Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2015 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Credits

Credits Overview

The Mega Man RPG Prototype was created and is continually developed and maintained by Adrian Marceau / Ageman20XX, though the project would not have been possible without a great deal of inspiration and contributions from multiple outside sources. Being a Mega Man fan-game, this project obviously owes most of it's thanks to Capcom and of course, Keiji Inafune. Most of the assets used throughout this website and game were created by Capcom for use in the original games, so their role in this project is far from minor and greatly influential. In addition, their generally positive attitude about fan-games and other types of fan-tribute have been very admirable over the years, and both this game and the Mega Man community owe them much gratitude.

Capcom are not the only ones to thank, however, as many others have contributed to this project over the years. Though most of the actual design and development has been done by Adrian thus far, hours of play-testing, tons of feature ideas, mechanics discussions, and even additional sprite editing has been provided by talented and generous outside sources over the years. New members are being added to the team all the time, and even the smallest amount of effort is appreciated. If you would like to help with sprite editing, bug testing, feature ideas, or anything please contact me and we'll discuss the details. You'll be credited appropriately on this page, with a link back to your home page and a custom description if you want them.

Contributors Index

Adrian Marceau
Developer | January 2012 | Website Design / Development, Game Engine Programming, Player / Robot / Ability Sprites & Edits, Field Backgrounds, more...
Adrian is the mastermind behind the prototype's concept and as the lead developer, artist, and programmer for the entire project he has been pouring his heart and soul into it since early 2006 (though not publicly until 2011). In addition to programming the entire game and battle engines from scratch (in PHP, no less!) Adrian was also responsible for a great deal of sprite editing and content creation in addition to the hours and hours of fine-tuning and balancing stats, weaknesses, and abilities for all the robots that appear in the game*. Adrian will continue to have a huge influence over this project and contribute most of the source code and assets himself, but is incredibly grateful for all the amazing contributors that have come forth and joined the project over the last few years. Thank you so much everyone! XD
Member | January 2013 | Miscellaneous Contributions
ChillPenguin joined the prototype on January 1st, 2013 and has since become a contributor.
MegaBossMan / milansaponja
Administrator | September 2013 | Chat and Community Moderator, Robot Quotes, Robot Bios, Robot Master Sprites, Feature Ideas and Discussion, MMKB Wiki
MegaBossMan joined the community in September of 2013 and has quickly become one of our most active members, contributing a great deal of content through the robot quotes and robot bios threads and even going as far as creating an official wiki page on the Mega Man Knowledge Base. The combined efforts of Spinstrike and MegaBossMan now account for over half of all robot quotes in the game, and the entire team and community is very grateful for his help! MegaBossMan also joined the spriting team not too long ago and has provided sprites for the game, although not nearly as much as the other members(yet!) MegaBossMan also acts as an Administrator on the Community and Chatroom, and is often considered the Number 2 of the site. He also reports bugs from time to time. Thanks so much so much for all that you do for the text-related parts of the Prototype, as well as being a great number #2 and administrator in the Community/Chatroom ^_^

When I was a kid playing Mega Man, I'd always pretend through my mind I was Mega Man, traversing through Dr. Wily's traps. When it was boss time, while the robots were fighting, I'd come up with banter between the two. Heck, sometimes I still do it. In a way, that's kinda how I became more fluent in English. Maybe that's why I enjoy making quotes and bios all the time.
Contributor | January 2013 | Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Feature Ideas and Discussion, Base Stat Balancing
Brorman joined the team in January 2013, and has since been contributing an incredible amount of time and effort bug testing and reporting (with images!), mechanic testing, stat testing, and basically trying to find any way to "break" or exploit the game (and that's good!) so that I can fix it or (sometimes) turn it into a feature! Brorman has also taken the time to research all the MM3, MM4, and MM5 robots and come up with unique base-stats for each of them (which was and is hugely appreciated!) and he will likely be contributing stats for many other robot masters as well. The stats not final and may change slight for the final release as we test and revise, but for right now they're amazing and we're so thankful for all your assistance! Brorman has been a real pleasure to work with and will continue to provide excellent feedback and content to help this project reach completion. ^_^

Currently inactive
MMX100 / EliteP1
Contributor | January 2013 | Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Feature Ideas and Discussion, Robot Master Sprites
MMX100 also joined the project in January 2013 and contributing sprite sheets for all the robot masters of MM3 as well as several others from MM5, MM6, MM7, and one of the MKN series robots. Once again hard work has payed off and many of MMX100's robot masters are already done with more on the way! Check the Robot Database for information about the Mega Man 3 robots, or complete the prototype to encounter and fight them in battle! Thank you so much for your efforts, MMX100 - your hard work has really paid off, and the robots look great! I look forward to many more contributions from you in the future. :)
Contributor | January 2013 | Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Feature Ideas and Discussion, Robot Master Sprites
MetalMan joined the project in January 2013 and is contributing sprite sheets for all the robot masters of MM4 as well as several others from MM5, MM6, MM7, and two of the MKN series robots. Thanks to MetalMan's hard work and dedication, many of the robots masters are already done and more are in progress! Check the Robot Database for the sprites completed so far, or play the prototype fight them in battle! Thank you MetalMan - your robot masters look great and I love the personality you give to your creations! I can't wait to finish adding them to the game so everyone else can appreciate them too. :P
Contributor | April 2013 | Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Feature Ideas and Discussion, Robot Quotes and Classes, Mecha Bios
Spinstrike joined the team in August 2013 in response to a request for help coming up with quotes for all the robots. While the original 16 robots were done by Adrian, a great deal of the MM3 quotes and onward are thanks to Spinstrike. He's done a great job in giving unique personalities to all the robots and I'm very, very grateful for all his help. Thank you!!! :D
Contributor | January 2014 | Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Feature Ideas and Discussion, Various Character Sprites and Updates, Alternate Costumes
Rhythm_BCA joined the community in January of 2014 after being shown the game from CHAOS_FANTAZY. Through conversations with Adrian, Rhythm_BCA has given suggestions and thoughts on some of the visual aspects of MMRPG and overall improvement. Interestingly enough, Rhythm_BCA has his own Mega Man character named Rhythm that also happens to be green, albeit with an entirely different design and concept. Rhythm_BCA has also contributed updates to Bass, Disco, Roll, and Rhythm's sprites as well as new sprites for Kalinka. Rhythm_BCA also created alternate costumes for all the support robots, debuting in a future update.
Moderator | January 2014 | Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Feature Ideas and Discussion, (Former) Head of Story Development
Chaos first discovered the MMRPG game when it was advertised on CutStuff, and after months of telling himself he would wait for the full result, he caved and got himself an account.

He had an entire outline for the game's plotline, but due to a change in development strategies, that had to be shelved. For now, he lurks in the background, waiting for the moment where he can return to that forefront and providing meager writing supplements in the form of Robot Bios.
Reisrat / Tarsier
Moderator | March 2014 | Chat and Community Moderator
I'm sure it won't last a week. -June 29th, 2014

Reisrat can be contacted at his Youtube page, linked above.
Moderator | June 2013 | Community Moderator, Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Feature Ideas and Discussion, Mechanics Balancing
TheDoc joined the community way back in June 2013 and has since been contributing his feedback and ideas for the game in many different shapes and forms as well as helping with a great deal of bug testing and resolving. Recently TheDoc has been upgraded to the status of a Community Moderator and Contributor to the MMRPG Prototype project. We're excited to have him helping out with the heavy lifting going forward and we welcome him to the team with open arms. :)

TheLegendOfRenegade | Contributor | Mega Man 1, 2, 7, and R&F Sega Genesis Remixes
YouTube user TheLegendOfRenegade is responsible for any and all music and sound effects in the prototype and graciously agreed to let us use his work in July 2013. All tracks come from his massive, multiple-game-spanning Sega Genesis / MD Remix project and they are really, really incredible. All field music thus far has come from his Mega Man 1 & 2 collection with various menu and special battle themes coming from the Rockman & Forte and Mega Man 7 collections in addition to the former. The level of quality and polish these remixes bring to the game is beyond words, and I am so grateful that we're able to showcase them in our prototype. TheLegendOfRenegade has done some truly great work, and I think I speak for everyone on the team when I say "thank you". ^_^ * Because TheLegendOfRenegade has not created remixes for Time Man and Oil Man's stages in Powered Up, the R&F themes for Astro Man and Tengu Man are currently being used in their place. The game will be updated if/when he ever creates them, but please enjoy the current selection until then. :)

PaRcoO | Contributor | Game Testing / Bug Tracking, Game / Feature Ideas & Discussion
PaRcoO starting playing and contributing in December 2012 and has since offered a much assistance with bug tracking, feature ideas, and a great deal of time play-testing. We all appreciate your contributions very much - thank you! :)

Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)