Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2015 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Story

Story Overview

The Mega Man RPG Prototype is a constantly changing and evolving project, and because we always put mechanics before story the narrative has been revised countless times over the past several years to accomodate new characters, new mechanics, and new missions structures. The current working version of the story - or at the very least the game's prologue - is laid out below. Inspirations and influences come from a variety of sources, but the basic premise for the prototype was created by me and the text below was carefully written out by

The Story So Far…

Dr. Cossack Kalinka Dr. Light Mega Man Roll Auto Proto Man

The year 20XX. It has been several years since the Roboenza outbreak, and no one has heard from Dr. Wily since. Dr. Light and Dr. Cossack, thinking about the past and looking toward the future, agreed to work on a massive robot database, which would compile all the robot data throughout the world into a single, detailed system so people could reference it in the future. Robots would be able to "upload" themselves into this database, and hone their skills against the data, which would lead robotkind to a stronger, smarter future.

Disco Dr. Wily Bass Roll Proto Man Dr. Cossack Dr. Light Mega Man Kalinka Auto Reggae Trill Slur

After months of finding and compiling this data, Light and Cossack are prepared to unveil a prototype of the database to the public and demonstrate its features (Even if the system still had some bugs). Little did they know that there were two surprises waiting for them there that night, the first of which was Dr. Wily hiding in the audience, watching the unveil. The second surprise would prove to be much more devastating. The public unveil seemed to be going fine at first, but in the middle of a test run, a pair of curious alien robots appeared!

Laboratory Metal Man Bubble Man Flash Man Crash Man Wood Man Heat Man Quick Man Air Man Disco Dr. Wily Bass Roll Dr. Light Mega Man Proto Man Dr. Cossack Rhythm Drill Man Toad Man Bright Man Pharaoh Man Ring Man Dust Man Dive Man Skull Man

The robots Light and Cossack had assembled there were helpless against them, and once defeated, they use an arcane power to digitize robots and humans all over the world into the Prototype! The robots proclaimed that humanity would have to fight one another to the top and defeat them in order to reclaim their freedom. And thus began a mad scramble for humanity to raise their own digital robot armies and lead them into combat against one another...

Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)