

Before I reset your game (Dr. Light mode), you had the following missions (in order):

Chapter 1
Orb City
Abandoned Warehouse
Mountain Mines
Steel Mill
Oil Wells
Clock Citadel
Arctic Jungle
Electrical Tower

Chapter 3
Oil Jungle
Electrical Mill
Clock Warehouse
Mountain City

And then after resetting I played through until I unlocked Chapter 3 again. This was the new mission selection, in order:

Chapter 1
Orb City
Steel Mill
Oil Wells
Mountain Mines
Electrical Tower
Clock Citadel
Abandoned Warehouse
Arctic Jungle

Chapter 3
Oil Mines
Clock Warehouse
Steel Tower
Arctic City

As you can see the first 8 missions will always be the same, but they'll be presented in a different order. This is what affects the combinations in Chapter 3 (it works the same way for the later chapters). I guess it's possible that your randomly generated missions ended up in the exact same configuration, but it's incredibly rare and unusual that it would happen and I wasn't able to replicate it in my run-through.

Regarding the Wily Stage IV, that counts as an "event" mission and will therefore always be the same. At some point the collection of standard RMs will be replaced with "bosses" (Yellow Devil, etc.) but for now this part is static and unchanging no matter how many resets, sorry. :S

Lastly, the Hard Mode bonus (which is exactly what I've been calling it) is unlocked after you've made it to and completed the Bonus Field battle and the event-flag cannot be removed through the "Mission Reset" feature. I can see you've done this with both of your characters as they have little icons next to their name on the player select and the save menus (a heart for Dr. Light and a clubs for Dr. Wily), and that's why you've been seeing RMs instead of Mets on all the fusion fields.

I hope that makes it a little easier to understand how it works, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to replicate the other bug you mentioned. Let me know if you think is this a bad bonus or if you think it should work a different way, and I'll be happy to reconsider. Thank you for your feedback! :D

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2013 at 12:01am in "Ability Updates : Fire Storm, Atomic Fire, and Fire Chaser" #384
Yes, the MM4 weapons are forthcoming. :P I'm really anxious to get the Cossack mode finished, but I need to flesh out more campaign details first and create the appropriate weapons and stage backgrounds. SOOO excited to add them though - having all three of the "Sage Trinity" playable is my ultimate goal - I have lots of fun mechanics and features planned for once he's added. :)

And @EliteP1, I'll see what I can do about GutsMan. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:58pm in "Robot Cores" #385
I would like to as well. :P

I'm not sure if I'm going to do it, but I was thinking about having the Stardroids be the first (and maybe only?) Dual-Core robots (to match the special weapons I gave them). Maybe it can be a post-game feature for other robots, but I'm just not comfortable giving dual-cores to regular robots when only some of them would qualify.

Certainly something I need to think about though - if I get it right it could be really fun. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:56pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #386
@zaratustra :

* Sometimes the AI will switch robots after I choose an attack but before it resolves, take on the attack and then attack by itself.
I didn't know this bug was still around - I really thought I fixed it a while ago. >_< I will look into it again and see if I can figure out the issue. Thanks for reporting it! :D

* Overwhelming strategy is "pick robot strong against target robot and attack". Yes, that's how Megaman worked, but it was primarily an action-platformer game, and that part has been removed.
This is something that will definitely be worked on as we move forward. If used to require a bit more strategy but with all these new boosts and features the game has become too easy. Honestly, a LOT of the game is dynamically generated at this point and still random, so the fact that there's any strategy at all is surprising. :P This is still a prototype after all - a big collection of numbers and parts and systems slowing working toward a final product or game-world to play in. Once the actual "engine" is done, I can spend more time fine-tuning the campaign and add some bosses and battles that require more clever solutions than just "pick the right element".

Thank you for all your input, and thank you to everyone else too! I will definitely take these comments to heart and do what I can to make this game as fun and enjoyable as possible. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:55pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #387 ( Edited : 2013/07/09 at 11:57pm )
@zaratustra :

* Too many core types, which makes it difficult to write up interesting attacks for all of them and keep them differentiated.
This is true, but on the other hand having lots of "clone" type moves is almost expected in these types of games. Pokémon is up to 18 types (only two less than we have here) and they're doing fine - 99% of the new moves they introduce each generation are "this move but Grass type" or "that move but Water type". I'm not saying having completely unique abilities is something I have given up on, but I'm working within the constraints of the engine right now and I'm going to do the best I can. Please bear with me and accept the 20 types we've come up with thus far. They may change, but these are the result of MUCH research and prototyping so they might just stick around too.

* Cute "player experience boost" trick, but it encourages the player to just swap the Light and Wily teams and beat Megaman and Roll with Megaman and Roll.
This particular scenario will not take place in the final game (players will be working together and will therefore not have reason to fight each other's robots) but I can understand what you're saying all the same. I'm still working on what the "catch" should be for that feature - something to keep it balanced - but I have not settled on anything at the moment. One idea I'm playing with is that "traded" robots get double the experience, but the cannot learn new moves until they go back to their owner and level up again. It would at least encourage switching back and forth more. Or maybe they only get their player boosted stats when their with their original player? Definitely something I have to think over...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:29pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #388
@zaratustra :

* Hyper Bomb and Flash Stopper are quite overpowered compared to other moves.
This is something I can look into, thank you. I tried to make Flash Stopper only overpowered in specific circumstances, but Hyper Bomb I can definitely understand. These will have to be nerfed a bit I guess. :P

* Needs more types of mook robots. Mets are repetitive and die easily to a Hyper Bomb.
Agree completely (see above comment). I will add more minor enemies in a future update.

* Attacks of the same type are behaving too similarly: Cut Man and Metal Man's weapons appear to be exactly the same in mechanics.
I can understand how you'd feel that way - they're both Cutter type abilities that allow you to target benched robots. That being said, Rolling Cutter is meant to act as more of a gamble move while Metal Blade is supposed to be slightly more reliable one but with less damage overall. Rolling Cutter hits 1 - 3 times for 18 base damage total with moderate accuracy, while Metal Blade hits only once for slightly less at 16 base but with better accuracy. I will definitely look into balancing them more, but I feel like they're just different enough to warrant both mechanics.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:19pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #389 ( Edited : 2013/07/09 at 11:27pm )
Thank you all for your feedback - some very good ideas and totally warranted criticism here.

@sjgern : Where specifically are you talking about? The way the appear in the robot editor, the way they appear on your leaderboard profile, or somewhere else?

@Spinstrike : This is something I had always planned (hence the Met) but keep putting on the backburner in favour of other features or bug fixes. At the moment, it's a matter of translating their mostly contact-based attacks into something less so, or reprogramming some of the battle logic to allow robots physically touching each other. It definitely will be done - I think it would be awesome having all the minor enemies randomly appearing in battle - it's just a matter of time. Same thing about boss battles - VERY MUCH want to do them, it's just their attack patterns and physical sizes I have to work out. Thanks for showing there's interest in them. :)

@Brorman : I'll definitely consider it - just a matter of defining what is totally support and what is totally attack. I'm sure I'll figure it out.

@Avocadora : Consider it added to the queue of features. At the very least I'll add it as a section on your leaderboard profile so everyone else can see too. :) But yeah, it would be handy to see it in the robot editor too.

@Keepman96 : I agree, as I mentioned above - boss battles would be very fun with characters like the Yellow Devil and Wily Machines and whatnot. Look forward to it in the "final game" at the very least.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:04pm in "Can't unlock the new abilities" #390
Hey Spinstrike. I had this happen to me the other day so I'm aware of the issue - thank you. I think the unlock-abilities function is separate from the gain-experience function, so it's not checking to ensure you've actually leveled up that turn before looping through abilities and seeing which ones it should already have. I'll look into fixing this and update the thread when it's complete. :/
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:00pm in ""I Change Proto Man to Dr.Light and I can't select again"" #391 ( Edited : 2013/07/09 at 11:04pm )
I'm really sorry, I'm not sure how this happened. You are the second person this has happened to. I thought that I fixed the bug that caused this but maybe I was wrong? I've tried to fix it again, and I hope it will work this time.

Until I've figured out the problem and a more permanent solution, I've unlocked a new Proto Man in your save file and upgraded him to Level 20 with a few bonus stats in Attack/Defense/Speed. I know it's not the same as your old Proto Man, but hopefully it will do until I figure out what is happening to all these poor robots. :'(
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 7:02pm in "Can't unlock the new abilities" #392
Looks like I was wrong about implementing the feature today - I was able to complete it within only a few hours. :P I will make a full post about it later, but I've basically changed the way Level 100's function in battle (they can no longer receive stat boosts) and implemented a new "Reboot" function for all robots (allowing them to reset stats and re-level up from Level 1 again). This change may upset some, but I feel it's necessary to balance the game's final result.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 2:37pm in "Official Frequently Asked Questions Thread" #393 ( Edited : 2013/07/06 at 2:50pm )
Thanks for the suggestions guys. For the time being, I changed the "edit" link in the prototype's menu to say "robots" instead. I also made the editor itself much more attractive looking with some new bells and whistles, but I'll get to that in another update. :) Hopefully the text change helps new players until I make it more intuitive and create/update the FAQ. And good call about the type-effectiveness too - I think many players coming over from Pokémon would be surprised to learn each robot has totally different weaknesses. Thanks again. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 2:34pm in "Can't unlock the new abilities" #394
I hadn't considered this... I'm so sorry everyone. A new feature I'll be adding in the next few weeks would theoretically fix this problem, but I doubt I could have it done today. Let me see what I can do and I'll let you know when I've either fixed the problem or found a temporary solution until the next update. My apologies again...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 2:33pm in "Ability Updates : Fire Storm, Atomic Fire, and Fire Chaser" #395
Shadownnico just created a bug report, so the issue will be discussed in this thread. I'm so sorry everyone. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 1:36am in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #396
@Maximillion : You say you aspire to one day help with a gaming project... is that I hint? I'm always looking for new talent, and if you're interested in contributing to the prototype I'd love to have you. Let me know what you think. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 1:34am in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #397
I've updated this discussion thread and it will now serve as the "official" discussion thread for the entire community section on the website, as well as any related features like commenting and avatars and even just general use. Just leave a comment here and we can keep the discussion going. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Haha, I know you love the idea - you suggested it! :P But really, I'd always planned to add more of these types of abilities, it's just that they take a long time and I was focusing on other things. >_> But I'm glad you pushed me to get 'em done faster and I'm glad I added a few more to the prototype. Really fun to play with, and definitely a "game changer" as far as battle strategy. Can't wait to add more! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 1st, 2013 at 11:34pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #399
Done and done. Check out this thread for all your suggestion box needs. :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on July 1st, 2013 at 11:31pm in "New Robot Sprites : Gravity, Stone, Gyro, Star, and Napalm Man" #400
Blizzard Man does look pretty awesome! I swapped some colours around, but otherwise it was all MetalMarioX100. Great job indeed. :D I still need to make an official update about them, but as you can see I have added several more robots to the database. I still have Punk and Ballade sprites in queue that need to be put up, and once I've added those I'll do another sprite roundup post like this one.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2013 at 12:55pm in "Regenerating enemies?" #401 ( Edited : 2013/06/23 at 12:58pm )
I can confirm that I've seen this happen once or twice in my testing over the last week. I've just completed a lot of peripheral changes to the code that may or may not fix this, but we'll see. I'll continue monitoring it to see if I can find the trigger or if it's still happening at all. Thank you for your help and continued testing - even though there are still some oddities like this in the game I'd say it's shaping up pretty well. At the end of the day, I just want it to be more fun and mechanically better than the two games that inspired it (Mega Man RPG and Mega Man RPG 2) - hopefully we have that "perfect" battle system soon. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2013 at 12:52pm in "Is this a gltich or my luck just sucking..." #402
I'd hate to say it but I think you just had really bad luck. The hit/miss/critical calculations are all based on weighted randoms, just like in the Pokemon games when searching for a "shiny" - even though it's incredibly rare to find a shiny, it's still possible to find one on your first wild encounter and just like it's not that common to miss it's still possible for it to happen repeatedly just out of chance. I'll do some more testing on this battle just in case, but I'm pretty sure it was just really bad luck with the random number generator. :S
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2013 at 9:39am in "New Feature : Player Bonuses" #403
If a robot is already at the limit of 9999 for any stat, then no, it will not affect them. If a robot has close to 9999 but still under, they'll get as much of a boost as they can without going over the 9999 limit. Luckily, none of your robots have hit the 9999 limit for any of their stats, but when they do the cap will definitely will kick in.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2013 at 7:10pm in "Regenerating enemies?" #404
Hmmmmm... Has this happened more than once? I'm wondering if I made an update while you were playing and it cleared the last move or something? I'm not sure but if you can find a way for me to reproduce it let me know, and in the mean time I'll just replay that stage a lot trying to find the cause. :|
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2013 at 7:00pm in "No hyper bombs?" #405
Hey ThePlayer, I've logged into your file and unlocked the Hyper Bomb for you again (and attached it to your Bomb Man). Sorry for the trouble, and let me know if I can help you with anything else. :)

And if anyone else is having this problem and you've lost your Hyper Bomb ability, let me know and I'll help you out.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2013 at 12:58pm in "New Feature : Mission Resets (Updated)" #406
What the? I looks like the options disappeared - not really sure where they went either... So sorry, I'll look into this and update when I've figured it out. :/
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2013 at 10:44am in "Stat & Weakness Updates : Mega Man 1 Robots" #407
This is awesome Brorman - thank you so much for adjusting all the stats and for making this post. I know developers usually do post-mortem's after a game is done, but I think doing it this way is more fun and gives players a better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes while they wait for the "final" version. It also allows people to give feedback and maybe influence future updates and changes. As you said, the weaknesses for the MM1 robots were not changed too much (simply because I already did most of the research myself last year) but the stat adjustments turned out very well and I'm glad you enjoyed doing them. These types of seemliness small things are what really give the game personality and shape the types of strategies you can or need to use against certain bosses. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your help and I anxiously look forward to your future posts and updates. Let's all hear it for Brorman! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 12th, 2013 at 7:08pm in "New Robot Get : SWN-002 Disco!" #408
I can see that you've already figured it out from your leaderboard listing, but yes - Wily is required for that password. I think this is the first Wily-exclusive password, actually - all others have either been for Dr. Light (demo mode or otherwise) or available to both characters. I'll have to give Wily some more love in the future. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 12th, 2013 at 6:59pm in "No hyper bombs?" #409
Thanks for noticing this, and sorry for the trouble. Not really sure how it happened but it looks like some files did not make it through the transfer during the last update. :S I've since re-uploaded all the abilities, cleared the cache, and regenerated the database - Hyper Bomb reappeared and we're back up to 150 abilities (it was 148 before I re-uploaded). Hopefully this hasn't caused too much trouble and you're able to re-equip the ability now that it's back, but I imagine the bug really messed with new players unable to get the necessary weapon for Ice Man. :S Let me know if it's all good or if you experience anymore issues, and sorry again.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 9th, 2013 at 8:09pm in "New Facebook Page" #410
Hey Spinstrike! To creat a new topic, go to one of the category index pages that allow member-posts and at the top of the page should be a button to create a new thread. This button does not appear on the community index (community/) but it does appear on any of the sub-pages (community/general/ or community/bugs/). Let me know if that helps. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 5th, 2013 at 10:23pm in "Pharaoh Man" #411
Thanks for talking this over, and I like the results you came up with. I think some changes to the original games' mechanics are necessary for this one to be properly balanced, so I'm totally okay with changes it.

@Brorman, please add these to the spread sheet when you get a chance to make sure it isn't forgotten. Thank you!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 5th, 2013 at 1:35pm in "New Robot Get : SWN-002 Disco!" #412
I'm just gonna leave this here....
"Robot Get : Panic at the Disco!"
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 10:51pm in "Pharaoh Man" #413
I can see why you would feel that way. I guess I was basing it mostly off of the types of abilities he uses in the games their similarity to Solar Man's, but I'm open to discussion. Looking over his other abilities he's kind of bad/dark/evil too, summing zombies nd the like - maybe a Shadow core that learns some dual-type abilities? There are no other Shadow robots for MM4 as far as I remember, so it could work. Let me know what you think.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 10:48pm in "New Robot Get : SWN-002 Disco!" #414
Yes it does - the AI has hard-set frequencies for certain abilities in certain situations, but ones that haven't been manually coded in are still used at moderate frequency by default so your plan will likely work. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 10:10pm in "Something confusing" #415 ( Edited : 2013/06/04 at 10:11pm )
Definitely a bug, haha - makes no sense. :P

I'll try to fix that in the next few days, weekdays are always a bit harder to get stuff done. >_>

(EDIT: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that we can add images now - you post looks amazing!)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 10:09pm in "Ability Tweaks, Field Multiplier Limits, and Bug Fixes" #416
I agree and hope everyone takes advantage of it. I love they way it looks now! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 10:05pm in "New Robot Get : SWN-002 Disco!" #417
Honestly, I think that Disco's three Breaker abilities will only have very specific use-cases. They were mostly created to be used by enemy robots and to balance the Booster abilities, but because every ability can technically be unlocked with the Copy Shot I figured there's no harm in attaching them to her with a level up. Though there might still be uses... imagine an annoying boss that constantly heals themselves - Recovery Breaker would work wonders for killing their strategy. I can't think of situation where Experience Breaker would come in handy, but if I think of one I'll definitely add it to the game. ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 7:47pm in "Ability Tweaks, Field Multiplier Limits, and Bug Fixes" #418 ( Edited : 2013/06/04 at 8:36pm )
Just a tiny update, it's now possible to embed images into posts! In fact, you might have already done so... Using the same markup as regular links, images can be embedded into posts. Wrap the name or title of the image in square brackets, and the URL to the image in braces. Just make sure the URL ends in a jpg/gif/png extension and you'll be good to go. Check the text under the post box for examples. Enjoy! :)

Mega Man Mugshot
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 3:02pm in "Ability Tweaks, Field Multiplier Limits, and Bug Fixes" #419 ( Edited : 2013/06/04 at 3:27pm )
Oops, thanks Brorman. I'll update the script tonight to fix those issues - sucks about the quick-click ones... Sorry about that. (Stupid bugs! I just wanna post about Disco!!!! Lol)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2013 at 1:26pm in "Prototype Menu Loading and Refreshing" #420
Wow, that was frustrating. Sorry guys - a corrupt cache file caused a whole crapload of things to stop working. I believe I've fixed this issue though and you should be able to load your games fine again and access all missions/players/robots like before. So sorry about the trouble and thank you for all the reports.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 3rd, 2013 at 8:12pm in "Prototype Menu Loading and Refreshing" #421
You're not dumb! It is slower than before in some ways, and there's no getting around it - and I accept that. Also, EliteP1 is right - as the game grows this new way of loading will become more and more important. Thanks again guys, you have no idea how hard it is to focus on these kinds of updates/tweaks when I have PILES of robot masters built up in my inbox waiting to be brought to life! XD Just a few more updates to post. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 3rd, 2013 at 8:02pm in "Ability Tweaks, Field Multiplier Limits, and Bug Fixes" #422
I'm definitely adding Fire Storm to my list of things to revisit with the new changes. I think I'm going to have it similar to Atomic Fire but with Defense instead, and have those little fireballs rotating around you like in MM1... but we'll see. It will be done though - hopefully soon.

And thanks Brorman - I agree about the previous nerfs. I initially thought that were being fair, but it's more fun when you can "break" the system a bit and make yourself crazily powerful with a little effort. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on June 3rd, 2013 at 6:56pm in "Credits Page Updated, Linked to Save Files" #423
Thanks for the typo alert - it's all fixed now. And no need to delete this, I've nothing to hide and we all make mistakes. About the names, I just updated all the descriptions to directly reference the username as well - this way I don't have to keep track of anything and it's all in sync. Please let me know if this is a problem. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 10:54pm in "Ability Bug : Super Throw" #424
I believe most of these issues have been fixed and if they recur they're probably new bugs that only seem related. As such I'm closing this thread until further notice.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 10:52pm in "Things I noticed while playing last night," #425
Most of these seem to be fixed or non-issues, so I'm closing the thread. I have tweaked the Rolling Cutter and Metal Blade several times since the last post, so they're probably better now but everything is a work in progress. Feel free to create another thread if you have more.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 10:48pm in "Password Bug!" #426 ( Edited : 2013/05/30 at 10:51pm )
Can't believe I left this question hanging for so long! To change your email, click the "Save Game" option in the menu at the top-right of the page and you can change it, your display name, and your avatar there. In-game you can change your email from the Save menu, but not the avatar yet. Because of the way save files are encoded, you cannot change your email at this point but I will be adding the ability in the future. Sorry about that!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 10:41pm in "Can't trade Proto Man and Disco?" #427 ( Edited : 2013/05/30 at 10:47pm )
I completely agree. I'm actually kicking myself for not implementing the trade system in the first place, because now it will be very hard to when people have already transferred their robots all over to one side of the other. I'll obviously figure something out, but I should probably remove the restriction for the time being. Sorry about that...

EDIT : I remove it for the time being - you should be able to transfer normally now. I'll have to think of something later to make this work better... Thanks for testing it out. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 10:40pm in "Ability Bug : Leaf Shield" #428
Awesome! Thanks again!
Closing this thread too. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 10:39pm in "Ice Slasher Bug" #429
Thanks, closing this thread now. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 11:21am in "Ice Slasher Bug" #430
I believe this is completely fixed now. Can anyone confirm or deny? I'll close this thread once I have confirmation. Thank you guys!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 11:19am in "Switching Owners Reload & 'Tough' Metall Battle Bugs" #431
Thanks for the details. I will try to look into this more on the weekend - as far as I know I don't have any prior commitments so I should be able to work on the game full-time on Fri-Sun. Hopefully then I'll also have the bugs worked out from last week's changes and will be able to officially post about them. Thanks again for your testing efforts - they really do make it easier to debug these things. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 11:17am in "Ability Bug : Leaf Shield" #432
Alright guys, so it's been a few weeks since the attachment updates and the field multiplier updates and the other bug fixes and I think this bug has been ironed out now. :P Can anyone confirm or deny that this bug has been fixed by their own experiences the last few weeks or should I keep the thread open?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 11:16am in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man & Bass" #433
That's awesome - thank you so much for finding these!
The post has been updated with the link - yay! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 11:09am in "Can't trade Proto Man and Disco?" #434 ( Edited : 2013/05/30 at 11:14am )
Hmmm. I implemented some changes to the transfer system in last weekend's update and I just haven't made a post about it yet.

Basically, players cannot "give away" their robots unless they have at least as many robots as the other player in their party. This was to prevent people from transferring their entire team over to one player and then leaving the other with only one robot - not only did this make for less-fun player battles but also messes with the formatting of the leaderboards. The exception to this rule is robots who are not with their original owner - if a robot is visiting another player's save file it can alwaysbe transferred back.

I'm still debating whether this is something I want to keep (and therefore make the rules more obvious in-game) or get rid of. What do you guys think? Was it a mistake or maybe you have other ideas? Note that eventually a third player will be added to the main game - Cossack - and ideally I would want all players to always have an even number of robots on their team (or as close as possible). So yeah, please let me know your thoughts on the matter. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 29th, 2013 at 10:54am in "New Facebook Page" #435 ( Edited : 2013/05/29 at 10:58am )
Haha, Brorman is right. You can unlock her already but she does not have any of her own unique abilities yet so I'm not going to official post the method until she does. Most if not all of her abilities will be exact opposites of Roll's, so they shouldn't be too hard to do - maybe 4 - 6 hours of work tops. Once she has a full list of moves I'll make a full post about her and let you guys know how to unlock her. You CAN already see her in battle, however, in Dr. Light's game. What was previously a Proto Man only battle with Dr. Wily is now a Proto Man & Disco battle. :)

Oh, and thanks for liking the page Shadownnico! :D

EDIT : I should mention that Disco is unlocked by completing a mission you've likely already completed once before - you'll just have to figure out which one. ;)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2013 at 8:06pm in "Switching Owners Reload & 'Tough' Metall Battle Bugs" #436
Well this is really strange... I used my developer powers to log into your account a moment ago and I tried reproducing the issues there because I wasn't able to do it in my own file. Unfortunately (fortunately?) I was not able to reproduce the bugs in your file either - when I used the Buster Shot as Roll it worked, and when I used the Super Arm or Hyper Bomb as Guts Man or Bomb Man they also worked without issue - doing much damage and destroying several Mets at a time. I can see that the player-switching is very, very slow and I'm wondering if your browser got tired of waiting and just decided not to display until you force it. Hmmm. Definitely something I need to look into.

To be sure, can you try logging into your game again and check to see if any of these issues are still happening? And if it still does, which browser are you using? That might have something to do with it. For the damage issue on the other hand, I'm really not sure how it could have happened - maybe the session became corrupt or...? Definitely not good, and I'll look into seeing what might be causing it, but hopefully it fixes itself when you log back in. *fingers crossed*

Keep me posted and I'll do the same. Thanks for the report. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2013 at 7:55pm in "Database Additions : All the Robots! All Of Them!!!" #437
@EliteP1 I just created them, so feel free to sign yourself up for whatever ones you want to work on. :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2013 at 8:14pm in "Database Additions : All the Robots! All Of Them!!!" #438
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like the new updates! :D

Regarding Disco, in the same way that Roll serves as the support character for Dr. Light, Disco will be the support character for Dr. Wily. Her design and sprites will be based on a some old very concept artwork I came up with almost 10 years ago(!) when this RPG idea was originally conceived. If you're interested, the artwork in question can be found here and here. I will likely make some changes here and there, but the colours and basic design will be similar in the final product.

On a side note, I'm hoping to do a regular update this weekend as I always do, but it's been incredibly busy this week at work and the current tweaks I'm working on are taking a little longer than expected... That being said, I might not be able to post it this weekend so please do not be mad if the game's static for a few more days. :S

Anyway, let me know what you guys think - I'll do my best to make sure she is a worthy addition to this awesome game we're all making. Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback - I promise it's only going to get better and better over time! :D

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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 17th, 2013 at 8:06am in "Ice Slasher Bug" #439
Definitely a bug but it's only visual so I'll fix it in the next update, maybe this weekend. Sorry about that, and thank you for reporting it. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 13th, 2013 at 10:03pm in "Database Updates : Players, Robots, Abilities, and Types" #440
Thanks Brorman, and I agree about Wily. I'm not 100% happy with it and will probably revise it myself at some point (unless someone else can offer a better one within the same dimensions). I was running out of time Sunday night and had to do a rush job... sorry. :P

And Spinstrike, I'm trying to keep my goals reasonable to the "full game" with only having MM1-6 but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to try to get all the way up to MM10 in there somehow. I'm not sure if it's going to be through some kind of eventual "expansion" or maybe they'll be in the full game but a lesser role... it's not clear at this point. But I definitely want to get them in there at some point, and I had spare Hornet Man data from an earlier prototype so I decided to add it to the database rather than scrap it. I may add a sprite just for completeness, but we'll see. Thanks for asking. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 13th, 2013 at 1:45pm in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #441
Welcome to the community, Spinstrike! I'm so glad you found us and like the game, and I'm more than happy to continue working on it! :) One day this will be the biggest and best Mega Man RPG on the web, and we'll all look back on this "prototype" and smile with fond memories... Or at least that's how I see it! ;) Thanks for posting, and I look forward to seeing you in battle too!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on May 9th, 2013 at 9:38am in "Important Notice : Temporary Absense" #442
Well that was lame... I've disabled guest posting completely for the time being. Maybe I'll put it back with some kind of captcha or other anti-spam feature, but for now I'm okay with only registered users posting - we didn't have too many guest posts anyway. :P Either way, sorry for all the profanity guys and hopefully it doesn't happen again...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2013 at 2:02pm in "Ability Bug : Leaf Shield" #443
You're right, and I definitely need to be very deliberate and careful with the order I calculate this stuff. I definitely do want all the type and recovery/damage boosters to take affect for all moves - even percentages - I just need to make sure the attachment-destroy function knows not to apply them a second or third time. For this specific bug, the Recovery Booster was correct and boosting Wood Man's defense 60% instead of 30%, but I need to tweak the code a bit so that the destory action knows it was boosted. Thanks for excellent bug-testing, and I'll update these threads once I've made some progress. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2013 at 2:00pm in "Robot Cores" #444
Good points, I'll make sure to keep this in mind when I add the new mechanic. I'm thinking the best way to work with this is to make the ability work better with its rightful owner rather than worse when used by someone else. That way the stats that appear in the database are accurate for at least 99% of robots. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2013 at 1:58pm in "Field Multipliers" #445
Thanks for this - I will definitely add a cap to these abilities as they can clearly be abused. Lol. I'm thinking more along the lines of a 5x cap rather than a 10x, but I'll experiment a bit and we'll see. I also definitely need to add that deselect option to the team selector on the main menu - sorry I keep forgetting about that. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2013 at 11:00am in "Robot Cores" #446
This is a good point. I plan to keep the core boost as it gives elemental robot masters the edge they need over Mega Man and Proto Man (otherwise, what's the point of using them?) but I see what you're saying about Metal man being just as effective with Needle Cannon as he is with Metal Blade. Perhaps I will add a new mechanic that details the source each of these abilities, that way robot who use their own signature abilities do more damage than when they use the abilities of others. Maybe decrease the core boost to 25% and then make this signature move boost also 25%. Either way, thank you for the suggestion and I'll update this thread when I've come up with something. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2013 at 10:56am in "Ability Bug : Leaf Shield" #447 ( Edited : 2013/04/29 at 2:07pm )
Oh man, I was so excited to have fixed this bug with last night's update but I totally forgot about the field multipliers! Luckily this should be an easy fix - something like "do not apply modifiers when damage is a percent" (will not work, need to think of something better) or something like that. Either way, thank you so much for reporting it and I'll try to get it fixed within the next few days (or at least before the weekend).
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2013 at 10:53am in "Game Mechanics : Ability Attachments, Ability Speeds, New Discussion Board" #448 ( Edited : 2013/04/29 at 10:56am )
Thanks Brorman. In you can guys hadn't noticed, I'm modelling a lot of the mechanics after the Pokémon TCG. I really like how the bench mechanics work in that game, as well as the item attachments and field effects and all that other fun stuff so I wanted to blend it with the actual game's mechanics and inject it into our Mega Man universe. I'd say it's coming together rather well, and I'm glad you guys like it! The Super Arm is definitely one of my more time consuming updates, but the end result looks pretty cool if I do say so myself. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Thank you, and yes he will! :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 27th, 2013 at 12:27pm in "Password Bug!" #450 ( Edited : 2013/04/27 at 12:31pm )
I'm so sorry! Luckily it was an easy fix, so I've updated all login-related pages to respect the 18 character limit, but that still really sucks. I wonder how many other people are in the same situation? :S Please let me know if you have any further issues.

Thank you for reporting it and I apologize again for the inconvenience - I hope it didn't ruin your experience too much! :( I'm also going to look through my spam mail to see if I somehow missed your ticket, I'm not sure why it didn't come through...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 27th, 2013 at 12:36am in "Ability Bug : Leaf Shield" #451
I just wanted to leave a note here to let you guys know I'm in the process of fixing this bug and adding a whole new set of mechanics in the process! I'm so excited to post about it, but I have to finish a few more sprites first so maybe tomorrow. Oh it's gonna be so great! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 25th, 2013 at 9:20pm in "Robot Get : Let's Rock n' Roll!" #452
Hi Spinstrike, thanks for asking. Once you've completed the main game as either player, revisit the Intro Field and defeat the team of Mets to unlock one for use in battle. Be warned, the Met is very weak with a base stat total only half of the other robots and has a very limited movepool. Unlocking one is mean to be more of a fun bonus than anything serious, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 23rd, 2013 at 9:11pm in "Robot Get : Let's Rock n' Roll!" #453
Thanks guys! About the Proto / Mega / Roll Buster, I was thinking that making them work better when used by their "owners" was a good idea. My thought process was that it would make them more rare or special and discourage equipping them to other robots... But I guess that was stupid so I've removed it. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for bringing it up and changing my mind - that was a cheap way to make an ability feel unique and I'll try not to do it again. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 22nd, 2013 at 11:47am in "Robot Get : Let's Rock n' Roll!" #454
After logging into your save file and selecting Dr. Light, click the little player sprite that appears at the top-left of the window repeatedly until a text prompt appears. Enter the secret phrase above into the input field and click "OK" to have Roll added to your game.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2013 at 10:20pm in "Something I found while playing" #455
I'm thinking this might be related to the other bug, but we'll have to see. Thank you for creating the report Shadownnico and thank you EliteP1 for the extra info (I get so confused seeing you as EliteP1 in the posts, MetalMarioX100 in the credits, and another name in your emails... just sayin'). I'll have devote another weekend to this soon, and as always I'm sorry for the inconvenience. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2013 at 10:17pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 1" #456
This time I'm gonna have to say no, unfortunately. I need to handle Roll carefully and would like to do her myself. Not sure why I left that up there as "??????" but I'll fix it now to prevent confusion. I have nothing against your skills (obviously), I'm just not 100% sure what I want to do with her yet and need the ability to experiment. So sorry. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2013 at 10:11pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 6" #457
The requested robots have been reserved, and thank you. We're so close to the end of the full/main/complete game I can almost taste it! Thank you again and again and again. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2013 at 9:38pm in "Robot Sprite Editors : Mega Man 3" #458 ( Edited : 2013/04/03 at 9:55pm )
Thanks for keeping each other informed and doing all this while I'm busy with work - it's really awesome how helpful this community can be! :)

But thank you for the Punk sprite (and for all of the MM3 sprites!) - he looks great and I'm excited to add him to the database! I love the MKN series and they'll make it a lot easier to break up the main missions without so much filler. Still debating if they should be playable/unlockable in the normal way or not, but I have to keep some secrets for the final version of the game. :P

This is all coming together so quickly, and I'm so thankful for everyone's help. ^_^ Next up, the rest of the MM4 sprites from Sean!

Edit: If you were asking ME if you could start on Ballade, sure thing! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2013 at 10:15pm in "Things I noticed while playing last night," #459
1. I'll need to do some testing for this - thanks for reporting it. I'm thinking it might have something to do with Heat Man's high defense vs. Ice Man's lower attack, but maybe there's something else going on I don't know about.

2. All robots use the same experience point system so Crash Man shouldn't be acting any differently, but I'll look into this for sure. Maybe his abilities are causing lots of super-effective hits and he's getting lots of bonus experience?

3. Balance is a hard thing. I tried having the Rolling Cutter with lower power and lower accuracy but more individual strikes than the Metal Blade, but I guess they're still not quite equal. :S I'll look into this and try to tweak things until they're more fair and balanced.

Thanks for reporting these - I'll look into them throughout the week and update this thread if I make any progress. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 30th, 2013 at 4:09pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #460
"Ice Man is capable of functioning in hot environments, though he is less powerful there."
Ice Man > Mega Man Knowledge Base
He does not function as good in fire, but he is not weak to it. Is that what you're saying?
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2013 at 5:19pm in "Changing player" #461
No problem. I realized that the unlock I did has some bugs so I redid it and retested to make sure Proto Man showed up in the leaderboards again and could still fight in battle. Everything seems to be fine again so hopefully you wont have any further issues. Sorry again!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2013 at 4:23pm in "Changing player" #462
Thank you. I fixed this post so it's attached to the right account, but unfortunately I have no idea what happened to your Proto Man. :S I downloaded a copy of your file and played with it locally, and the transfer process seems to be working fine so I don't know what could have went wrong for you. Given that you posted as a guest (which would only happen in some weird session timeout scenario where you were logged out and didn't know it) I imagine that had something to do with your robot glitch too. I'm so sorry this happened! >_<

I've gone into your game file and re-unlocked Proto Man for you and put him at level 99 with 999 experience as apologies - I imagine you had him at a pretty high power anyway so hopefully this helps your get back on track a bit... I really don't know what else to say other than sorry and I will look over the code and try to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else in the future. Thank you for reporting the bug to me.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2013 at 4:06pm in "New Feature : Player Battles!" #463
I've updated the game so that the ghost players actually do benefit from this new player battle feature! Check the first post for details. :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2013 at 3:57pm in "Ability Bug : Super Throw" #464
I added some code in the Super Throw to double-check that the new robot is not disable and does not have zero energy before sending them out in battle. I'm yet to test it out, but I'll let you guys know when I do. Stupid ability... *grumble*
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2013 at 3:55pm in "Changing player" #465
I must say I'm confused as to how you posted a new thread under the Guest account, but I'm so sorry your Proto man disappeared! If you could let me know the name of your actual save file, I could easily look it up give your robot back to you (or at least allow you unlock him again). I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and hopefully we can get this sorted out! :(
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 20th, 2013 at 11:12pm in "New Feature : Community Forum" #466
I've updated the community pages a bit visually and added some new behaviours for the (New!) markers and how the website tracks their read/unread status. Viewing a thread now marks it as read and prevents it from having the (New!) marker (until something else is posted) and the "Community" link in the main menu will now also have a (New!) marker if there are any unread threads. Logging out marks everything as read for next time. :) Thanks for the suggestions, Brorman!
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2013 at 1:03pm in "Official Player Introductions Thread" #467 ( Edited : 2013/11/02 at 11:03am )
Hi Brorman! As you all know, I'm Adrian and I'm the main developer on this project. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and work as a Web Developer / Designer for a company called Dine.TO. I'm 25 26 years old and have loved Mega Man and Pokémon since I was very young, obviously inspiring the creation of this very game. In addition to programming and drawing, I also love to cook and spend many hours in the kitchen making delicious foods. Glad to meet you all! :D
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2013 at 12:46pm in "Ability Bug : Super Throw" #468
Thanks Shadownico - this bug (and all the related ones) have been driving me crazy! Your email and additional info certainly helps, and hopefully I'll get this whole thing figured out soon. :( I'll keep you guys informed of any updates in this thread, and sorry again for the inconvenience...
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2013 at 12:43pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #469 ( Edited : 2013/03/18 at 12:45pm )
Oh, and sorry about Bright Man's stats. I'll fix that as soon as I get home. >_>
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2013 at 12:40pm in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #470 ( Edited : 2013/03/18 at 12:43pm )
Thanks for the suggestion - having them grouped by game might be a good idea. I'm wondering if maybe auto-generated threads for each robot/player/ability might be better - just to prevent clutter - but I like the sound of per-game threads. I'll post an update once I've decided. As far as the mark-as-read, I'll look into it. Right now the "new" flags are cleared when you reply to a topic OR log out then back in again, but mark as read would also be handy for sure.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2013 at 12:38pm in "New Feature : Community Forum" #471
Thanks Brorman, I'm glad you like it! I put a lot of work into this update and hopefully the community responds positively. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2013 at 7:59am in "Prototype Devroom : Website Suggestions" #472
What do you guys think about threads devoted to each robot master, player, and/or ability? Or maybe all robots are discussed in one thread, all players in another, etc. It would be nice to comment on specific weaknesses, abilities, stats, etc. but I want to know what you guys think. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2013 at 11:34pm in "New Feature : Community Forum" #473 ( Edited : 2013/03/17 at 11:35pm )
As you can see above, comments can be deleted but there will always be a record to show where it was and who originally posted it to the thread.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2013 at 11:02pm in "Important Notice : Temporary Absense" #474
As you can see from the other update, I am back from my temporary absence. I am sorry for all the emails that I have not responded to, but I will do my best to catch up on missed conversations this week and address the bugs that have been reported. Hopefully everyone appreciates the work that went into this new community feature and isnt too upset over the delayed content updates. :P
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2013 at 10:50pm in "New Feature : Community Forum" #475 ( Edited : 2013/03/17 at 10:57pm )
As you can see from the form below, there is a 500 character limit for comments and all HTML is removed. This is to help prevent spam and encourage brief, content-rich discussion. On the plus side, basic formatting can be used for bold, italic, or underlined text as well as basic link functionality and a fun little type colourizor. Look below the comment box for details.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2013 at 10:43pm in "New Feature : Community Forum" #476 ( Edited : 2013/03/17 at 10:54pm )
As you can see, I have used a "damage" sprite for this comment by selecting it during the comment process. The selected frame will be remembered even if you change your avatar in the future. Click the "edit" option to edit any of your existing comments, or the "delete" option to remove mistakes. This post, for example, has been edited at least once for demonstration.
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Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)